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 Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)

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Veteran Fantagian

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Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Empty
PostSubject: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)   Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 10:39 am

I made a shop a few months ago, or weeks ago, and I was too busy/I didn't feel I was trained enough for it. Well, guess who's making a shop now? :K
(Plus, I'm making this shop because there aren't any art/drawing shops around here, and we need more.)

How often I draw may vary. Sometimes I'll order once a week, sometimes every day, sometimes once every two weeks.

I am /not/ coloring. However, you can color my sketch if you are willing on your own. Please keep the credit if you do decide to use it.

I am not willing to draw: animals. I'm not very good at drawing men, but I could try, although it may not end up good.

I am really bad at chibis as of now, I don't recommend ordering for them. At the moment I am practicing drawing anime and realistic things.

◈ I am better at bust shots, but if you would like a full body shot, then order for it and I'll try my best.. ;o

◈ The picture will be better if you give me a reference or if you are specific enough.

◈ I'm not the greatest drawer, so please don't expect something FASCINATING.

I'm more of a traditional artist than digital, but I'm willing to color if I do digital. I'm using a mouse pad for this, so it could end up pixely.

◈ Only one person! I can do ghosts or something next to the person, but I'm not very good at friend/couple shots as of yet.

Please keep the credit if you do decide to use one of my drawings in your signature or avatar. It isn't necessary to use the drawings though.
Do not critique/rate my drawings; only comment (good or bad, doesn't matter). If anything, please PM me your views/criticism on the drawings I make.
You don't like my drawing? I am willing to redo; I'll most likely send you a PM of the drawing though, but I also can send it on here.
Be patient with me. School is /really/ a hassle, so even if I want to work on this project now, it could be handed weeks later.

examples (none yet):

form if you are lazy to write a description:

Where I get my symbols from

Sorry if I seem a bit strict. (or very strict. xD) I'm pretty loose about this, but I'm really specific and I don't want this shop to end up like my old one.

You may post! sunny

Last edited by Abstract on Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)   Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 10:48 am

What kind of drawing? (anime, realistic, chibi):Anime
Traditional or digital?:Digital
What do you want drawn? (human, etc):Ghost
Hair style:A head band braid sorda like this:Reference Below
shirt/top/dress style:Something simple..Shirt with a peace sign
Jeans/pants/skirt/shorts style:Shorts with an american flag on it.
shoe/boots/heels/slippers style:Blue TOMS
expression/emotion:Smiling,doing the Peace Sign
background design:Moon/Ocean Scenery
References: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) &h=300&w=300&sz=27&tbnid=Pz0fzcBeeSaYiM:&tbnh=95&tbnw=95&zoom=1&usg=__ulCKHs1ZIV-KTNZMIvYiosagcmw=&docid=rsfMqLC9x88UHM&sa=X&ei=wHD9UP2rI5Og0gGh3oCIAg&ved=0CEAQ9QEwAg&dur=1840
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Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)   Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 10:55 am

What kind of drawing? (anime, realistic, chibi): Anime.
Traditional or digital?: Traditional, please!
What do you want drawn? (human, etc): Human (she's technically a robot but she looks like a human. i'll post a picture uwu).
Hair style: Long, kinda straight hair.
shirt/top/dress style: in the ref
Jeans/pants/skirt/shorts style: oh dear how do i even begin to explain this. anyways, it's in the ref. uou
shoe/boots/heels/slippers style: Boots that go up to her thighs, They're white with a pink stripe and a gem on them.
expression/emotion: Emotionless, a straight face.
background design: n/a, or just do whatever you like~
from the back:

also omfg you don't need to do all the little details if you dont want to uwu
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Veteran Fantagian

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Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)   Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 11:00 am

I know I know, but what was done was done. xD

I'm right on it Noah. :*
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Veteran Fantagian

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Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)   Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 12:17 pm

Noah wrote:

What kind of drawing? (anime, realistic, chibi):Anime
Traditional or digital?:Digital
What do you want drawn? (human, etc):Ghost
Hair style:A head band braid sorda like this:Reference Below
shirt/top/dress style:Something simple..Shirt with a peace sign
Jeans/pants/skirt/shorts style:Shorts with an american flag on it.
shoe/boots/heels/slippers style:Blue TOMS
expression/emotion:Smiling,doing the Peace Sign
background design:Moon/Ocean Scenery
References: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) &h=300&w=300&sz=27&tbnid=Pz0fzcBeeSaYiM:&tbnh=95&tbnw=95&zoom=1&usg=__ulCKHs1ZIV-KTNZMIvYiosagcmw=&docid=rsfMqLC9x88UHM&sa=X&ei=wHD9UP2rI5Og0gGh3oCIAg&ved=0CEAQ9QEwAg&dur=1840

Since this is digital, and I'm willing to to color this. What color do you want the shirt with the peace sign? (Like the peace sign is yellow and the back is black. The peace sign is red and the background is blue? etc)

(I can bump this right? Bump)
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Veteran Fantagian

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Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)   Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 12:49 pm

What kind of drawing? (anime, realistic, chibi): Any is fine~
Traditional or digital?: Either or
What do you want drawn? (human, etc): Human
Hair style: Curly, but not frizzy looking if you know what I mean ;D Also, blonde hair (If you are going to color it in)
Shirt/top/dress style: Any is fine with me! Just can it have a smiley face on it?
Jeans/pants/skirt/shorts style: Jean shorts.
Shoe/boots/heels/slippers style: Flats, any color that matches if you are going to color.
Expression/emotion: Happy!
Background design: Does not matter (:
Body position: Any is fine that is standing up.
References: N/A... Sorry!
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Veteran Fantagian

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Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)   Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 3:52 pm

for Len:

Sorry if it kind of looks odd. When you actually have the picture in front of you, it looks more clearer and you can see the shading more.

(The body makes it look like the chibi body, but the arms and legs look so huge. xD At least to me. ;p)

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)   Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 4:32 pm

I'm taking a break from drawing to finish homework. Any requests acceptable. I really need to practice my drawing.
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Hero Fantagian

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Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)   Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 4:40 pm

What kind of drawing? (anime, realistic, chibi): Anime
Traditional or digital?: TRADITIONAL!!
What do you want drawn? (human, etc): Human
Hair style: Down, with a headband that looks like cat ears. ( Like Rin Kagamine's headband.)
shirt/top/dress style: Long white shirt that looks like a blouse.
Jeans/pants/skirt/shorts style: Tights that are sort of like jeans that are grey
shoe/boots/heels/slippers style: Combat boots
expression/emotion: serious
background design: IDC
body position: Straight posture
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PostSubject: Re: Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)   Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!) Icon_minitime

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Abstract's Art Shoppeeee ♥◄◁◄◁ (PLEASE PM ME ONLY!!!)
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