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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 2:50 pm

Ahaha, another thing I'm stealing from Cym.
But It's a great RP for beginners.
You can only have one character for this roleplay, but you can be any race.
We all start out in a forest and go kill monsters and such, anything really. Teehee~

Lots of freedom.

Picture (optional):

Name: Crimson Essex
Race: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Femaleeee
Appearance: Two red corkscrew pigtails, sharp features, greenish-grey eyes, petite body. Fairly Tall, like 5'10. Dresses in all black, generally looks pretty gloomy or like she's going to a funeral.
Description: Her parents gave her her name from her crimson hair, (super original). You could say she ran away from home but, she just kind of left. Just walked out the door and didn't come back. Her parent's figured she would come back, but she just never got around to that. She is a healer, despite her appearance and extreme coldness. She would prefer to travel in groups with companions, but very few can stand how condescending she is. She is also very reluctant to heal people unless they absolutely need to be healed, despite how well she can use healing magic.
"Ugh, I knew I should have studied necromancy instead of healing so I wouldn't have to travel with you fools." -Crimson
Picture: None for nowww~

Last edited by S on Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:50 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Melissa H.
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 3:02 pm

Name: Oak
Race: Tree Nymph
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Description: Oak is an Oak Tree Nymph that left home because she wasnt understood she saw a camp and lots of people there see saw people taling walks woth their dogs ans looked over but it seemed they didnt see anything, she walked into the camp. (guess wut camp. CHB)
Fighting Style: Oak will turn into a giant Oak tree to knock out her apponiant
Picture (optional): Apperence: Blonde hair Dark green eyes likes skirts and nature colors

is it just me or does she seem like a mary sue?
ill fix that with issues
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 3:06 pm

Name: Farea
Race: Elven race-White
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long blonde hair, elf ears, crystal blue eyes, blue collar with the design of a flute carved into it, and she bears a teal dress. Her bow/arrows are silver.
Description: She's shy, but strong. Although she's smaller than her friends, she can be swift and silent in the forest. She'll be very stubborn sometimes, and she isn't quick to change her mind.
Fighting Style: Bow and arrow, great for long range attacks.
Picture (optional): (i just love this picture so much ok)

This sounds cool c:

Last edited by Midna on Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:41 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : grammar is stupid)
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 3:16 pm

Name: Everyone calls him Mark. So he's Mark.
Race: Robot
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: This guy's missing his little finger and won't talk about it. He's got crew-cut blonde hair and slight frown that won't leave his face. He is quiet in both gestures and appearance.
Description: Mark is a quick thinker and a good planner, but he's too scared to begin any of his plans. He is acutely aware that he was designed for a reason, but has no idea for what, but having not been programmed with human curiosity, he couldn't care less.
Picture (optional): N/A

Last edited by Makkine on Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 3:38 pm

Name: Callidus (Clever, in Latin)
Race: Conjurer
Age: 13
Gender: Girl
Appearence: Waist-legnth blonde hair that's usually in a ponytail, brown eyes, usually wears a t-shirt and shorts.
Description: Callidus is a sweet, fast, and very brave. Although her name means 'clever' in Latin, she lacks smarts just a tad. Callidus is a Myth wizard who left home, due to too much studying and not enough fun.
Fighting Style: Bo Staff and a sharp dagger

Last edited by Tikaani on Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:13 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 4:20 pm

Name: Wyatt Finch
Race: Deerboy (like a nekomimi but a deer yay)
Age: Just turned 13 a week ago.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Has this pinkish white skin colour, very pale blonde hair and eyebrows, shorter that most people, like, 5"2, and with a build make for an acrobat or a gymnast. long fingernails and toenails, and dark brown eyes. Uses those stupid goggle things that are actually glasses but look like ski goggles so he doesn't have to worry about them coming off while he's jumping around in trees and stuff ( these things thEY ACTUALLY SELL THEM AS GLASSES DID YOU KNOW!!!! ). He has two burn scars, a very large one on his left palm that he likes to show off a lot but usually covers it with a glove to avoid injury, and a also pretty large one on the bottom of his chin. he's right handed.
Description: Super secretive but makes sure everyone knows he's super secretive so he's always like "haha i know what's the problem here but IM NOT GONNA TELL YOU!!" and it's really annoying. All in all really annoying and his voice cracks a lot and is really nasal-y. However he's an absolutely amazing acrobat and good with guns and darts, but he's not brave at all, and usually uses his darts to put the person to sleep then run away, he's deadly afraid of killing people. And cockroaches. Boastful, annoying, and cowardly, he's not the best partner, but a very very good person to have along if you're pretty weak yourself, as he's good at avoiding fights. Comes from a family of acrobats and gymnasts, they all worked in the circus but he hated that and decided to make it ***HARDCORE**** He got the burn scars when he was pretty young, by fooling around in a campfire. He makes up deep and mysterious and tragic reasons of why he got them all the time.
badly drawn ref:

