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 worst day [9/10/12]

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: worst day [9/10/12]   worst day [9/10/12] Icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2012 6:05 am

Ugrr! my parents just get angry with me because i just do reason and they always think that they are wrong..I wanted to tell them that they are wrong but they are always saying to me that ill stop reasoning because i am always wrong!.. Hmmp!.. one day! one day!... ill prove to them that they are not always right!.. They should think about their words first!.. >.>
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Rookie Fantagian

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worst day [9/10/12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: worst day [9/10/12]   worst day [9/10/12] Icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2012 6:49 am

All families like that ... they just want to control and do what they want :@
some times i don't do what they want ... after that they get angry :/
i really don't care if they get angry or not ^_* no problem at all
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: worst day [9/10/12]   worst day [9/10/12] Icon_minitimeTue Sep 11, 2012 6:48 am

fubuki31 wrote:
All families like that ... they just want to control and do what they want :@
some times i don't do what they want ... after that they get angry :/
i really don't care if they get angry or not ^_* no problem at all

Yeah.... :/ they treat me like not their daughter while our maid they really treat her so good.. >.> its just so unfair.
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PostSubject: Re: worst day [9/10/12]   worst day [9/10/12] Icon_minitime

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worst day [9/10/12]
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