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 a dude in one of my classes did something weird..

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Ultimate Fantagian

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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2012 4:22 pm

Yesterday I made a really good picture of Miku in class. a guy (class clown) saw it and started drooling. He called it hot, and all of those words guys say to girls by how their body looks. He asked to see my picture and for some reason started kissing it... At lunch he was pretending to feed Miku...He said he was in heavin with her. He does not know who Miku is which is weird. He started kissing it again..To stop him from doing this I gave him the name of her so he can look her up. But all he did was start having tears of joy because he learned the name..Today was the same thing. It is really annoying and I told him to stop. But he truley loves my drawing. Why does he like it so much? Does he just like me or something..Or is he really in love with a picture I drew..Today he made something saying "Together 4 ever". I feel really weird and I want to find a way to stop it. I want him to be back to normal..Should I make a copy of the picture? What should I do to make him stop? I know this topic is really silly, but it is true...It is love at first sight for him. Maybe his first crush. I know he is not acting silly, because he acts WAAAAYYYY different when he is. How could I make him shut up about it (sorry I just wanted to say that..) without hurting his feelings? And why does he love it so much?

So that was pretty much not about my day. More of a weird thing.

Okay, today made me burst into flames. It turns out that the whole school is looking at my art. That is good, but now they are copying my drawing. They are tracing over her and saying that it was their idea and drawing. I know that they only copy me because they think it is "good" but it is not fair that they are doing this. I told everyone that Miku is a vocaloid, and I just drew her. I gave people credit and they are thanking me by making the same Hatsune Miku and claiming that it is theirs. And I am happy that people are making things up like "Miku's sister". I know she does not have one, but I can understand the fun of that. But they are going to far with it also by making the breasts really big, saying that she sings way better, and they are making fun of Hatsune Miku. Now when I draw a vocaloid they all start saying, "I showed her how to do that". I know they might be jealous but they can at least credit me just a tiny bit. Man, what is wrong with my school. Now I try to make my anime/vocaloid pictures privet, but everyone takes my journal out of my hand and looks. My life feels so messed up.

(Also should I re post that into another topic and delete that last thing that I said, or keep it bthis way?)

Last edited by Squirtle on Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hero Fantagian

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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2012 4:25 pm

He's just really likes the drawing or is just messing with you. All I can think of er..
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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2012 4:30 pm

I guess he thinks Miku is hot(or he's just messing with you),after all,I know this kid in my class who's apparently in love with Hatsune Miku too lol.
Try to make him move on to other interests if he gets too weird.
I guess his love for Hatsune Miku will ward off soon I hope.
My advice sucks,sorry 'bout that xD
(also I probably shouldn't have posted this because he was joking but whatever Razz)

Last edited by ★Mishka★ on Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2012 4:34 pm

A.) A sad excuse to make a conversation with you.
B.) Just being a plain weirdo to creep you out.

I'm going with B, but I guess you should avoid him and tell him to stop obsessing over a fictional character
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Hero Fantagian

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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2012 4:44 pm

Simplicity wrote:
A.) A sad excuse to make a conversation with you.
B.) Just being a plain weirdo to creep you out.

I'm going with B, but I guess you should avoid him and tell him to stop obsessing over a fictional character

I would go with B. If he never knew who Miku is, then he's just mess in with ya.
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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2012 4:46 pm

I guess he could become a fan boy. Razz
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Legendary Fantagian

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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2012 5:09 pm

That is really weird! Something like that happened to me 2 or 1 week ago.
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Veteran Fantagian

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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2012 5:12 pm

Um. I don't know what to say. If he's the class clown than he is joking.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2012 5:29 pm

He's definitely just messing with you, lol.
Whenever I draw girls the boys come and watch while I draw the breasts. x) Just how men are, you'll learn that one day.
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Legendary Fantagian

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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2012 5:57 am

Advice about boys from an actual boy: He thinks he's being very funny. Tell him to knock it off.
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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2012 10:52 am

I read everyone's advice... And wellll..... I don't know...
I don't think a guy would go that far just to creep you out....
Maybe this is just an accuse to get to know you better, or maybe he wanted to show you he is interested in stuff you like ;3 something like this happened to me a long time ago... And it turned out the guys liked me~

Squirtle- maybe you should ask him? You could be all "Sooooooo... It Miku the only thing you like?" sorry I'd my advice stinks.....
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Hibiki Kuze
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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2012 1:42 pm

I think he is just being an idiot so... Ignore him =)
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Ultimate Fantagian

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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2012 2:10 pm

thanks for the advice everyone!

Please read my post again, I edited it and this one is really important.
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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2012 2:11 pm

Your life sounds bad. Just yell at everyone untill they stop.
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Hibiki Kuze
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Hibiki Kuze

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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2012 2:36 pm

Wowz that sounds horrible... Y r ppl so stupid these days???
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Legendary Fantagian

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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2012 2:48 pm

Squirtle wrote:

Okay, today made me burst into flames. It turns out that the whole school is looking at my art. That is good, but now they are copying my drawing. They are tracing over her and saying that it was their idea and drawing. I know that they only copy me because they think it is "good" but it is not fair that they are doing this. I told everyone that Miku is a vocaloid, and I just drew her. I gave people credit and they are thanking me by making the same Hatsune Miku and claiming that it is theirs. And I am happy that people are making things up like "Miku's sister". I know she does not have one, but I can understand the fun of that. But they are going to far with it also by making the breasts really big, saying that she sings way better, and they are making fun of Hatsune Miku. Now when I draw a vocaloid they all start saying, "I showed her how to do that". I know they might be jealous but they can at least credit me just a tiny bit. Man, what is wrong with my school. Now I try to make my anime/vocaloid pictures privet, but everyone takes my journal out of my hand and looks. My life feels so messed up.

(Also should I re post that into another topic and delete that last thing that I said, or keep it bthis way?)

They're just having fun. Since you didn't invent Hatsune Miku and they aren't selling the work you did as their own, this isn't a copyright issue. Maybe you should start dating your work so the next time someone tells you that they did it first, you can prove them wrong.
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Veteran Fantagian

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a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 15, 2012 3:34 pm

OMIGOSH SQUIRTLE!! I HATE IT when people copy Sad.

Maybe pretend to be over it? That way they will think it's not as exiting? Or show them the REAL vocaloid, show the Miku is different outfits, or different poses, so they'll have more things to draw, and maybe they won't copy yours?
Or if you start drawing Len or Rin in your notebook they'll copy that and they
won't draw Miku anymore and you'll have her all to yourself!!

You can also take it as a compliment...EVERYONE LOVES YOUR DRAWINGS!!
And some people want to get married to them!!
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PostSubject: Re: a dude in one of my classes did something weird..   a dude in one of my classes did something weird.. Icon_minitime

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