Last edited by Oliver on Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 4:22 pm

Name: Anna
Race: Eagle
Age: 13 in Eagle Years
Gender: Female
Appearance: Brown.
Description: She's good at hiding but hates fighting. Her favorite food is gold fish. When she's around people she likes, she talks alot. Other times she's just quiet
Fighting Style: She usually just hides, if she has to fight, Plan A: Teeth and Feet! Plan B: RUUUUN
Picture (optional):

Last edited by 3agle on Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 5:29 pm

Name: Nicki
Race: Vampire
Age: 13
Gender: Girl
Appearance: Red eyes than can sometimes turn to purple for a few seconds, black and blue hair that is really dark, dresses in all black. She is really short for her age- 4' 7". She even has a scar on her face.
Description: Even though she is a vampire, she lives off of blood. The only reason she would suck someone is to just save a complete stranger's life or if she is in combat. Her eyes switch to purple to warn her fellows that danger is just around the corner. People take her as a monster, but that's just a stereotype. "Not all vampires are blood-sucking freaks", she would say.
Picture (optional): Race Mix APP Random10
Made with Maplesimulator
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 7:58 pm

Name: Lynos
Race: Blood Elf
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Appearance: Elegant elf ears, blonde hair in ponytail, flashy green eyes, serious look, in armor, and clothes to protect herself.
Description: Her green eyes do a lot. Lynos watches carefully for prey. Her hair in a ponytail, so she doesn't get all tired. Her armor and weapon is ready to be used when it's needed.
Picture (optional):
She's from World Of Warcraft.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 8:14 pm

Name: Kazul

Race: Dragon

Age: 1,000 in human years

Gender: Female

Appearance: Yellow-golden in color, two brown horns on top of head, spikes along back, and sharp claws the same brown color as horns. Large strong wings for flying. Piercing green eyes.

Description: Not the kind of dragon that would kill for the fun of it. Would first ask you what is your business. A bit lazy.

Picture (optional):

Last edited by Rufistar on Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 10:34 pm

Name: Dain
Race: Pixie
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Black hair that reaches just past his ears, which are pointy and long enough to poke through his hair about an inch. His bangs are always in his eyes. Sprinkle of freckles across his nose. Light brown eyes. He has dimples and a goofy smile. His wings are translucent and give off a slight glow in the dark. He wears a red-ish brown cap, T-Shirt, pants, and shoes. His pixie form is 4 and half inches tall. His human form is just about six foot. He's considered tall in the pixie world as well.
Description: Normally rather cheerful and laid back. Doesn't take anything very seriously, but hates it when he is mistaken for a fairy. "Fairies don't shape shift, you idiot!"
Hates fairies with a passion. His shape shifting abilities are mediocre at best. Enjoys sleeping and slacking off. Was kicked out of the pixie town for a when he was fifteen for a decade. He likes his pixie and human form best. Uses magic to fight.

Last edited by Loke on Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 11:17 pm

Name: Naomi
Race: Cat/Human
Age: 14 (0.9 cat years)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Naomi has long blonde hair usually tied on pigtails with a ribbon, darkish green eyes, cat ears that blends in her hair, and clothes that look like a school uniform.
Description: Naomi barely has any friends due to her shyness but she is very clever. Her nails change color depending on her mood. Naomi is an only child and her parents died when she was young and now is raised by her aunt and uncle. Her cat-like ears and tail grew when she was 10 years old (0.7 Cat years). And Naomi's secret is that she gets scared very easily. Her powers are teleportation, cat reflexes, fast speed, slyness, a very good climber, good night vision and sometimes she can call other felines.

Last edited by Kitsune on Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:44 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 12:26 am

i deleted appearance because of picture

Name: Eleana
Race: Centaur
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Description: Eleana is shy towards almost everyone (unless you are incredibly small and weak or somewhere along the lines of a deer), which is why she has few friends. She will usually step or run away if she sees or hears you. However, because she is shy doesn't mean that she won't defend herself. If she has to fight you, she will paw, and maybe even kick. Her running is incredibly fast, especially if shes scared or trying to get somewhere. She currently lives in the woods by herself. Usually, she hangs around a certain tree. If she is elsewhere, it is probably because she is trying to contact one of her friends.
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 4:11 am

Name: Caro
Race: Dragon Keeper
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long black hair tied back in a pigtail, pale skin and hazel coloured eyes.
Description: Caro was born from a poor family, her parents having to sell her to the palace at the age of seven. She grew up in a palace, serving her drinking master, Lon. She's supportive towards her friends and not afraid to step up to protect herself. She owns a jade green necklace that is transforms into a blade when pressed tightly. She has amazing skills controlling her blade and was once recommended to become a guard, but as a female, she was quickly denied and continue serving Lon.
Picture (optional): Picture
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 8:46 am

