Today I was too sick to go to school. I sat on the computer, ate lunch, laid down for a while, then I got up. This was my first year I got to get a Christmas tree in my room, so I put it in my room today. It is a fake one though so it is not that big.(Not small though.) I decorated it, put lights on, and took my collection of nit crackers out. Then I practiced my Viola for 10 minutes, and did latch hook. I finished my latch hook Orca picture, and I went to the post office with my mom to send back a coffee maker. After that, I went to the library and got a really cool manga about a girl in high school who hunts this creature thingy. I went to the grocery store, and got really good Nutella.(chocolate that is kind of nutty) I went back home, listened to my music and I was trying to make a Fantage Music Video. Well that was my school free day! Oh, it also snowed!