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 inactivity and stoofz<3

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Former Staff
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inactivity and stoofz<3 Empty
PostSubject: inactivity and stoofz<3   inactivity and stoofz<3 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 26, 2011 9:09 pm

hheyy.... itz karen.
WELL. I'm just talkin' bout how i was inactive and stoof.

and imma be more active- hopefully.
hahha. well anyways, since it's spring break i might be out with my friends sometimes so i might not be on likkke, everyday of the week.

just normally. sooo... yeah.
as some of you have noticed i has been demodded [idk why probably inactivity xD] and stuff, so now i'll be known as piano or Karenn<3
soo yeaCx

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