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 fantage is an anime game!

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Legendary Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 05, 2012 6:06 pm

ok so i was bored in fantage so i went to a tryout when i got there the owner said we were accually doing an anime series but then everyone at the movie tryout but me and the owner was saying WHAT IS ANIME???? i mean fantage is an anime game how come people who play fantage dont know what anime is? confused
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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 05, 2012 6:12 pm

Omg that is so funny fantage even uses chibis as the avatars. its probably because most people on fantage are 5
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Passionate Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 05, 2012 6:26 pm

Totes true! When I was making a Vocaloid band, Most ppl R liek " What the heck is Vocaloid?"
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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 05, 2012 6:32 pm

ASDF WEBKIKO. HOW DARE THEY TREAT VOCALOID LIKE THAT! HOW DARE THEY! AHEM, sorry for caps abuse. Anyways it would be an awesome idea, I would totally join.
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Junior Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 05, 2012 6:37 pm

Sounds cool. What anime was it?
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Ultimate Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 05, 2012 6:41 pm

what anime was choosen? lol why do people say "WHATS ANIME?" thats so stupid. one time i said "VOCALOID PARTY AT MY PLCCCCCCCCC" and everyone said what is that? LOL. kind of the same as webkiio said.
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Veteran Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 05, 2012 7:07 pm

Well, because they don't know what anime is in the first place. They just joined Fantage because it looked like a cool virtual world.

I barely even know what vocaloid is, I never even heard the word "vocaloid" before I joined this forum. All I know is that it's some kind of program where you make people sing and some vocaloids got really popular... so shouldn't there be like a thousand voaloids?
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Hero Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 05, 2012 7:27 pm

Fantage doesn't look like an Anime, in fact I don't think you could call it an anime, its like calling a Manga book an Anime book, but I don't understand though.. Fantage is making an event for anime or what?
(I haven't been on Fantage for a while..)

Edit; Please correct me if i'm wrong.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 05, 2012 7:55 pm

Fantage is not an anime game, however it does have a Japanese influenced style. Therefore, it is merely coincidence that other people enjoy anime and vocaloid as you do.
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Veteran Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeThu Sep 06, 2012 5:09 am

Fantage is a chibi anime version :> because its from Japanese style thats why it is in chibi anime :>
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Expert Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeThu Sep 06, 2012 3:48 pm

Rufistar wrote:
Well, because they don't know what anime is in the first place. They just joined Fantage because it looked like a cool virtual world.


I may have already known what anime was back when I joined at the age of twelve (I wasn't really some anime fan though), but..

I joined it because it was a virtual world, not because it was anime. Actually, I didn't realize that anime thing until later...
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New Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2012 4:25 pm

[b] Not to be rude, but like OBVIOUSLY it's anime, and may i ask you something? okay im asking anyway, You just realized now that fantage is an anime game? doesn't "Virtual" give you a hint?! ITS ALWAYS MENTIONED IN THE GAME!
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Veteran Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2012 4:42 pm

Just beacause it's vitrual world dosn't mean its always anime
Pretty unsure if it is a anime game, but the avatars do kinda look anime/chibish
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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2012 5:05 pm

Like many people said, the game users CHIBI STYLE ART. This does NOT mean it's a ANIME GAME. I love anime but this id not an anime game. I mean it's kind of stupid when people ask you what anime is but AGAIN it is not an anime game.Mist animes are directed forwards teenagers to adults. Young children shouldn't be watching stuff like bleach. Yes Bleach is an anime and manga. Its cool but VERY VERY GORY and not suitable for children 8 and under.
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Legendary Fantagian

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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2012 5:18 pm

Eve Moonlit wrote:
Like many people said, the game users CHIBI STYLE ART. This does NOT mean it's a ANIME GAME. I love anime but this id not an anime game. I mean it's kind of stupid when people ask you what anime is but AGAIN it is not an anime game.Mist animes are directed forwards teenagers to adults. Young children shouldn't be watching stuff like bleach. Yes Bleach is an anime and manga. Its cool but VERY VERY GORY and not suitable for children 8 and under.
Ya now that I think about it fantage looks kinda chibiish and I know what bleach is.
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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2012 5:24 pm

anime wrote:
Eve Moonlit wrote:
Like many people said, the game users CHIBI STYLE ART. This does NOT mean it's a ANIME GAME. I love anime but this id not an anime game. I mean it's kind of stupid when people ask you what anime is but AGAIN it is not an anime game.Mist animes are directed forwards teenagers to adults. Young children shouldn't be watching stuff like bleach. Yes Bleach is an anime and manga. Its cool but VERY VERY GORY and not suitable for children 8 and under.
Ya now that I think about it fantage looks kinda chibiish and I know what bleach is.
Lol. Chibus are a form of anime and manga style.
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fantage is an anime game! Empty
PostSubject: Re: fantage is an anime game!   fantage is an anime game! Icon_minitime

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fantage is an anime game!
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