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 So ready :3 7/24/12

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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: So ready :3 7/24/12   So ready :3 7/24/12 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 10:52 am

So yesterday was my birthday just to recap, had a nice one, got a new bike going bowling for my brother and I's birthday present this Friday :33

Plus last week a I got my marching music finally OH AND I LOVE IT! We play a song called Pegasus, and boy it's beautiful, I have a link for you to listen to it, I'll post it at the bottom :D

Let's see, on the 2nd I get to do an indoor reading session with all my music :3 which will be fun, I plan to challenge for first chair tenor sax when school starts, gunna practice like crazy lol. The whole school year I'll be practicing for drum major so that when the spring audition comes I'll be completely ready! I totally can't wait for this year's marching stuff we have fantastic music ^^

That's the link listen to song, it's really great, it's a beautiful 6/8 marching piece ^^
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: So ready :3 7/24/12   So ready :3 7/24/12 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 2:06 pm

Happy belated birthday! I'm listening to the song right now. It sounds fun to play. ^_^ Good luck on auditioning for first chair and drum major!
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So ready :3 7/24/12
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