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 I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12]

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I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12] Empty
PostSubject: I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12]   I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12] Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2012 1:25 pm

Hey guys! So today was ok. I went bowling (I did really bad though.), then we went to Burger King and I had an ice! On the way there, though, we stopped at Citgo and I won $20 from the lottery! Yea, at first it was only supposed to be $4 but I forgot to say "dollars" so he gave me 4 tickets instead. xD Then I scratched one and won $20! So my day was ok! And at bowling my dad gave me $100 for Christmas! So yeah me and my mom might go to Wal-Mart sometime this week and buy some stuff with all my X-mas money, which is so far $160.
That was my day!
P.S. Just a few minutes ago I realized "Hey, its past 12/21/12 and I'm alive!" LOL.
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Hero Fantagian

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I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12]   I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12] Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2012 1:26 pm

LOl yes. XD Sounds like fun! You got lucky. :p
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12]   I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12] Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2012 1:29 pm

Congratulations on winning the lottery! Sounds like you had an awesome day ;w;
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Veteran Fantagian

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I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12]   I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2012 5:14 am

Silent Night wrote:
Hey guys! So today was ok. I went bowling (I did really bad though.), then we went to Burger King and I had an ice! On the way there, though, we stopped at Citgo and I won $20 from the lottery! Yea, at first it was only supposed to be $4 but I forgot to say "dollars" so he gave me 4 tickets instead. xD Then I scratched one and won $20! So my day was ok! And at bowling my dad gave me $100 for Christmas! So yeah me and my mom might go to Wal-Mart sometime this week and buy some stuff with all my X-mas money, which is so far $160.
That was my day!
P.S. Just a few minutes ago I realized "Hey, its past 12/21/12 and I'm alive!" LOL.

Hahahaha.. same here..:>

Woah~ grats.. :3
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PostSubject: Re: I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12]   I Won The Lottery! [12/22/12] Icon_minitime

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