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 Contest! [12/12/12]

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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2012 5:03 pm

So, when I walked through the school doors, one word popped into my mind: Whoa. Almost every student was wearing some crazy item. There were glowing shirts, blinking socks, and one person wore twelve pants o_o
So, in 1st period I asked my friend, who had a cape with twelve plastic birds on them, why everyone was dressed up so weirdly. She answered, "It's 12 12 12!" I was confused.
At lunch, I asked my best friend why everyone was dressed up so weirdly. She answered, "It's December 12, 2012. Nothing like this will ever happen again, since there are no months after December. Like, there will never be a 13/13/13 because there is no 13th month. Get it?" Lightbulb.
At chapel, the teachers rounded up all the middle schoolers who were dressed up. They announced that the winner of each grade would get a gift card and a free-dress day, since my school requires uniforms.
In sixth grade, the winner was a boy who hung ornaments on his sweater, pants, and even taped some on his ear. The winner of seventh grade was a boy who had twelve military pins on. The winner of eighth grade (my grade c:) was a boy who had twelve christmas socks on his sweater.
Pretty weird day ._.

ALSO: Today I got Zapped. For those who don't know, being zapped is when someone writes the word 'ZAP' on the top of your hand and a time. On the palm of your hand, they write down what do want to do. If you look at the Zap, you have to do it. At whatever time they wrote down, you have to do it. So I forgot about my Zap. At home, I looked at my hand and almost died. My dare was to go to my principle, hug him and tell him I loved him. I'm glad I didn't have to do that.

Last edited by Rin on Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2012 5:05 pm

Omg I'm laughing thats hilarious.
I wish I went to your school. We don't have funny events like that.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2012 5:11 pm

wow that most of been really funny. i heard that people are getting married today and that babies are being born today on the news i wish i was at your school xD
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2012 5:30 pm

Lol, that's hilarious omg.
Sounds fun! And the 'Zap", do you really have to do it?
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2012 5:31 pm

Frost wrote:
Lol, that's hilarious omg.
Sounds fun! And the 'Zap", do you really have to do it?

Yes, you have to. If you don't do a Zap, you're ignored for 2 days by almost everyone. Pretty harsh.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2012 5:41 pm

Rin wrote:
Frost wrote:
Lol, that's hilarious omg.
Sounds fun! And the 'Zap", do you really have to do it?

Yes, you have to. If you don't do a Zap, you're ignored for 2 days by almost everyone. Pretty harsh.

Thats really mean Twisted Evil Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil did anyone find out that you didn't do it?
That's sortof like bullying
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2012 5:42 pm

akinabear wrote:
Rin wrote:
Frost wrote:
Lol, that's hilarious omg.
Sounds fun! And the 'Zap", do you really have to do it?

Yes, you have to. If you don't do a Zap, you're ignored for 2 days by almost everyone. Pretty harsh.

Thats really mean Twisted Evil Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil did anyone find out that you didn't do it?
That' sortof like bullying

It's not bullying, don't worry (; My class can't hold grudges, so it's more like 2 minutes instead of 2 days.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeWed Dec 12, 2012 6:12 pm

Lol I wish that happened at my school (the contest). The only thing that we did at school today that was 12-12-12 related was a math problem that relates to the 1-1-1, 2-2-2 thing and all of us shouting 12-12-12.

Zapping... I never had it at my school. I think I saw it once, but it never stuck.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 5:41 am

Rin wrote:
So, when I walked through the school doors, one word popped into my mind: Whoa. Almost every student was wearing some crazy item. There were glowing shirts, blinking socks, and one person wore twelve pants o_o
So, in 1st period I asked my friend, who had a cape with twelve plastic birds on them, why everyone was dressed up so weirdly. She answered, "It's 12 12 12!" I was confused.
At lunch, I asked my best friend why everyone was dressed up so weirdly. She answered, "It's December 12, 2012. Nothing like this will ever happen again, since there are no months after December. Like, there will never be a 13/13/13 because there is no 13th month. Get it?" Lightbulb.
At chapel, the teachers rounded up all the middle schoolers who were dressed up. They announced that the winner of each grade would get a gift card and a free-dress day, since my school requires uniforms.
In sixth grade, the winner was a boy who hung ornaments on his sweater, pants, and even taped some on his ear. The winner of seventh grade was a boy who had twelve military pins on. The winner of eighth grade (my grade c:) was a boy who had twelve christmas socks on his sweater.
Pretty weird day ._.

ALSO: Today I got Zapped. For those who don't know, being zapped is when someone writes the word 'ZAP' on the top of your hand and a time. On the palm of your hand, they write down what do want to do. If you look at the Zap, you have to do it. At whatever time they wrote down, you have to do it. So I forgot about my Zap. At home, I looked at my hand and almost died. My dare was to go to my principle, hug him and tell him I loved him. I'm glad I didn't have to do that.

