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 The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeTue Sep 25, 2012 7:57 pm

Sorry I started this late, I would have earlier but I was busy with work. e.e

Anyway enough with that let us start the role play! If you have any questions please PM me.

Also, please try to make long replies instead of one lined ones.


Gabriella Shadows -

Gabriella was eating her cereal, it was her first day of grade six, so she had to hurry, though she noticed her hair was on the cereal. She didn't want that so she put her bowl into the sink and slipped her shoes on.

She was walking to the bus stop; looking at her feet. Gabriella glanced at her side, a shadow appeared then disappeared.
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Silas Plaskett
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Silas Plaskett

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeTue Sep 25, 2012 8:06 pm

Keliyen was in her small apartment decorating her bedroom as she curiously stumbled upon a shadow and looked around, as if she was seeing things.

((It sucks, I know))
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeTue Sep 25, 2012 9:38 pm

Sky was bored with nothing to do. How about I just look at the attic? She walks up and opens the creaky door. She sees bookshelves and bookshelves. In one of them, she sees an old leather book. The title is, Resistance Journal since 4132, the Saennes. Sky opens it up.

Entry one. 7-8-4132
As you read this, Sky, you shouldn't be afraid.

Sky stared at the page. How does it know my name?

You are shocked, I know. You will find out more. You see, the Saennes are part of a secret rebel group. Every three generations the group rises again. I know your question. You are the third generation.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2012 6:22 pm

Gabriella Shadows -

Gabriella ignored the shadow, she was thinking that she was hallucinating. The bus arrived, she went in and walked to the really back of the bus and sat onto the right seat.

Once she got to the school, Gabriella went to Art 160, she took out her sketch pad and started sketching herself.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2012 6:29 pm

What is this group for, you ask. The truth is, it is for defeating monsters in our world. This is very real. And now you are part of that group. Find the others. This will be your first mission as part of the resistance.

That was the end of the page. She flipped through the rest of the book, but on every page it said Find the others. Find the others. Find the others. Over and over again.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2012 9:11 pm

Selma Kaiser

Selma sat by her window A light and consistent drizzle outside and the drone of fresh rain on her roof. She was currently reading a book on edible fungi, she didn't particularly know why she was just bored and has nothing better to do. She dog-eared a page and set the book carelessly on her desk, sipping a drink of lemonade. Selma looked out the window, the ashen world outside her window was alien to the normal colors the world outside usually had to offer. The clouds painted the world in shades of gray and the rain obscured her view disappointing her. She stood in front her window, the house was silent except for her mother's heavy sickly breathing.
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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 27, 2012 4:30 pm

Today he didn't have school. He couldn't really put his finger on the why, he just knew he didn't have it. He woke up too late and his blue wall was fuzzy and a little grey but his wall had been like that in the morning since he was eight. He picked up his glasses not even standing up and put them on, the silly click that's always heard when he put them on was right on schedule today.
He got up, boxer shorts and an oversized shirt and walked downstairs where his parents were watching a dancing competition on television. He smiled at it and poured himself some cereal that was too soggy but he didn't care. After eating it he got up and looked at his parents who looked so interested in the darn screen and he had no idea what to do. He went up to the attic where he used to sit and think and cry and quietly whisper to himself ways to die. He never ended up dying, though, he was too much of a sissy to try it. Now he was too old to do that even though he really wanted to because now he could just cry and think of dying in the street and that made him look ridiculous.
The floor of the attic had gotten creaky and dirty and hard to walk in especially if you were barefoot (which he was), full of nails and full of treasures. He sat down on an edge and began to look through boxes.
He had never done this, but he officially couldn't cry anymore ever since his 17th birthday a month ago according to his mum and he had been breaking his dads rules for 10 years when he told him he couldn't cry anymore when he was 7. The boxes had lots of horrid smelling books and lots of horrid smelling toys though he remembered some of them. He looked at a book that had just landed on the floor, there wasn't anything interesting about it, it just- Interested him.
He decided to go get a better look.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 27, 2012 4:47 pm

((but that was so fun to read Oliver 0:))

Selma waltzed down stairs to her mom. She tensed up as the acrid smell of the dying filled her nose. Selma looked to her poor mother and held back tears, the sight of her mother withering away to nothing. She had ASL, and currently her mother was being kept prison in her own body, unable to move eat or breathe. She had to have constant care and it was only a matter of time. Score her mother gave up her fight with the disease. Each day now Selma could see the spark die down and she could here the raspy sickly short breathing sounds slow down. They gave her mother three days.

