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Former Staff
Former Staff

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PostSubject: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 7:17 pm

I have seen so many posts and people questioning lately about how us staff have been banning members for no reason. Cake, Swag, Xaria, etc, all claim that we have been. But we haven't. The only accounts we have banned have been the ones we knew were them (because of proxy IPs and their email names) plus, how would they know they got banned if they weren't the ones making the account? You can't see who is banned or not unless their bar says banned and 99% of the time when we ban new users who are clearly troll accounts we don't even bother to change the bar. PLUS, they're IP banned so they shouldn't even be getting on the forum anyway so they are using a proxy. This makes it quite clear they're the ones making the accounts, the fact they know the accounts are being banned basically proves it.

I am getting very fed up with this and I'm tired of everyone accusing us of things when they don't have a clue on the situation. It's okay to have questions, but accusing of stuff when you have no idea what's going on isn't okay. I've been considering just resigning at this point because I'm tired of always being BLAMED for everything by people who don't know the story and are just believing what they're told by people who are just trying to give us a bad name.

Anyway, if you have any questions, PM me or post here. I'm not saying you are all obligated to know what went down exactly, but I don't want people to think badly of the staff because they've been misinformed.
And just to clear it up. Jaylee was Swag the whole time. She literally admitted on the chatbox, that's why she's banned.

Also, Len explained even further in the replies to this thread:
Len wrote:
Hey y'all if you didnt read this post you should

Because I've been getting an extremely high amount of peoples basically saying, "Wow?!?! Unfair reaosnsS?!?! They should all be demodded lol!" And I'm sick of it. We always ban someone with a reason.
100% of the time when a new user is banned on the spot it's because they're either Cake, Xaria, or Swag. I'm sick of this. It's been going on since June, and they haven't stopped. They've all been IP banned, which means they can't view the forum as a guest. This meaning, they need to use proxies to view the forum. Every single new account has a proxy ip. Just because you guys don't post, doesn't mean we can't see your ip.
For example, some of you remember VocaloidMonsta, Sarahgirl, and there were a few more (Justein Bebar or something like that was one of them). They were all troll accounts and were banned because they were Xaria, Swag, or Cake.
I'd like to be able to go one week without a pm concerning them.
Thanks, guys.

Last edited by Abbey on Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:33 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 7:27 pm

I do think its odd that so many new accounts are getting banned, but it makes a ton of sense that they are troll accounts because it does look like trolling to me due to some stupid posts they made.
Xaria keeps on posting stuff on my DA comments to make you guys look bad when its untrue although may be convincing

I'm so sorry about all this stress your going through. It'll be over in a few years probably

I'm curious, how do proxies work?

I'm 100% Jaylee is NOT Swag

Last edited by Clockwork Invention on Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 7:28 pm

Hey y'all if you didnt read this post you should

Because I've been getting an extremely high amount of peoples basically saying, "Wow?!?! Unfair reaosnsS?!?! They should all be demodded lol!" And I'm sick of it. We always ban someone with a reason.
100% of the time when a new user is banned on the spot it's because they're either Cake, Xaria, or Swag. I'm sick of this. It's been going on since June, and they haven't stopped. They've all been IP banned, which means they can't view the forum as a guest. This meaning, they need to use proxies to view the forum. Every single new account has a proxy ip. Just because you guys don't post, doesn't mean we can't see your ip.
For example, some of you remember VocaloidMonsta, Sarahgirl, and there were a few more (Justein Bebar or something like that was one of them). They were all troll accounts and were banned because they were Xaria, Swag, or Cake.
I'd like to be able to go one week without a pm concerning them.
Thanks, guys.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 7:37 pm

Hmmm no wonder some of the new users were just plain trolling. ( I guess Amanda Bynes, BeyBey,and Britney Spears were also one of those users)
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 7:39 pm

Maybe that is what some of those over 6000 members are- troll accounts by Xaria, Swag, and Cake.

I do agree that it is getting annoying. I was wondering why there were troll accounts all of a sudden on this forum. I hope the problem will go away soon.

