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 My Day 8/11/12

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Veteran Fantagian

Posts : 3155
Join date : 2012-06-14

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PostSubject: My Day 8/11/12   My Day 8/11/12 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 11, 2012 7:29 pm

So today I went on a walk to the library to pick up my requested books (you can order books on the website and they ship it to the library closet to you).

Climbed down to the third floor.
Noticed the thundercloud that was heading more or less this way.
Saw a bunch of kids in the building pool.
Went down the other stairway.
Noticed that they painted the handrails an ugly bright blue that totally clashed with the grey-blue and white that the whole building is.
Walked along the path to the library.
Crossed a deserted road.
Wondered how anyone could stand such loud spanish music while relaxing.
Crossed another deserted road.
Turned and walked to the left.
Saw a guy that looked like Anthony.
Entered the library and checked out books.
Walked back home.

The end.
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Ultimate Fantagian

Posts : 8791
Join date : 2011-12-04
Age : 22
Location : Somewhere

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PostSubject: Re: My Day 8/11/12   My Day 8/11/12 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 11, 2012 7:55 pm

it sounds like a AMAZING day!! congrats on your books!

just kidding
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