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 Ultra-Games VIP Parkour!

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Senior Fantagian

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Age : 28
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Ultra-Games VIP Parkour! Empty
PostSubject: Ultra-Games VIP Parkour!   Ultra-Games VIP Parkour! Icon_minitimeWed Aug 22, 2012 6:20 pm

Hello! If any of you play the Ultra-Games server than this is for you! If you would like to go on, the IP is at the bottom of the post in a spoiler.

Anyways, the VIP parkour course is open! Be sure to visit and give it a try. Look for the gold tower nearby the VIP spawn.

If you have not donated, you can still do regular parkour south of spawn. Once you get on the server, type in /donate into the chatbox or visit the VIP lobby for more information.

Sectors in VIP parkour:

1. Butter-mania
2. The End
3. Soul or Sand
4. Nether or Neither
5. Lava...
6. Pillars!
7. Nether Speed Run

There will be more to come.

By the way, check out some awesome channels:

Server IP:

Thanks Shelby for helping to build and doing the parkour. <3

Last edited by Sky on Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot IP)
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