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 My scary day. [7/18/2012]

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dana scully
Angus Bethune
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 3:46 pm

Today started out great, but then things turned completely. I was at camp. We were supposed to have pool, but it started raining and thundering, so we had to switch to photo. We got tired of the pictures, so guess what we just had to do.

The scary maze game. We started playing it, and we were all confident like "Pshh, this ain't nothin'." All the boys were like "TURN IT OFF! RIGHT NOW!" We were like, "Chickens!" Then we all know what happens next. The Exorcist girl pops out with a bunch of screaming sounds. We were all yelling and running and clinging to the counselors. It was so scary!

Alright, I know I said I wanted to see the Exorcist because it's tempting when grown ups say "Never ever watch that!" (Don't they ever learn the ways of kids?). But I have totally changed my mind. It's the scariest thing ever!

Then to make things worse, lightning started, and everything was completely dark. I was so scared. All of the counselors went behind me and grabbed my foot and whatever just to scare me. I eventually ignored it. My friend wanted to tell scary stories. And as some of you know, I'm pretty experienced in that. Then I remembered a certain picture.

I searched up Jeff the Killer (credits to Rue), because I kind of ran out of ideas. I stopped half way through it and asked if we could close it down.She didn't want to. I decided to go get some water and asked if she would come. Then this guy in my camp group hid in the locker. We walked out of the room to get water, and he started breathing really heavily to frighten us. It worked. He started saying, "Go to sleep . . . ". We were screaming like maniacs and ran back into the classroom. Then he started cracking up and we were so mad at him.

After that, we went onto Urban (credits to Kayleigh). I didn't want to read anymore, but my friend did. So we read the written version of "When a Stranger Calls" and a bunch of creepy clown stories. I so wish we hadn't. Everyone was making creepy sounds and trying to scare us. We were REALLY creeped out!

Well that was pretty much my day. Funny how one day can ruin a million nights . . .
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Ultimate Fantagian

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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 4:15 pm

there was a thunder storm at my house too. it sounds pretty scary! i always freak out while playing the scary maze game. if you get scared then just cover you eyes. thats what i do. one day i searched up jeff the killer too and now i look behind me to check if anyone is there when i think of it. i did most of those stuff too and it is scary. i hope you feel better! you are not alone (not the creepy kind, i mean like you are not the only one)
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 4:19 pm

Thanks for the support. Isn't it so terrifying? The screaming shocked me more than the picture. Now I'm scared that she's gonna' come and eat me or something. I appreciate your emathy. But I'm still totally freaked out.

LOL It's kind of ironic how you said, "You're not alone" when I was scared. I know you didn't mean it creepily, it's just kind of funny. If you had typed it like this:

You're not alone . . .

Then I would be really scared of you.

But then again, you wouldn't be able to to anything to me, because you're not alone . . .

Don't worry I'm just kidding. Or maybe I'm not . . .
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 4:25 pm

i only watch the scary maze game when my dad is with me. it is creepy.

this topic was really interesting;)

You're not alone. . . jk
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Veteran Fantagian

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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 4:35 pm

If you think about it. The news would be /filled/ with scary things, not just "the top 50" or "a terrorist awaits". The first time I did the Scary Maze game I didn't react much, and I was 7, only because I was born not believing that stuff.

The joke that guy did would have made me laugh and take a brick and through it at the closet he was in. Or I probably would...
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Angus Bethune
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Angus Bethune

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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 4:42 pm

Moon wrote:
Today started out great, but then things turned completely. I was at camp. We were supposed to have pool, but it started raining and thundering, so we had to switch to photo. We got tired of the pictures, so guess what we just had to do.

The scary maze game. We started playing it, and we were all confident like "Pshh, this ain't nothin'." All the boys were like "TURN IT OFF! RIGHT NOW!" We were like, "Chickens!" Then we all know what happens next. Regan Macneil when possessed by Pazuzu, also the 360 headspin dummy pops out with a bunch of screaming sounds. We were all yelling and running and clinging to the counselors. It was so scary!

Alright, I know I said I wanted to see the Exorcist because it's tempting when grown ups say "Never ever watch that!" (Don't they ever learn the ways of kids?). But I have totally changed my mind. It's the scariest thing ever!

Then to make things worse, lightning started, and everything was completely dark. I was so scared. All of the counselors went behind me and grabbed my foot and whatever just to scare me. I eventually ignored it. My friend wanted to tell scary stories. And as some of you know, I'm pretty experienced in that. Then I remembered a certain picture.

I searched up Jeff the Killer (credits to Rue), because I kind of ran out of ideas. I stopped half way through it and asked if we could close it down.She didn't want to. I decided to go get some water and asked if she would come. Then this guy in my camp group hid in the locker. We walked out of the room to get water, and he started breathing really heavily to frighten us. It worked. He started saying, "Go to sleep . . . ". We were screaming like maniacs and ran back into the classroom. Then he started cracking up and we were so mad at him.

After that, we went onto Urban (credits to Kayleigh). I didn't want to read anymore, but my friend did. So we read the written version of "When a Stranger Calls" and a bunch of creepy clown stories. I so wish we hadn't. Everyone was making creepy sounds and trying to scare us. We were REALLY creeped out!