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 7:42 pm

thANK U AbbEy,, i am SO tired of people trolling on the forum and acting like idiots when they get banned by saying "oH I DI,,d NoTHI NG!!!! WOW. RUDE MO D, s"
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 8:08 pm

That is great that you figured it out! Also, some could be Briunet.
How was Cake banned anyways!? I don't think I was here when she trolled...
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 8:15 pm

Can't you find a way to like ban the proxy?So they can't come on the site anymore??
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 8:51 pm

I've been banned by Len but I didn't react because I know theres a reason.
Theres no way Admins or Moderators will ban a account or IP with no reasons. Maybe It's because that person is already so annoying that don't follow rules, Always doing against the rules soo we shouldn't react to what they did. Because As I know being a moderator is really hard because I already tired to become a Moderator in a Forum with so many members ( The forum where I become a moderator its not like fantage where some kids theres also some adults going in that forum ). And yeah, I know Moderators always read all the threads too see some users that are not following rules. Right Moderators? Admins? Its pretty hard to become staff and US not staffs giving problems to them.

Theres a time I really got disappointed of myself because of giving some problems to the Moderators here.

@Noah. Its hard to find out the proxy accounts. (( Maybe ))
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 8:54 pm

I think Christmas Sock is also Jaylee, aka Swag. She/he has the name ❤Jaylee❤ in her sig.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 9:08 pm

"Merry" Mayu wrote:
I think Christmas Sock is also Jaylee, aka Swag. She/he has the name ❤Jaylee❤ in her sig.

Huh? Jaylee is Swaggy?
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 9:09 pm

I think I understand now.
But why were Xiara, Cake, and Swag banned in the first place?
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 9:18 pm

snowflake wrote:
"Merry" Mayu wrote:
I think Christmas Sock is also Jaylee, aka Swag. She/he has the name ❤Jaylee❤ in her sig.

Huh? Jaylee is Swaggy?
Definitely true. Most of all, Swaggy wasnt banned when I signed up 2 months ago. I got a taste of his troll. But what did Cake do?
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 9:27 pm

So all those new accounts were ppl here were already banned? I can't believe it. Why could they just leave fantage forum alone and move on? They should just get over it. Geez people overreact to the littlest things ((I do too sometimes, but NOT like this!))
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Former Staff
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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 9:40 pm

The reason they were banned was because they did a lot of trolling and backstabbing. They made the original fantage forum confessions blog (but later remade) and it had posts that were like pictures of members and they would make posts about the users and were like "so and so is so fat/ugly/dumb" and it was generally horrible all around and then we had proof that they are the ones who made it, so then they got banned. Then that escalated into a whole lot of framing us staff and creating 5473862 troll accounts and spreading rumors about us. None of us are joking when we say this has been going on for June. It's been far too long and frankly it makes them look pathetic. Since Swag was the main one who was doing the bad stuff, she got banned forever, but later we found out Cake and Xaria were still in on it the whole time even when we thought they had stopped. I recall Xaria even admitted it and so did Cake. So we perma-banned them and now they're going around being immature and photoshopping chatlogs of us and making up stories about us to try to give us a bad rap. Trust me, I have so many screenshots I could show you of the stuff they have actually said about various people on xat. I'm not going to show you because that isn't exactly relevant and I'm not trying to trash them but this has got to stop.

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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 9:43 pm

Abbey if you don't mind sending me the photoshopped logs?But thats horrible,I know you wouldn't dare talk about us in such a way.You are a really nice person!I know you didn't say anything/do anything thats just Xaria and Cake being immature.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 9:44 pm

Abbey wrote:
The reason they were banned was because they did a lot of trolling and backstabbing. They made the original fantage forum confessions blog (but later remade) and it had posts that were like pictures of members and they would make posts about the users and were like "so and so is so fat/ugly/dumb" and it was generally horrible all around and then we had proof that they are the ones who made it, so then they got banned. Then that escalated into a whole lot of framing us staff and creating 5473862 troll accounts and spreading rumors about us. None of us are joking when we say this has been going on for June. It's been far too long and frankly it makes them look pathetic. Since Swag was the main one who was doing the bad stuff, she got banned forever, but later we found out Cake and Xaria were still in on it the whole time even when we thought they had stopped. I recall Xaria even admitted it and so did Cake. So we perma-banned them and now they're going around being immature and photoshopping chatlogs of us and making up stories about us to try to give us a bad rap. Trust me, I have so many screenshots I could show you of the stuff they have actually said about various people on xat. I'm not going to show you because that isn't exactly relevant and I'm not trying to trash them but this has got to stop.

