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 C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12

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4 posters
Lord Voldemort
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Lord Voldemort

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C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Empty
PostSubject: C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12   C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 20, 2012 8:07 pm

Hello Everyone!

Today I had a fairly good day, I
had eggs Benedict and I went Halloween costume shopping. As you know, I
am going to go as Drake, I helped my sister pick out a decent witch outfit, and my little brother (4 years old) is going as count dracula! So I did the makeup on them and they looked pretty good, yet my dad was a little upset because he's against the whole IDEA of makeup, but that's his opinion so oh well. Although, My day was enjoyable UNTIL I logged onto FantageForum...


I logged on and I checked my PM's and well, I've recieved 2 infractions. One was for back-seat modding, (which I don't agree to), while the other was for posting a link to my topic, so it was off-topic spam (this was totally fine by me). Is it normal to receive all these infractions when you're new to the forum? I just don't want to be thought of as a bad person because well, my bar is orange now. Next month I'm going to ask if I could get my bar back to yellow.
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C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12   C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 20, 2012 8:10 pm

You're not new, first of all. Second of all, you were given them for a justified reason. If you want to avoid receiving them, then re-read the rules and try to follow them. If you're not sure about something, read the rules once more or PM a mod. We're here to help!

Anyways, I'm glad you had fun today. c: What costume is your sister going to have?
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C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12   C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 20, 2012 8:13 pm

My bar is red. Im expecting to get banned soon.... ANWAY.

But your not new, and whos Drake? Something scary?
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C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12   C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 20, 2012 8:14 pm

I think if you are only a few days old here you would be exucsed, but you have been here for about two months, so you aren't exactly that new.

Egg Benedict...yum! I am sure you will be able to convince your dad to let you wear makeup!
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Lord Voldemort
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Lord Voldemort

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C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12   C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 20, 2012 8:18 pm

Oh, I'm allowed to wear makeup but not that much.. But when I did my sister's and brother's makeup to test it out for halloween he was somewhat disturbed.

@Len/Takuto My sister is going as a witch, but instead of painting her face all gross I bought a mascaraed mask and put that on her, then I used some toilet paper, glue, and makeup to make a crooked nose and I colored up her cheeks and lips a bit.
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C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12   C'est Terrible! Depressed. 10/20/12 Icon_minitime

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