Untrue. The next one is January 1st, 3001. You won't live to see it, though.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 6:06 am

That sounds like a crazy day!
At my school, if someone zaps you, they write a boy/girl (Depending who it is) inside your hand. On the outisde they write a time. If you look at that person's name before that time you have to ask them out. ):
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Regular Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 7:35 am

❤Kat wrote:
That sounds like a crazy day!
At my school, if someone zaps you, they write a boy/girl (Depending who it is) inside your hand. On the outisde they write a time. If you look at that person's name before that time you have to ask them out. ):

The wierd thing is my friends started playing tht yesterday too Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 1:41 pm

Ron Weasley wrote:
Rin wrote:
So, when I walked through the school doors, one word popped into my mind: Whoa. Almost every student was wearing some crazy item. There were glowing shirts, blinking socks, and one person wore twelve pants o_o
So, in 1st period I asked my friend, who had a cape with twelve plastic birds on them, why everyone was dressed up so weirdly. She answered, "It's 12 12 12!" I was confused.
At lunch, I asked my best friend why everyone was dressed up so weirdly. She answered, "It's December 12, 2012. Nothing like this will ever happen again, since there are no months after December. Like, there will never be a 13/13/13 because there is no 13th month. Get it?" Lightbulb.
At chapel, the teachers rounded up all the middle schoolers who were dressed up. They announced that the winner of each grade would get a gift card and a free-dress day, since my school requires uniforms.
In sixth grade, the winner was a boy who hung ornaments on his sweater, pants, and even taped some on his ear. The winner of seventh grade was a boy who had twelve military pins on. The winner of eighth grade (my grade c:) was a boy who had twelve christmas socks on his sweater.
Pretty weird day ._.

ALSO: Today I got Zapped. For those who don't know, being zapped is when someone writes the word 'ZAP' on the top of your hand and a time. On the palm of your hand, they write down what do want to do. If you look at the Zap, you have to do it. At whatever time they wrote down, you have to do it. So I forgot about my Zap. At home, I looked at my hand and almost died. My dare was to go to my principle, hug him and tell him I loved him. I'm glad I didn't have to do that.

Untrue. The next one is January 1st, 3001. You won't live to see it, though.
next one will be in 2101, actually, wahaha
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 2:02 pm

Oliver wrote:
Ron Weasley wrote:
Rin wrote:
So, when I walked through the school doors, one word popped into my mind: Whoa. Almost every student was wearing some crazy item. There were glowing shirts, blinking socks, and one person wore twelve pants o_o
So, in 1st period I asked my friend, who had a cape with twelve plastic birds on them, why everyone was dressed up so weirdly. She answered, "It's 12 12 12!" I was confused.
At lunch, I asked my best friend why everyone was dressed up so weirdly. She answered, "It's December 12, 2012. Nothing like this will ever happen again, since there are no months after December. Like, there will never be a 13/13/13 because there is no 13th month. Get it?" Lightbulb.
At chapel, the teachers rounded up all the middle schoolers who were dressed up. They announced that the winner of each grade would get a gift card and a free-dress day, since my school requires uniforms.
In sixth grade, the winner was a boy who hung ornaments on his sweater, pants, and even taped some on his ear. The winner of seventh grade was a boy who had twelve military pins on. The winner of eighth grade (my grade c:) was a boy who had twelve christmas socks on his sweater.
Pretty weird day ._.

ALSO: Today I got Zapped. For those who don't know, being zapped is when someone writes the word 'ZAP' on the top of your hand and a time. On the palm of your hand, they write down what do want to do. If you look at the Zap, you have to do it. At whatever time they wrote down, you have to do it. So I forgot about my Zap. At home, I looked at my hand and almost died. My dare was to go to my principle, hug him and tell him I loved him. I'm glad I didn't have to do that.

Untrue. The next one is January 1st, 3001. You won't live to see it, though.
next one will be in 2101, actually, wahaha

I was wrong on the internet. It's the end of the world.

Hey, maybe I will get to see it. I'd be 102. Not particularly crazy.
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Posts : 4588
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Location : *lights up a fire* yeah, trying to surivve in a fores.t *smokse a cig* il kill you

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 3:27 pm

Ron Weasley wrote:
Oliver wrote:
Ron Weasley wrote:
Rin wrote:
So, when I walked through the school doors, one word popped into my mind: Whoa. Almost every student was wearing some crazy item. There were glowing shirts, blinking socks, and one person wore twelve pants o_o
So, in 1st period I asked my friend, who had a cape with twelve plastic birds on them, why everyone was dressed up so weirdly. She answered, "It's 12 12 12!" I was confused.
At lunch, I asked my best friend why everyone was dressed up so weirdly. She answered, "It's December 12, 2012. Nothing like this will ever happen again, since there are no months after December. Like, there will never be a 13/13/13 because there is no 13th month. Get it?" Lightbulb.
At chapel, the teachers rounded up all the middle schoolers who were dressed up. They announced that the winner of each grade would get a gift card and a free-dress day, since my school requires uniforms.
In sixth grade, the winner was a boy who hung ornaments on his sweater, pants, and even taped some on his ear. The winner of seventh grade was a boy who had twelve military pins on. The winner of eighth grade (my grade c:) was a boy who had twelve christmas socks on his sweater.
Pretty weird day ._.

ALSO: Today I got Zapped. For those who don't know, being zapped is when someone writes the word 'ZAP' on the top of your hand and a time. On the palm of your hand, they write down what do want to do. If you look at the Zap, you have to do it. At whatever time they wrote down, you have to do it. So I forgot about my Zap. At home, I looked at my hand and almost died. My dare was to go to my principle, hug him and tell him I loved him. I'm glad I didn't have to do that.

Untrue. The next one is January 1st, 3001. You won't live to see it, though.
next one will be in 2101, actually, wahaha

I was wrong on the internet. It's the end of the world.

Hey, maybe I will get to see it. I'd be 102. Not particularly crazy.
yeah it would be pretty cool! i'd be 100 :0 (i'd turn 101 if i didn't die before april 17TH)
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 13, 2012 3:32 pm

❤Kat wrote:
That sounds like a crazy day!
At my school, if someone zaps you, they write a boy/girl (Depending who it is) inside your hand. On the outisde they write a time. If you look at that person's name before that time you have to ask them out. ):

that happened to me today and I looked at the name and it was my crush so now tomorrow I have to ask him out Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Contest! [12/12/12]   Contest! [12/12/12] Icon_minitime

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