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 Today~ [1/27/13]

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Veteran Fantagian

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Join date : 2011-12-22
Age : 24
Location : In Hell, With Sebastian..

Today~ [1/27/13] Empty
PostSubject: Today~ [1/27/13]   Today~ [1/27/13] Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 1:43 am

And yeah, Awhile ago we go shopping and eat on the restaurant outside. And then we buy some things. And me I bought Intermediate pad and a short bond paper ( for the project ) And I also bought a Hot cake mix. When we arrived home I immediately prepared the ingredients for the hot cake then I cooked it. When I'am done cooking it I continue on watching the '' Disney- Sofia the once upon a princess'' Because my lil sis want to watch it. Well, ( She doesn't have a account on this forum -because I don'w allow her-. And yeah Then we eat the hotcake. And then when I used the laptop then I remembered I need to make my project to yeah. Now.. Good bye!.. ^^.
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