Name: Corylus Madjet
Race: Dryad
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: He has yellow skin covered with raised brown and green veins. He has a heavy brow-bone, with narrow, hazel eyes. His hair is a dull and greyish in colour, and extends down his back, tied with dried tendrils in places.
Description: Corylus is languid and somewhat philosophical, his blood having slowed over time as a result of living within a tree. His tree is old and somewhat desiccated, yet he stubbornly remains within it, having grown quite attached. He moves slowly, most of his features seem to be set in stone. He likes weapons and birds and rapid things, when he has the opportunity to he will seek them out and observe them. When angered, he will attack by lifting his heavier roots from the ground and using them as bludgeoning weapons.
Picture: None at the moment.

Last edited by Eldritch on Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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Hibiki Kuze
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 9:03 am

Name: Sunrise
Race: Wolf
Age: 5 wolf years
Gender: Male
Appearance: Race Mix APP Yellow_wolf_4
Description:Can communicate with any species. Has extreme speed and knows great hunting techniques.
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elsa ♡
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 10:41 am

Name: Ana
Race: Elf
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Appearance: Short brown hair, pale skin, yellow eyes, pointed ears. She is quite tall for an elf, about 5 feet. She wears outfits quite simple, a dirty tannish-red tank top, khakis that she cut to shorts, and tattoos around her arms, on her right arm a ring of dots and wavy lines; on her left, a straight line around her arm, and she always wears a bracelet of twine.
Description: Ana is very shy, but when angered or threatened she glows yellow and becomes very powerful. She keeps a knife on her belt, and also a sword. She will do anything to protect her bracelet, but no one knows why. Both of her parents were killed by monsters, so she joins the group to gain revenge.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 4:04 pm

When is this gonna start? Can't wait :3
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 4:33 pm

Same question as Rufistar. Do we have to wait for a certain person to start or...?
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Race Mix APP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 5:41 pm

Tikaani wrote:
Same question as Rufistar. Do we have to wait for a certain person to start or...?
S has to start it
just be patient
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 6:13 pm

Name: Alice White
Race: Angel
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long light pink hair with green eyes. Most of the time wears a light lavender silk dress with ribbon, and always wears her special blue necklace.
Description: Always shy and cheerful.Wears a blue necklace made from tears, that gives her powers.
Picture: Race Mix APP 5754210

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 6:33 pm

Also S, thanks very much for the RP rules! I hate RPs on other forums because they just go like *shoots no miss*. If they put no miss you can't defend yourself or anything.
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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 6:37 pm

Name: Eternal Love
Race: succubus
Age: looks 13 but is 40000
Gender: female
Appearance: blue hair wears tight bras and thongs
Description: loves yaoi and yuri gets love evry hour
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Race Mix APP Dpy5d1
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 9:42 pm

Name: Aurora StarGem
Race: Avariel elf (elf with wings)
Age: 17 in human years (very young lol)
Gender: Female
Fighting Style: Fights by keeping in the air where she can dodge most attacks. Uses her staff for long range light magic and healing spells while she uses her free hand to cast up-close spells and her strongest healing skills. She may wield a silver dagger if needed.

Long wavy hair that's the color of starlight put up in a lavender ribbon. She has striking purple eyes and evenly tanned skin. Her wings are a good 10 feet long from tip to tip. Her feathers are white with a very very small hint of indigo. Her features are more human than most elves but possesses the same unique angles elves are know for. She wears a white five-point-star shaped birthmark on her right cheek and and unsightly scar up her left arm from her right-of-passage. She stands at a staggering 6 feet tall giving her attention she doesn't wish to have.

Description: Aurora was always a bit different from other elves. She had become one of the few to possess a birthmark, which is believed to be blessings from the gods. It turned out she was a very proficient healer and was strong in light magic, giving her the position of a healer and sorceress. After failing her right-of-passage once (only to complete it with difficulty later that summer) and receiving her hideous scar she took up her staff and went out to the world. Her wings act as a shield and can be easily disguised by her light-bending spells allowing her to walk through public markets safely but with great difficulty. She is kind hearted and very gullible. She can be very timid and prefers to stay away from the large crowd but her determination and will to do good in the world has given her strength where others are weak.
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Race Mix APP   Race Mix APP Icon_minitimeFri Aug 10, 2012 2:56 am

Name:Alice Maresato
Race:Little Girl
Appearance:Has short pink hair carries a dog and has a cheery attitude
Description:She has been rescued by two teenagers( Kohta and Takashi) after her father died by some household people she would always go on Takashi back and she made Friends with the rest of the gang
Picture (optional):Race Mix APP Th?id=I4566439963526223&pid=1
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