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 School So Complicated 12-11-12

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Expert Fantagian

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School So Complicated 12-11-12 Empty
PostSubject: School So Complicated 12-11-12   School So Complicated 12-11-12 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2012 7:49 pm

This day was basically the worst,I didn't wanna get started .Okay so when I got to school early.I went into breakfast and ate my lunch,after that I did some of my missed reading logs which our Reading teacher treats us like small children.Then,my friends started coming so we talked.

Then,I went to my first class which was Social Studies,I enjoyed it dearly.Talking about the Olympics and America's enemies.Then,we had boring reading for 2 periods.But,I enjoyed the 2nd period since we were talking about quotes.Then,Lunch was an A-OKAY.It could've been better to be honest.Then,we had Math!It was my Teacher's birthday so we brought cupcakes and sang happy birthday & wrote her some letters.

Then,when Health was over and it was the end of the day,I had after school which involves club and stuff so I told my Homeroom teacher I was having stomach pains and wanted to leave early and skip clubs she said yes so I walked home with my friend.

The point is,This Girl named Sugenny my Half-Sister started the 6th grade and the boys in her class R,E were calling her a

[[blocked. just don't post it. you could have said "bad words" or "mean things."]]

Its because they had this small argument and Sugenny has anger issues like me so she pinned both boys to the walls.Not harming them but yeno,some dumb things.

But Benjamen and Victor were nice to my sister.But,I know it will soon worsen!What can I do??I don't want her to get bullied by some jerks!!!

Then my mom had a ruff day!!!I can't wait till Christmas break no drama and no school for 1 whole week praise the lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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