Selma sat down by her mother and took up her hand. She caressed her mother's gaunt Alger peaceful face. Her mother opened her eyes and tried to smile, a warm loving feeling being transferred from her eyes. Selma kissed her on he forehead and whispered I love you before hugging the frail body of her moths and stepping out on the porch. She sat listening to the somber thrum of rain on a roof.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 27, 2012 9:11 pm

Gabriella Shadows -

Once Gabriella entered the school the announcements came up, there wasn't suppose to be any school until the next month because of some construction.

Gabriella groaned, she took forty five minutes just for her to hear that. She just called a taxi to go back home, since she didn't want to wait an hour just for the bus.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 27, 2012 9:37 pm

She wondered if any of her neighbors were part of the group.
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Silas Plaskett
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Silas Plaskett

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2012 2:25 pm

She slowly saw a small letter which told her she was apart of this so third generation. Keliyen looked at the powers in which her ancestor had. As she looked the powers, she saw something influencing her to be a Wicca since she was thirteen.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2012 2:37 pm

((oh lord rules being broken so soon .-.))

Selma leaned on her house while standing on her porch. As the rain died down she could hear the drunken sobs of her father upstairs. She shivered lightly, her dad was a mean drunk and because of the inevitable death of her mother he had taken to his old habits. Fortunetly, he locked himself in his room... But it was only a matter of time before he just lost and tore the whole place down.

Selma walked back inside, her mother's gargled coughing haunting her all the way up the stairs. She pulled the attic ladder down and climbed up. The attic, no matte how dusty it was it gave her peace and silence as well as fortunes to dig up. Just the other week she found a perfectly preserved German military uniform from the second biowar. It as a priceless antique and the whole uniform fit like a glove. She had also found her "gram gram's" old alchemy set. An ancient art the required much precision and knowledge traits that selma possessed.

As she rummaged through a new box she found family photos of gram gram. She had been a foxy lady as dad wanted to put it. Selma had inherited both her wit and look into details from her. She kept digging until she found a strange letter written in German. It was old,obviousley, the German language was rarely used these days. The letter had to have been a couple hous and years old. It was as well preserved as the old uniform.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2012 7:53 pm

[[ Guys, we have to try to make it longer than one liners. Okay? :] ]]

Gabriella Shadows -

Gabriella was kicking stones on her way home, she was tired of going somewhere and coming back just when she arrives, this was probably the fiftieth time that happened in her life.

Finally, she arrived at her house. Gabriella was a curious girl, she wanted to go up in the attic to see the undiscovered treasures, secrets, and mysteries.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2012 7:57 pm

((oh my god so sorry!))
Sky decided she would ask her neighbors if they knew about a "Third generation." She walked over to her neighbor Gabriella's house. "Hello? Is anyone home?" She knocked on the door. She carried the huge journal in one hand, then shifted it to the other.
((Is it ok if we are neighbors?))
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2012 8:04 pm

[[ No, it's okay. It's just a small warning. ]]

Gabriella Shadows -

Gabriella bumped her head while climbing off the ladder to the attic for the door. She was holding a very thick book that had a title 'Third Generation' on it. Gabriella opened the door, she saw a girl asking a very strange question.

Gabriella groaned, she also didn't like it when people disturbs her in her investigation.

"What do you want." She said with the door half open, still holding the 'Third Generation' book in her hands.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2012 8:34 pm

Selma was fluent in german but sadly she hadn't read it in a while. Luckily she was able to make out the title: "Third generation". She cocked her head at sub a strange title. She, out of pure curiosity, opened t and her eyes widened at the info.

