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 Trade N' Sell

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dana scully
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PostSubject: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2012 8:14 am

I hate how people try to sell their things for unreasonable prices. Like if they're trying to sell an accessory it usually says something around 20,000 Like a Star @ heaven or more. Something like that. Can't there be a maximum amount of stars or eCoins? To make it fair?
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dana scully
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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2012 8:55 am

Hmm.. well some people on fantage really want this certain item for instance, frisky hair, tons of people want it and sometimes they will pay A LOT of ecoins/stars for them, now I wouldnt do that because I want to be fair and stuff, but it usually depends on the item and how rare it is, like if I really need some ecoins and I have a limited item I dont want and people want it, I've actually sold an item for about 20,000 ecoins but yes maybe common items should be fair like stuff from le shop and stuff but not limited items because they are rarer, except when fantage is reselling them for the price you bought them at the event like last week? idk if it was last week or not anyways it depends on the items
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2012 6:51 pm

Most things that are overly priced are limited and discontinued items. If you didn't get it back then, you can't get it anymore. So, of course they are going to cost a lot. It's similar to the real world. If there is someone selling an item that was a "limited edition" item, you sell it for a high price. It's reasonable, because you or that person can't get it anymore.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2012 12:11 am

Crownie wrote:
Most things that are overly priced are limited and discontinued items. If you didn't get it back then, you can't get it anymore. So, of course they are going to cost a lot. It's similar to the real world. If there is someone selling an item that was a "limited edition" item, you sell it for a high price. It's reasonable, because you or that person can't get it anymore.

For 20k ecoins? Maaaaaaaaaaaybe. Stretching the limit high. Ecoins costs real money. Those clothes were probably a lot less, and even if they're limited, should not cost more than 50k.

And no, it's usually not reasonable at all. Have you seen the prices?
Millions. of stars.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeMon Dec 17, 2012 8:44 pm

Cefie wrote:
Crownie wrote:
Most things that are overly priced are limited and discontinued items. If you didn't get it back then, you can't get it anymore. So, of course they are going to cost a lot. It's similar to the real world. If there is someone selling an item that was a "limited edition" item, you sell it for a high price. It's reasonable, because you or that person can't get it anymore.

For 20k ecoins? Maaaaaaaaaaaybe. Stretching the limit high. Ecoins costs real money. Those clothes were probably a lot less, and even if they're limited, should not cost more than 50k.

And no, it's usually not reasonable at all. Have you seen the prices?
Millions. of stars.

I understand it's real money. I have seen the prices. I work with it. I deal with it. If it's too high, don't deal with it. The only reason why the prices would be that high is because PEOPLE WILL PAY THAT MUCH FOR IT! Doesn't matter if you aren't part of that group; it only matters to the sellers that there are people who will buy it. Once people stop buying, the prices will of course lower.

If you can't deal with it, don't. With this kind of stuff, making profits from buying and selling, you have to be smart with it. That's how people get so much ecoins/stars in the first place. They sell all their things high, to different various people, which can accumulate to 100k+. Then they can buy their things back for lower.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeTue Dec 18, 2012 12:03 am

Crownie wrote:
Cefie wrote:
Crownie wrote:
Most things that are overly priced are limited and discontinued items. If you didn't get it back then, you can't get it anymore. So, of course they are going to cost a lot. It's similar to the real world. If there is someone selling an item that was a "limited edition" item, you sell it for a high price. It's reasonable, because you or that person can't get it anymore.

For 20k ecoins? Maaaaaaaaaaaybe. Stretching the limit high. Ecoins costs real money. Those clothes were probably a lot less, and even if they're limited, should not cost more than 50k.

And no, it's usually not reasonable at all. Have you seen the prices?
Millions. of stars.

I understand it's real money. I have seen the prices. I work with it. I deal with it. If it's too high, don't deal with it. The only reason why the prices would be that high is because PEOPLE WILL PAY THAT MUCH FOR IT! Doesn't matter if you aren't part of that group; it only matters to the sellers that there are people who will buy it. Once people stop buying, the prices will of course lower.

If you can't deal with it, don't. With this kind of stuff, making profits from buying and selling, you have to be smart with it. That's how people get so much ecoins/stars in the first place. They sell all their things high, to different various people, which can accumulate to 100k+. Then they can buy their things back for lower.

Actually, most people never buy stuff that are selling for 9,999,999. I just assume seller is showing off. 've gotten a million or two before, but that's by selling 50k stars with like cat ears or something. 3 million, 4 million, is still ridiculous.
Anyway, I still really want to facepalm at all this. Where in the heck did the first person get enough to start all this? I seriously think Fantage should put a stars limit way under 9,999,999. It'd separate the serious sellers from the braggers.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeTue Dec 18, 2012 10:45 pm

Okay, the whole 9mil stuff, I agree is unreasonable and obviously no one will buy it;however, the prices that range around 20k-50k aren't bad. People get this amount by accumulating all their sales...And I'm not talking about stars. I'm talking about ecoins. Stars are so easy to get nowadays. Just play some interactive games such as "what's that word" or whatever by yourself using two devices.
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Lord Voldemort
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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeWed Dec 19, 2012 5:18 pm

Okay, i'm confused. does "k" mean thousand, like "grand"?
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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeWed Dec 19, 2012 5:28 pm

Ғaith wrote:
Okay, i'm confused. does "k" mean thousand, like "grand"?

-__- K means "thousand". Didnt you learn that in fourth grade?

I think its really uneccesary that people are doing a million stars for a dumb bow. I mean, REALLY.
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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeWed Dec 19, 2012 6:01 pm

☆Marshy ★ wrote:
Ғaith wrote:
Okay, i'm confused. does "k" mean thousand, like "grand"?

-__- K means "thousand". Didnt you learn that in fourth grade?
Woah woah woah guys--chill out.
@Faith stay on topic. You could have searched it up or just have pm'ed someone. Infraction given.
@Marshy don't be so rude! Just because she didn't know what something means, doesn't mean you need to lash out at her. Infraction given.
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Miranda Sings
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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeWed Dec 19, 2012 10:35 pm

Ppl sell stuff for 9999999999999999999 stars or ecoins. But, once I saw a hair worth 2,500 stars at steller salon. It was 2,000 stars! XD It's a hair that heaps of ppl reaaaaally love! Btw y do ppl keep syaing shoe after like who wants such and such.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitimeWed Dec 19, 2012 11:03 pm

^- If I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure it's for make sure what they are saying gets through the fantage chat filter. Don't know how, but I guess it works? I think it's similar to when people say "FUN" after everything too.
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PostSubject: Re: Trade N' Sell   Trade N' Sell Icon_minitime

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