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 What is maplestory like?

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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: What is maplestory like?   What is maplestory like? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 02, 2013 8:37 am

well im downloading it on my new operating system [windows XP] so im sure it will work this time. Does any of you know what its like. These are the main questions.

[b]1) Does it lag much?
2) Does it have a big file size
3) Is inno setup the one i should be downloading
4) Do you use maplestory eu. [ thats the one im downloading ]
5) if not what is the other maplestory like
6) will it cause my computer to lagg even when im not using it
7) does it go over 202.04 GB
8.) Does it operate with windows XP[/b]
Then just explain it.

Thanks ^ you do not have to do that if you dont play it you can just say what you think it will be like and post any info you know. x

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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: What is maplestory like?   What is maplestory like? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 02, 2013 9:14 am

1) Does it lag much?
2) Does it have a big file size
3) Is inno setup the one i should be downloading
4) Do you use maplestory eu. [ thats the one im downloading ]
5) if not what is the other maplestory like
6) will it cause my computer to lagg even when im not using it
7) does it go over 202.04 GB
8.) Does it operate with windows XP

Yea it lagged for me, but a downloaded a different file because I live in America. It might be a big file (it has been a long time since I played it.)
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: What is maplestory like?   What is maplestory like? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 02, 2013 9:28 am

1) Does it lag much?
2) Does it have a big file size
3) Is inno setup the one i should be downloading
4) Do you use maplestory eu. [ thats the one im downloading ]
5) if not what is the other maplestory like
6) will it cause my computer to lagg even when im not using it
7) does it go over 202.04 GB
8.) Does it operate with windows XP

1. It sometimes lags, but not for awhile. Let's say... the screen freezes on you but only for a few seconds.
2. You need to have at least 4GB of free space, so it's possibly a big file.
3. Inno setup? Never heard of that, so I can't answer this one
4. Maplestory Europe? No, I live in America
5. 'Global Maplestory' is just fine.
6. No, my computer is working fine, so it should work fine for yours
7. Nope! It is 4.78 GB
8. It sure does!
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PostSubject: Re: What is maplestory like?   What is maplestory like? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 02, 2013 11:42 am

1) Does it lag much? Totally depends on your internet connection
2) Does it have a big file size- Sorta
3) Is inno setup the one i should be downloading- What
4) Do you use maplestory eu. [ thats the one im downloading ] Nope.
5) if not what is the other maplestory like: Pay to win. I don't suggest it. Heck, I don't really suggest any nexon games.
6) will it cause my computer to lagg even when im not using it- It might.
7) does it go over 202.04 GB- I have no idea.
8.) Does it operate with windows XP I've tried it on XP and it kept freezing and stalling. :T
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PostSubject: Re: What is maplestory like?   What is maplestory like? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 02, 2013 11:55 am

1) Does it lag much? For me, never ever. But like Len said, it depends on your internet connection.
2) Does it have a big file size guess so
3) Is inno setup the one i should be downloading i'm sorry?
4) Do you use maplestory eu. [ thats the one im downloading ] no i use nexon.
5) if not what is the other maplestory like same game, different pricing, different classes.
6) will it cause my computer to lagg even when im not using it sometimes.
7) does it go over 202.04 GB no.
8.) Does it operate with windows XP yes
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PostSubject: Re: What is maplestory like?   What is maplestory like? Icon_minitime

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