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 The witch's house

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New Fantagian

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Age : 27

The witch's house Empty
PostSubject: The witch's house   The witch's house Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2012 8:47 am

So the witch's house (also known as majo no le) is a pretty fun game. It's a little computer download game where you play as Violia; a little 13 year old girl. She's trapped in the forest so she goes into a house near by, and simply to put it everything tries killing her. I don't wanna spoil anything but it's a horror game, a really scary one a that. The only thing I can really say I didn't like was how short it was (took me two hours to beat) but even that was a pretty good run time for it. So yeah pretty cool game, anyone else ever played it?
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