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 Christmas Eve Eve [12/23/12]

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Devoted Fantagian

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Christmas Eve Eve [12/23/12] Empty
PostSubject: Christmas Eve Eve [12/23/12]   Christmas Eve Eve [12/23/12] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2012 5:46 pm

Today was really fun. I just got to relax and it feels so good not to have a bunch of stress on me. I was on the computer all day and I felt lazy so I chased my dog around our house and I fed him some treats (If he is being good we give him treats) Then I cleaned my American Girl Doll's room. (Dont judge. I like dolls but not like Barbies.) On top of that, TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS EVE! IM SO EXCITED! Kay. That was my day. Im in a really good mood now. Merry Christmas Eve Eve! (Happy Holidays)
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Christmas Eve Eve [12/23/12]   Christmas Eve Eve [12/23/12] Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2012 5:48 pm

Lol, sounds like a really normal day! I giggled at the part your dog chased you around the house. ;P
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Christmas Eve Eve [12/23/12]
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