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 Halloween stuff (10/31/12

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Legendary Fantagian

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Halloween stuff (10/31/12 Empty
PostSubject: Halloween stuff (10/31/12   Halloween stuff (10/31/12 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 31, 2012 2:34 pm

Well today is Halloween!!! I have no homework since its Halloween! At school everyone in my class created a monster.Mine didn't turn out so well,but one girl's monster looked like a homestuck troll! I asked her if she knew what homestuck was,but she said no.I guess that is the closes to homestuck my class will ever be. Outside it wasn't as cold as it was yesterday my enemy wanted to be friends again.I am still wondering if it was a trick.I will be going trick or treating in a few hours.I am going as Jade Harley.Smile

Well that is my day so far~
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Halloween stuff (10/31/12
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