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 I need help with Sony Vegas

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Expert Fantagian

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I need help with Sony Vegas Empty
PostSubject: I need help with Sony Vegas   I need help with Sony Vegas Icon_minitimeTue Aug 28, 2012 4:53 pm

If any of you use Sony Vegas Pro 8

I am having a problem when I put audio in the little time line thing.I can't hear the music !!! Help
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Hero Fantagian

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I need help with Sony Vegas Empty
PostSubject: Re: I need help with Sony Vegas   I need help with Sony Vegas Icon_minitimeTue Aug 28, 2012 4:56 pm

Alright, here comes the Vegas MS Animator.

The reason is because the music is possibly too quiet for Sony Vegas. Is your volume turned up all the way?
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Expert Fantagian

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I need help with Sony Vegas Empty
PostSubject: Re: I need help with Sony Vegas   I need help with Sony Vegas Icon_minitimeTue Aug 28, 2012 4:58 pm

Ichigo wrote:
Alright, here comes the Vegas MS Animator.

The reason is because the music is possibly too quiet for Sony Vegas. Is your volume turned up all the way?

Yea its turned up all the way
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Hero Fantagian

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I need help with Sony Vegas Empty
PostSubject: Re: I need help with Sony Vegas   I need help with Sony Vegas Icon_minitimeTue Aug 28, 2012 5:01 pm

Hmm... I've never experienced that problem before. Maybe you should just try to close Sony Vegas and reopen it. If you are wearing headphones, unplug them and plug them back in AFTER you open Sony Vegas and open your music.
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Expert Fantagian

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I need help with Sony Vegas Empty
PostSubject: Re: I need help with Sony Vegas   I need help with Sony Vegas Icon_minitimeTue Aug 28, 2012 5:04 pm

Ichigo wrote:
Hmm... I've never experienced that problem before. Maybe you should just try to close Sony Vegas and reopen it. If you are wearing headphones, unplug them and plug them back in AFTER you open Sony Vegas and open your music.

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Lord Voldemort
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Lord Voldemort

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I need help with Sony Vegas Empty
PostSubject: Re: I need help with Sony Vegas   I need help with Sony Vegas Icon_minitimeTue Aug 28, 2012 8:33 pm

Hello, I am New..

I'm isammy8d's older sister. She's not 16 she's 13. I'M 16.

The Obvious
Okay, first of all. Check your audio drive, go on youtube and check if you volume is working all together. If not, change your headphones or ask
your parents or someone who knows about computers for help.

Technical Things
Sony Vegas' Master Volume might be muted, so make sure that's on. Check you computers Master Volume too, and other outputs volume.
File Type - Your music might not be a supported file
type of the program Sony Vegas. Try to convert it by renaming, when I say renaming change the name, then add .MP3 after it ie.
Cool Music.MP3 Another way is to open up Sony Vegas go to help under the menu bar, click Sony on the web, then click updates, Install the update and add the footage to the timeline again, you should have the sound.
My guess you have created a purely VIDEO stream MPEG. Meaning, you
haven't included the audio. Why are we offered this option? Simple, it
is so that we can create a separate AUDIO stream encode that will take
up even LESS space on the DVD platter. And what do want from creating
DVD Encodes? An ability to free-up more space. Why do we want more DVD
space? We want more DVD space so we can make longer projects that
produce MORE quality on FASTER bitrates. But what do want from this
process? The best quality we can achieve!

So, my method of MPEG encoding, which I've used successfully used over the past 3 years, has been to create:-

#1 - MPEG Video Stream

#2 - AC-3 Audio Stream

This you can do straight from within Vegas. I keep the naming of the files the same, that is:

Video: MyProject.mpg

Audio: MyProject.ac3

I create them in the same folder and point DVDA4 at 'em.

No problem here.

Now the "Previewing" and the 0.0dB info your are reading off. There are 2 basics Previews:

#1 - Previewing Captured clips from within Explorer. These
will give a DATUM of 0.0dB when played because this, or less, is the
level at which, will give you the distortion and clip free audio.

#2 - Previewing Captured clips from Timeline. The Timeline
is the place where you will mix and perform major audio adjustments. At
the moment, while I write this, I'm clearly hearing a project of mine
that is registering -9.2 on the LEFT channel and -7.3 on the RIGHT
channel. My Vol on the Timeline for this ONE Audio track is 0.0db. What
ever I do to the Track Fader OR the Master Fader, -dB or -dB, will
affect the Output. This is a good thing because if you were to have more
than one track of AUDIO then any adjustments to each and everyone of
the tracks would have an accumulative affect on your final output.
Meaning, say you have 4 tracks of audio and you have checked that each
and every on of them plays within the limits NOT giving clipping or
distortion, but, now here you come and adjust upwards just ONE or
several of the tracks. You can immediately see and hear any distortion
because you adding EXTRA sound energy to the overall audio mix.

OK, Previewing captured clips is different to previewing TImeline Events for the reasons I just outlined.

If All Fails

Just remove it, then re-download it, it will probably work after that.

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PostSubject: Re: I need help with Sony Vegas   I need help with Sony Vegas Icon_minitime

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