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 Idea? XD

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Mario and Luigi
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PostSubject: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 12:23 pm

i had this idea that:

fantage should make a bin where you put clothing, hair, and event ideas. and depending on which idea has the most 'votes' is what fantage makes.

is there anything wrong with the idea c:?
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 12:31 pm

Thats a really good idea. I would like it.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 12:41 pm

You have something between a contest and an ideas bin.

Voting works for the fan art in the comet magazine, but those clothes wouldn't be real. If people knew the clothes could be worn by everyone in fantage sometime, they would treat it as a bigger contest, so there will probably be more entries.

There would be a thousand (or some other large number) entries, so maybe you have a page where you can scroll through them like the rare items. If there's a lot of entries, some of them might not be seen, and therefore will not be voted for.

A solution to this can be rounds, such as the picture below. But those rounds aren't really fair, since the matches could be two really good clothes and we don't know who to choose. Or two really bad ones.

Idea? XD Untitl10

Another way to decide is to have Fantage decide instead of us. But as I said you have a cross between an ideas bin, which is a special place for sending ideas to Fantage hoping they'll make it, and a contest, which is voting for entries who will soon be real.

There have been contests like this before, because I think I saw a "designed by blah" somewhere in a description. But to keep this going all the time I don't know...

Don't view this is a comment that insults your idea. Like fantage would, you have to lok at all sides and see if it works out.
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 12:45 pm

Rufistar wrote:
You have something between a contest and an ideas bin.

Voting works for the fan art in the comet magazine, but those clothes wouldn't be real. If people knew the clothes could be worn by everyone in fantage sometime, they would treat it as a bigger contest, so there will probably be more entries.

There would be a thousand (or some other large number) entries, so maybe you have a page where you can scroll through them like the rare items. If there's a lot of entries, some of them might not be seen, and therefore will not be voted for.

A solution to this can be rounds, such as the picture below. But those rounds aren't really fair, since the matches could be two really good clothes and we don't know who to choose. Or two really bad ones.

Idea? XD Untitl10

Another way to decide is to have Fantage decide instead of us. But as I said you have a cross between an ideas bin, which is a special place for sending ideas to Fantage hoping they'll make it, and a contest, which is voting for entries who will soon be real.

There have been contests like this before, because I think I saw a "designed by blah" somewhere in a description. But to keep this going all the time I don't know...

Don't view this is a comment that insults your idea. Like fantage would, you have to lok at all sides and see if it works out.

now it seems really complicated XD
how about only 40 people get to vote per day? XD
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 12:46 pm

haiii OwOcookies it me Cindy Zoeh Smile
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 12:48 pm

FantageAwesomeCherries8 wrote:
haiii OwOcookies it me Cindy Zoeh Smile

hiii XDD
shouldn't you write a message related to the topic though XD
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 7:44 pm

lol yea and BTW AWESOME IDEA
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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 7:59 pm

If you go to vintage classics and click clothes, then tops. Scroll down until you see cherry sweater. It was designed by BLAh
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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 8:06 pm

Rufistar wrote:
Voting works for the fan art in the comet magazine, but those clothes wouldn't be real. If people knew the clothes could be worn by everyone in fantage sometime, they would treat it as a bigger contest, so there will probably be more entries.

I remember when they used to make real clothing for your avatar from fan art designs, good times.

But anyway, I think that's a good idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeMon Aug 20, 2012 6:49 am

If only fourty people can vote per day, the other people in various timezones would have an unfair advantage, therefore Fantage deciding is a better idea as of now.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeMon Aug 20, 2012 12:13 pm

I think there's nothing wrong with Fantage picking the clothing and hairstyles we have. It's the simplest system we have right now.
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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeMon Aug 20, 2012 12:30 pm

I like this idea a lot. I'm tired of fantage releasing clothes that people won't wear. If the community made clothing ideas instead of fantage, then maybe we'd have more of a variety of clothes. Instead of a bunch of girls wearing the cat ears, we could have some other hats that people would be interested in.
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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeMon Aug 20, 2012 1:43 pm

thats a good plan ^^ the first thing I'd vote for is neon green hair plus like EVERY GIRL(i already got those items) want :
the Cleopatra Sandals
the mp3 player
The peace out Tee
Cat Ears
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeFri Aug 24, 2012 11:35 pm

My idea is to change the lucky bob wheel where it says jackpot (just the two lines on the side) should be super bonus and regular, ex. say jack pot is forty then super jackpot would b say........ 100 but chance would b slim of gettin it. get my memo?
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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSat Sep 08, 2012 7:48 pm

great idea
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Mario and Luigi
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Mario and Luigi

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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSat Sep 08, 2012 7:51 pm

thats a very very very very very great idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSun Sep 09, 2012 9:23 pm

I was thinking of that too. It would be great to see people wearing your design!
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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeWed Sep 12, 2012 5:04 pm

Cool idea some faults tho
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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSat Sep 15, 2012 12:36 am

yeah thats a good idea.. :> and people can make also a clothes and when it has many votes and the staff accept it then TADA it will be in fantage gameplay
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PostSubject: Re: Idea? XD   Idea? XD Icon_minitimeSun Sep 16, 2012 10:05 pm

good idea OuO
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