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 My Day. :] [[ 11, 16, 2012 ]]

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Veteran Fantagian

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My Day. :] [[ 11, 16, 2012 ]] Empty
PostSubject: My Day. :] [[ 11, 16, 2012 ]]   My Day. :] [[ 11, 16, 2012 ]] Icon_minitimeFri Nov 16, 2012 7:46 pm

November 16, 2012 -

Well today at school was probably the best normal days ever in grade six. We read a non - fiction book for 10 - 20 minutes or so, had about three periods of art, French after Lunch, then Math for the rest of the day. Also today was my first day of AMA School Patrols. I'm glad I joined it since it saves many lives and it just feels good to help. I regret not joining it last year but those were my decisions.

After I got off my bus stop I headed to my friend's house and played Minecraft. :3 Now I'm just at home relaxing, watching 'Let it Shine' and well writing this. My parents aren't home from going to work then heading to the supermarket and buying Koryo for us, later. :]

Well this was sort of my day, it was nice and calming.

I'll add more later if I can. ^^
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Hero Fantagian

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My Day. :] [[ 11, 16, 2012 ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Day. :] [[ 11, 16, 2012 ]]   My Day. :] [[ 11, 16, 2012 ]] Icon_minitimeFri Nov 16, 2012 7:48 pm

Sounds like a nice day! I had a pretty good day too. (:
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My Day. :] [[ 11, 16, 2012 ]]
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