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 why can't i be happy [9-22-12]

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Ultimate Fantagian

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why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Empty
PostSubject: why can't i be happy [9-22-12]   why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2012 7:34 am

yes this happend yesterday. first of all, i have to retype all of this because the x button in the corner was clicked. i was just on the couch yesterday watching gravity falls. my dad comes out and yells at me and idk why. he told me to go to my room and not use the computer, or read, watch t.v. or use my iphone. soon after that i found out my cats tail got slammed in the door. it is weird because my sisters cat had that happen like a week ago. we took my cat to the vet and waited an hour. then it's tail got wrapped and that stuff. we had to spend 600 dollars. we came back and my sisters cat threw up on the carpet. i went to my room and fell on the floor but that part is not so bad..also, my friend and i planned to go on club penguin at midnight. today at midnight my friend and i went on an empty server on club penguin. if we went on a full one, it would seem normal because people have different timezones. i saw 2 people in town and one person in the lighthouse. i also saw one person who was acting creepy. he had a creepy username that i don't remember. he was pranking me then saying that he was looking at me through the window. i turned around and looked at my window. my imagination scared the CRUD out of me. i'm never going on an empty server at night. why was my day so bad and how can i make today better?
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Veteran Fantagian

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why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: why can't i be happy [9-22-12]   why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2012 7:41 am

Just forget about everything that happened. Think about the good things happening/Be optimistic. (I've had really bad days, but you get over it eventually.) The midnight thing sounds creepy, but they don't even know you so I doubt you should worry about it.

Watch some videos on Youtube? ;o
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why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: why can't i be happy [9-22-12]   why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2012 9:52 am

Omg that really sucks. I hope your cat gets better and I hope things will be better.
Don't worry, at some point in your life, this will be nothing but a memory. Try focusing on the positive stuff in life. Live, learn, love, laugh.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: why can't i be happy [9-22-12]   why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2012 10:11 am

People on clubpenguin trick me all the time.

One dude said Go to sleep.... and then i had a nightmare of chucky staring through my window.
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Veteran Fantagian

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why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: why can't i be happy [9-22-12]   why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2012 11:16 am

OMIGOSH POOR KITTY! That sounds like a hard day Sad *hugs*
Do something that makes you happy, draw if you like drawing, go on fantage. Take deep breaths, read a good book, listen to nice music Smile everything will be ok!
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Legendary Fantagian

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why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: why can't i be happy [9-22-12]   why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2012 1:00 pm

I feel sorry for the kitty do happy things like what you like to do
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PostSubject: Re: why can't i be happy [9-22-12]   why can't i be happy [9-22-12] Icon_minitime

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why can't i be happy [9-22-12]
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