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 yay 10/19/2012

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Hero Fantagian

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yay 10/19/2012 Empty
PostSubject: yay 10/19/2012   yay 10/19/2012 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 19, 2012 11:02 am

Soo...It's Fall Break now! I don't plan on doing anything today but to sit around and do random stuff. Fall Break is 4 days, and it started today, ending on Monday. (Which means Monday is no school, but the last day of Fall Break!) Lol I keep forgetting that it's Friday. Razz Well, it's only about 12:00 here. This morning, I went to the eye doctor, and I'm getting glasses in about a week! I can't wait. :333 My glasses are like a little bit a transparent purple color, with little gems in the sides. They look beautiful. (well, to me :]). They're supposed to be coming next Friday. So far, today has turned out to be pretty good! (Despite the fact that the eye drop made my left eye look bigger than my right eye so it kinds looks weird/swollen). :3
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Roc Hijohshiki
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Roc Hijohshiki

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yay 10/19/2012 Empty
PostSubject: Re: yay 10/19/2012   yay 10/19/2012 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 21, 2012 4:14 am

You're going to get new glasses? Neat! Is your left eye okay? I hope you enjoy your Fall Break! Maybe while it's Fall Break, you should go out and do things with your parents like for example: shopping with your mom.
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yay 10/19/2012
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