Totally agree with you Abbey.
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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 9:46 pm

Noah wrote:
Abbey if you don't mind sending me the photoshopped logs?But thats horrible,I know you wouldn't dare talk about us in such a way.You are a really nice person!I know you didn't say anything/do anything thats just Xaria and Cake being immature.
I don't have any on hand right now but I've seen multiple ones that were apparently us staff talking on the chatbox about "banning users for no reason" when none of that ever happened?? It was such bad photoshopping too because the username colors didn't even match and were visibly different. It may not have even been photoshopping, it was probably them changing the colors of some site to look like FF and pretending to be us but...yeah.
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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 9:50 pm

@Noah there's a bunch of proxies available to use, so if we ban just one, they went on other proxies and stuff. Leeading into Clockwork's post, Jaylee was in fact swag. As the amount of available proxies was dwindling, we forgot to ban one of the proxies. It then matched up with other accounts which were confirmed to be swag, and putting two and two together-- it was swag. Like, Abbey said, we have a ton of screenshots but that would derail from the topic and itmd all end up. A lot worse than things are now.

But basically, they did a bunch of horrible, horrible things to the staff and a bunch of other nonstaff members. Anyways, the solution to the prblem is to ban their accounts and the troll accounts. Eventually they're going torun out of proxies that will let them post or go on the chatbox, so...
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 9:56 pm

Len wrote:
@Noah there's a bunch of proxies available to use, so if we ban just one, they went on other proxies and stuff. Leeading into Clockwork's post, Jaylee was in fact swag. As the amount of available proxies was dwindling, we forgot to ban one of the proxies. It then matched up with other accounts which were confirmed to be swag, and putting two and two together-- it was swag. Like, Abbey said, we have a ton of screenshots but that would derail from the topic and itmd all end up. A lot worse than things are now.

But basically, they did a bunch of horrible, horrible things to the staff and a bunch of other nonstaff members. Anyways, the solution to the prblem is to ban their accounts and the troll accounts. Eventually they're going torun out of proxies that will let them post or go on the chatbox, so...
That was me! Not clock!
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 9:57 pm

Where was I when all of this happened? DX

I've seen people say they were banned for reason but I really don't believe them... You are innocent until proven guilty

Idk where I heard that but... XP
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 10:00 pm

I know I have seen some of the troll accounts. I bet this must be very annoying to the staff. I know I have heard some talk about the staff. I know all the Bans have been reasonable the staff is not horrible at all. I wish the troll accounts would stop it is kinds annoying.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 10:12 pm

Yeah. Maybe only 80 of the accounts are real. I had a tinychat with Disney and saw her face, so i know she isnt a troll account. The other people that were on that Tinychat know that I am no troll either. I hope you solve this!!!
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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 10:33 pm

Abbey wrote:
The reason they were banned was because they did a lot of trolling and backstabbing. They made the original fantage forum confessions blog (but later remade) and it had posts that were like pictures of members and they would make posts about the users and were like "so and so is so fat/ugly/dumb" and it was generally horrible all around and then we had proof that they are the ones who made it, so then they got banned. Then that escalated into a whole lot of framing us staff and creating 5473862 troll accounts and spreading rumors about us. None of us are joking when we say this has been going on for June. It's been far too long and frankly it makes them look pathetic. Since Swag was the main one who was doing the bad stuff, she got banned forever, but later we found out Cake and Xaria were still in on it the whole time even when we thought they had stopped. I recall Xaria even admitted it and so did Cake. So we perma-banned them and now they're going around being immature and photoshopping chatlogs of us and making up stories about us to try to give us a bad rap. Trust me, I have so many screenshots I could show you of the stuff they have actually said about various people on xat. I'm not going to show you because that isn't exactly relevant and I'm not trying to trash them but this has got to stop.

I remember the whole FF Confessions, that was hardly a confession blog. And the FANTAGEFOURUMSUCKS thing too.
I've seen some pictures that were edited I guess, I'm pretty confused about them because they look so real but I know you people would never do that so yeah. I'm really confused. <<photosgoped I think
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 10:36 pm

"Merry" Mayu wrote:
Yeah. Maybe only 80 of the accounts are real. I had a tinychat with Disney and saw her face, so i know she isnt a troll account. The other people that were on that Tinychat know that I am no troll either. I hope you solve this!!!

I am not a troll, if you think I was. I just didn't want to show my face.
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PostSubject: Re: READ THIS.   READ THIS. Icon_minitime

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