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 what game is this fantage person on?

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Ultimate Fantagian

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what game is this fantage person on? Empty
PostSubject: what game is this fantage person on?   what game is this fantage person on? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 05, 2012 3:27 pm

I hope I did not put this in the wrong section..

Well when I was checking my pictures, I came across one that I remember is on a fantage game:

what game is this fantage person on? Edited10

What game on fantage is she on? I forgot. it must be a non popular game if I don't remember it

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Ultimate Fantagian

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what game is this fantage person on? Empty
PostSubject: Re: what game is this fantage person on?   what game is this fantage person on? Icon_minitimeMon Nov 05, 2012 3:31 pm

Snow Day. It comes from Snow Day.
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what game is this fantage person on?
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