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 DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED

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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 5:41 pm

I'm really sorry but no one has responded for a few days and I can do the recolors so all orders are canceled. I really sad to do this but you can see what it look like before in that spoiler.


Last edited by DarkManor on Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 5:49 pm

Picture:DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Mee11
Hair Color: light brown can you make the beret black
Eyes: (open closed or winking) winking
Outfits Color: black but make pink heart in thhe middle
Board: pink and black
Accessories Colors: beret black
Face:Background: white
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 5:52 pm

♥rawr angel♥ wrote:
Picture:DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Mee11
Hair Color: light brown can you make the beret black
Eyes: (open closed or winking) winking
Outfits Color: black but make pink heart in thhe middle
Board: pink and black
Accessories Colors: beret black
Face:Background: white
Sure I can do it! but which face do you want? ANd can you use a another picture, like one that is less fuzzy? I can't recolor this.
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 6:24 pm

here is this one ok DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Done2110
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 6:34 pm

♥rawr angel♥ wrote:
here is this one ok DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Done2110
Hate to break the news but that is also blurry. Maybe we can meet on fantage so I can take a picture of you. I'm on pear parrot at mount fantage. My user name is HiPiza. Btw I don't accept friend request on fantage. sorry about that.
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 6:39 pm

DarkManor wrote:
♥rawr angel♥ wrote:
here is this one ok DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Done2110
Hate to break the news but that is also blurry. Maybe we can meet on fantage so I can take a picture of you. I'm on pear parrot at mount fantage. My user name is HiPiza. Btw I don't accept friend request on fantage. sorry about that.
im not on the comuter roght now I am on the phone so can we do.this like about later om so.sorry
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 6:40 pm

♥rawr angel♥ wrote:
DarkManor wrote:
♥rawr angel♥ wrote:
here is this one ok DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Done2110
Hate to break the news but that is also blurry. Maybe we can meet on fantage so I can take a picture of you. I'm on pear parrot at mount fantage. My user name is HiPiza. Btw I don't accept friend request on fantage. sorry about that.
im not on the comuter roght now I am on the phone so can we do.this like about later om so.sorry
oh its ok! I'll do it later.
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 6:42 pm

LOL heres one! My avy is way too messy... so here you go!

Picture: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Done10
Hair Color: Neon pink.
Eyes: (open closed or winking) Leave them opened.
Outfits Color: Like my avatar, outside black, and the music notes pink and outlined with red. The shorts cyan outlined with blue.
Board: Neon purple outlined with a darker purple.
Accessories Colors: The bunny blonde outlined with red and the inside of the ears orange, same with the bow on the neck. The gloves neon green outlined with normal green.
Pose:(you can combine the poses if you want)Myn already has a pose. Dont mind that please.
Face:(you can combine the faces if you want) The face, E.
Background: (if you want transparent background you must take it in inventory or Le Shop small screen)I dont really want a backround, thank you.
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 6:52 pm

prittyponey1233 wrote:
LOL heres one! My avy is way too messy... so here you go!

Picture: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Done10
Hair Color: Neon pink.
Eyes: (open closed or winking) Leave them opened.
Outfits Color: Like my avatar, outside black, and the music notes pink and outlined with red. The shorts cyan outlined with blue.
Board: Neon purple outlined with a darker purple.
Accessories Colors: The bunny blonde outlined with red and the inside of the ears orange, same with the bow on the neck. The gloves neon green outlined with normal green.
Pose:(you can combine the poses if you want)Myn already has a pose. Dont mind that please.
Face:(you can combine the faces if you want) The face, E.
Background: (if you want transparent background you must take it in inventory or Le Shop small screen)I dont really want a backround, thank you.
I can do this! But I have a problem, the picture is too messy. Also can I just do darker shade of blonde for the bunny because I don't think Red outlines for it would look good. Can we meet on fantage if you don't have a similar picture so I can take a clearer one??
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 6:56 pm

Aw. But i cant do the shrug thing on fantage! You sure you cant do this? Just print screen, paste it on art, zoom in and do it, can you do that? I zoom in on the hard parts.
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 7:05 pm

prittyponey1233 wrote:
Aw. But i cant do the shrug thing on fantage! You sure you cant do this? Just print screen, paste it on art, zoom in and do it, can you do that? I zoom in on the hard parts.
I can edit it if you want so it will shrug. The reason I can't do this is because its really blurry.
I zoom in when ever I do my recolors all the time lol And don't worry about the text, I can add it on.
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 7:11 pm

Ok. Meet at 8:30 Fantage, Emerald Elephant at Star cafe. I look like the picture i showed you. XD

BTW keep the tounge plz!
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 7:17 pm

prittyponey1233 wrote:
Ok. Meet at 8:30 Fantage, Emerald Elephant at Star cafe. I look like the picture i showed you. XD

BTW keep the tounge plz!

Oh I have bad news, I have to leave soon.
How about tomorow? I think we might live in diffrent time zones though. I'm really sorry and I promise that I will make your recolor soon. It looks hard but i love a challenge. And can we meet at MT fantage? I cant edit the pose anywhere else.
Can we just meet now?
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2012 3:59 pm

I cant... sorry. How about at 5:30 Mt Fantage, at emerald elephant? Today?
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2012 6:54 pm

Hi Darkmanor? Can I order a Wonder Woman recolor? IDK what you want to start with, I just would like a Fantage recolor that looks like Wonder Woman please?

Also you can do Batman and Superman if you want to also Smile
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2012 7:17 pm

OH BTW for the recolor background you can leave it blank or have it be an environment that best suits each character.

Wonder Woman: Themyscira
Batman: Gotham City (at night)
Superman: Smallville or Krypton or the Daily Planet
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 1:23 am

UPDATE: I'm not going to take anymore request temporally so I need time to do the ones currently. No reserves sorry. Anyways this was a bad time to open a recolor store due to the fact that I am really busy and going to be busy for a few days logged off Will post update soon. GTG for bed!
Omg Omg I'm so sorry I didn't come. I was gone all day. Maybe tomorrow morning, I can message you!
@ WaterKool
Oh sure I can do Wonder Woman! But there is no way I'm doing superman or batman. Sorry, I prefer recoloring young teen girls to young adult women rather then some buff guy in his 30's-40's idk.
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DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Empty
PostSubject: Re: DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED   DarkManor's Recolor Shop CLOSED Icon_minitime

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