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 Dream[RP APP]

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Dream[RP APP]   Dream[RP APP] Icon_minitimeSun Oct 28, 2012 6:54 pm

What's happening:
You can have two humans and one dream.
[b]Human App- Dreamer[/b]
[b]Things you dream about:[/b]
Human App- Friend
[b]Person you follow (You can follow a character of yours or someone else)[/b]
Dream App
[b]What dream are you[/b]
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Dream[RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dream[RP APP]   Dream[RP APP] Icon_minitimeSun Oct 28, 2012 7:10 pm

Dream App
Name/TitleLost in the Woods
Age She looks 15 but has existed for a unknown time. All is know that she has lived over 1000 years.
Gender Female
Personality Shes very cunning and a good actor. Appering innocent and sweet at fist
What dream are you One where you are taking a walk in the woods, led by a mysterious girl then eventually lost. When you find her, she is holding a knife. She stabs you, then things start to go black. Last thing you hear before you wake up is the girls mocking laughter.

Last edited by Ene on Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dream[RP APP]   Dream[RP APP] Icon_minitimeSun Oct 28, 2012 7:36 pm

Human App- Dreamer
Name Roselyn Brown
Age 12
Gender Female
Personality Shy, cute, lovely.
Things you dream about: First she had dreams about puppies, then she turned into a dog-human and she died in all of her dreams.
Picture/Description: Dream[RP APP] Nerdy10
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Veteran Fantagian

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Age : 23
Location : A room in a house in a city in a county in a state in a country in a continent in a planet in a solar system in a galaxy in a universe

Dream[RP APP] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dream[RP APP]   Dream[RP APP] Icon_minitimeSun Oct 28, 2012 7:56 pm

Dream App
Name/TitleHeadphone Actor (Actor for short)
Age 15?
What dream are you You are listening to the radio on an ordinary day when a president of a country says the world is going to end that day. You put on your headphones and you hear a voice. It says "You want to survive, yes?". The voice is your own. It tells you to cross the hill. You pass a lot of people and find a wall projecting the sky. Scientists in white applaud and one of them throws a bomb on the town you live in. It turns out you've lived your whole life in a box.
Based this off of the song "Headphone Actor"
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Dream[RP APP]   Dream[RP APP] Icon_minitimeMon Oct 29, 2012 2:11 pm

Human App- Dreamer
NameMizore Shirayuki
PersonalityShes very quite , she doesn't like talking but when she does its either to her friends mother father or teachers.She is also sneaky , if you turn around for one second and turn back around she wouldn't be in the same place anymore.
Things you dream about:Shes in a land where everything is gloomy and full of hatred.She has one friend named Moka , but turns out they have captured Moka and you need to save her.In order to do that she needs to find the one who knows the least.
Picture/Description:Dream[RP APP] Mizore10
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PostSubject: Re: Dream[RP APP]   Dream[RP APP] Icon_minitime

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