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 Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12

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Veteran Fantagian

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Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12 Empty
PostSubject: Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12   Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 6:11 pm

Yo yo yo!

Ok, yesterday and ths morning were awesome.

We didnt have power, so since my sister moved near Mount Claire (not so far away where i live) my mom dropped me off because she had power. Also, her boyfriend Bill, is very fun and nice :D

So she had a cute little cat names Oskar, (with a K) with short orange fur that is 9 months old. So cut.... We played alittle bit, and he bit me ALOT. But he was jst playing, and it tickled alot.

Bill had a playstation 3,and it had Call of duty and Litle Big Planet. It was so fun.... and we all played together (even oskar got a remote too! I helped him.)

After that, we got frozen yogurt and went to thi place called Doin Dishes. We painted mugs, it was so fun.

Then i went tosleep on the couch with Oskar, he kept licking my nose and meowing.

Unfortunaly, we had to go this morning.

And i realized we have electricity! :3

So that was my day. :D
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Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12   Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 6:15 pm

Oh that sounds fun! I wish I was there. The frozen yogurt must've been really good. And Oskar sounds cute c:
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12   Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 6:15 pm

That sounds fun! ^_^ Wish I was there!
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Expert Fantagian
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Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12   Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 6:22 pm

I'm always afraid that my cat is going to bite me.
It acts weird at night because it runs around and meows a lot.
And when my cat sees some strangers she just runs off and hides under my bro's bed. Shocked
That sounds awesome on the other hand.
You really must have had an awesome time there.
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PostSubject: Re: Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12   Cat days (with my sis) 11/1/12-11/2/12 Icon_minitime

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