Well that was pretty much my day. Funny how one day can ruin a million nights . . .
Fixed it for ya. I saw The Exorcist. BEST. HORROR. MOVIE. EVER.
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Senior Fantagian

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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 5:58 pm

Jeff the Killer scared the living daylights out of me. The picture of him on creepypasta is REALLY creepy. Plus when he is about to kill someone he says "Shhhhhh, go back to sleep". I don't think I can sleep.
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dana scully
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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 6:11 pm

It was raining and thundering at my house too...... Idk if ive done a scary maze sounds scary though XD
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Legendary Fantagian

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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 6:36 am

Sky wrote:
Jeff the Killer scared the living daylights out of me. The picture of him on creepypasta is REALLY creepy. Plus when he is about to kill someone he says "Shhhhhh, go back to sleep". I don't think I can sleep.

I'm sure clicking the spoiler in my signature would help. I love you it is a link to a cute puppy website.

Oh, and the Scary Maze game isn't that bad, it's just the exorcist girl and some screaming. turn the sound off and you should be fine.
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Expert Fantagian

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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 6:42 am

Rue wrote:
Sky wrote:
Jeff the Killer scared the living daylights out of me. The picture of him on creepypasta is REALLY creepy. Plus when he is about to kill someone he says "Shhhhhh, go back to sleep". I don't think I can sleep.

I'm sure clicking the spoiler in my signature would help. I love you it is a link to a cute puppy website.

LoLOl that will help alot yup it will stop the nightmares xD
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Loyal Fantagian

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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 6:45 am

Captain Howdy wrote:
Moon wrote:
Today started out great, but then things turned completely. I was at camp. We were supposed to have pool, but it started raining and thundering, so we had to switch to photo. We got tired of the pictures, so guess what we just had to do.

The scary maze game. We started playing it, and we were all confident like "Pshh, this ain't nothin'." All the boys were like "TURN IT OFF! RIGHT NOW!" We were like, "Chickens!" Then we all know what happens next. Regan Macneil when possessed by Pazuzu, also the 360 headspin dummy pops out with a bunch of screaming sounds. We were all yelling and running and clinging to the counselors. It was so scary!

Alright, I know I said I wanted to see the Exorcist because it's tempting when grown ups say "Never ever watch that!" (Don't they ever learn the ways of kids?). But I have totally changed my mind. It's the scariest thing ever!

Then to make things worse, lightning started, and everything was completely dark. I was so scared. All of the counselors went behind me and grabbed my foot and whatever just to scare me. I eventually ignored it. My friend wanted to tell scary stories. And as some of you know, I'm pretty experienced in that. Then I remembered a certain picture.

I searched up Jeff the Killer (credits to Rue), because I kind of ran out of ideas. I stopped half way through it and asked if we could close it down.She didn't want to. I decided to go get some water and asked if she would come. Then this guy in my camp group hid in the locker. We walked out of the room to get water, and he started breathing really heavily to frighten us. It worked. He started saying, "Go to sleep . . . ". We were screaming like maniacs and ran back into the classroom. Then he started cracking up and we were so mad at him.

After that, we went onto Urban (credits to Kayleigh). I didn't want to read anymore, but my friend did. So we read the written version of "When a Stranger Calls" and a bunch of creepy clown stories. I so wish we hadn't. Everyone was making creepy sounds and trying to scare us. We were REALLY creeped out!

Well that was pretty much my day. Funny how one day can ruin a million nights . . .
Fixed it for ya. I saw The Exorcist. BEST. HORROR. MOVIE. EVER.

That movie is BIG in my family now. Yes, it is the scariest movie ever. Then comes Chucky.

And Sky, do not let her fool you. In Rue's spoiler, it's jeff the killer.

@Rue- It is for a ten year old. I did not sleep at all.
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Veteran Fantagian

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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2012 12:22 am

I've watched The Exorcist when I was under seven or something. But I forgot what happened. Lol.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2012 6:08 pm

I watched Chucky but it wasn't scary! even the Maze thingy I will see the story " Jeff The Killer " and edit this about if i got scared or not.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2012 6:33 pm

I did Scary Maze when I was little. I screamed so loud my neighbors heard me. And they're across the street.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2012 7:04 pm

I read the story now I'M SCARED! Now its midnight! urgggg i wish if i didn't read it now at midnight! Now I'm scared to sleep!
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Veteran Fantagian

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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2012 7:34 pm

I'm not usually scared of thunderstorms, but yesterday when I woke up the thunder was REALLY LOUD. It was way liuder than it usually is. The lightning was bright too. It startled me for a moment. ;P
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Veteran Fantagian

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My scary day. [7/18/2012] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 17, 2012 10:26 am

Awwie I'm scared of this show called walking dead where there is a zombie apocolypes and they eat the people and turn them into a zombie.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 17, 2012 10:35 am

Crystal_saga wrote:
Awwie I'm scared of this show called walking dead where there is a zombie apocolypes and they eat the people and turn them into a zombie.

Really? I love that show, and am currently waiting for season 3 with much anticipation <3

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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 17, 2012 4:00 pm

Please don't bump topics, offending post deleted.
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PostSubject: Re: My scary day. [7/18/2012]   My scary day. [7/18/2012] Icon_minitime

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