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 Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12)

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12)   Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2012 12:00 am

Sorry I'm putting two topics in one...
Yesterday I just lost my temper. We had a half a free period in Maths, because our teacher had to take leave or something. And so the Class Prefect had to mind. Our maths teacher is our class teacher s'well, and she invented group leaders and stuff. One person has to mind 3-4 people in his or her group. If he or she's not doing it well, the class prefect will note down the name of the group leader, give it to our teacher, who'll give us a black dot which goes in the report card. And what's even worse is I'm group leader of Sameer, Nitai and Devdas. I thought Devdas was quiet and could set an example for them, but Smriti, a friend, kept poking me and complaining Devdas was turning back and talking.
That's when I lost it. I thought Devdas would be no trouble at all, and I started yelling at him for ten minutes on how he had to set an example for those two.
Finally, the class prefect came over and had to note down my name. But thankfully Devdas had shut up.
Finally a teacher came, and gave us a few maths sums, but S&N kept talking.
G.SC Period. It turns out our teacher was absent, so another substitute. We could do anything we liked. And so I started doing craft, and then Nitai turned back. I shouted at him until my throat ached, and then Sameer just had to touch my craft materials.
I burst. I had to blow. I yelled at Sameer, then put my head down and started crying. Everyone noticed this but good thing was they didn't pay much attention to it.

HELP! This is the last straw. My eyes are brimming with tears everytime I think of this. Yesterday I had a nightmare. HEEELP!
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Dedicated Fantagian

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Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12)   Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2012 2:38 am

Oh dear.
I also found it annoying when people who knew what they were supposed to do wouldn't shut their mouths.
But during those times, you should keep your temper and start ignoring them. Else you get in trouble for what they're doing. If you are the team leader, them tell 'em to stop talking once or twice and if they still don't stop, just do your own thing. You can say you tried if people confront you about not doing your job. They should have felt terrible for making you cry.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12)   Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2012 9:36 am

The best thing to do is ignore them and do your work.
"They bring troubles and you pay the price" this is quote i heard in a story.
are they boys? if they are,they just like to annoy people.
And when they talk to you,you just ignore them and pretend they are not there.
I was leader many times with trouble making people and i could handle them.When i glare at them they get scared and do the work.I fake cry so they could feel terrible and listen to me,try to be nice and such.

I will PM you more but now i should go help mom.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12)   Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2012 9:41 am

It was kind of hard to understand, but even though you were annoyed you shouldn't have yelled. I know it's kind of hard to hold back your anger, but bursting gets you in trouble. Maybe after Math you can explain to them how you felt and they might understand. If they continue to bother you, just ignore.
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PostSubject: Re: Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12)   Cried my eyes out (20/7/12 and 21/7/12) Icon_minitime

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