My dear ancestor, if you have found his you have proven that you are ready for that which will be talked about now. This information is top secret and shouldn't be repeated to those who can and cannot be trusted.

The kaiser family has been part of a special "group" of people. These people show special traits and abilities. This group is known as the third generation, and those who are accepted are exactly that: the third generation of a certain family member. You too possess a special attribute and are destined for greatness.

You first mission is to find the others like you. They'll be of all ages and sizes by you will find them. There is not much us else that can be said, you must find your own destiny.

Best of luck. Signed, Hulga Kaiser chemist extraordinaire.

Last edited by Relora on Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Silas Plaskett
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Silas Plaskett

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2012 8:35 pm

Keliyen knew that it was arduous to think about being apart of this 'Third Generation.' She started to wonder if a couple of her neighbors were apart of it also, but instead Keliyen decided to mind her own business and just to just wait and see. Sighing, she got out the Stephen King book she was currently reading and used it as a last resort of her boredom just so her mother doesn't complain about her not really doing anything as if she was an old Victorian era porcelain doll.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2012 8:51 pm

She sees the book. "Look at this." She shows her journal.
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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2012 9:07 pm

Ron looked at the book. "The Third Generation." It looked crinkled, like an autumn leaf, like it was going to break any second. He picked it up with a gentle touch, he was always good at that. His hands began to shake and his eyebrows flared downwards, oh god no he was getting nervous now, this was never a good sign. He could feel his throat knot up and sweat coat around his face. Stupid anxiousness. Oh god what if it broke when he opened it, what if he ruined a precious family treasure? What had happened, he was so calm a few seconds ago! He was rather used to this, though.
He carefully opened the book, to find a paper fall out of this. What? He grabbed it, his hands twitching. It said this:
"Oh, hello, whoever you are. My grandchild, probably. Are you a girl like me? Hopefully." Ron smirked. "If you're a boy that's okay too though! Your gender doesn't really matter for this. Actually, the few boys we had last time were full of cute girls, so if you're a boy you'll be lucky! If you like girls, anyway, you might be gay... Hm, you might be a gay girl... I wasn't really looking at the possibilities, wasn't I? God why'd I write this with pen..." Who wrote this? Who is this? Grandchild?
"I added a little seal so only my grandchildren can read this, so yeah, you're my son's kid. Well- Actually- I didn't add it I'm no good at that- One of our magicians did- Oh never mind! So, I'm gonna make this quick. Your family is part of a resistance that kills monsters, and your dad got lucky and didn't have to do it, but guess what? You do! Sucker! Hopefully you're not in a wheelchair or anything." Was this his grandma? She was kind of cool, but...
"And this is not a lie, trust me. If you want to confirm this meet at:" And then a date and a place to meet at. Hm, he'd probably try it. He had a bunch of freedom now that he was "almost an adult" and all.
Oh god, what if it was true, though? Monster fighting? He wouldn't be able to do that! He'd fail and crash and just- Ugh! He'd probably go anyway, though, seeing a bunch of cute girls will help, enough, anyway.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]]   The Third Generation [[ Role Play ]] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2012 9:38 pm

Hulga? Hadn't that been the name of someone on her extensive family tree? A many great grandmother? Goodness this book was over a thousand years old! Hulga must've used chemicals to keep it so well preserved, because, Well look! The book's wasn't even faded. The whole thing was in pristine condition and not a letter out of place! Leaving through the pages Selma saw various fluff written by other ancestors, perhaps she could read this later?

Triumphantly, Selma climbed down the attic ladder. The new found knowledge intrigued her and she very much wished to find the others part of this "Third Generation". She was exhillerated by the adventure. It brought excitement to her somber and dull life.

As she walked to her room she passed her father's room. She could hear him throw things in a drunken rage. She gulped and swiftly ran to her room clutching the book and shutting the door behind her.
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