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 I know this may be weird...

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Hero Fantagian

Posts : 5295
Join date : 2012-11-03
Age : 22
Location : upstate baby

I know this may be weird... Empty
PostSubject: I know this may be weird...   I know this may be weird... Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2012 12:08 pm

My old nanny came to visit, and this morning, she said that on a lot of websites, like scientific ones, the world will not end. But it has a catch. Starting December 1st, on a video I watched, a woman (Japanese) said that after 3 days and night of darkness, and then after that I didn't understand a word she said. (Something about being able to travel with our souls and that we will get some sort of telepathy.) Weird, huh?

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I know this may be weird...
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