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 Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13]

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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13]   Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13] Icon_minitimeSat Feb 16, 2013 3:50 pm

I went out of art class early today. You ask why? I went to a pet show!

My grammy came over, and we went to this awesome theater to see a pet show with my family.

The theater was so big! There were two floors, and lots of balconies.

The guy we were watching was really cool. He was from Russa (how do you spell the country name?), he preformed in los angelis before, (sorry about misspelling the names!) he was on the late night show, Americas got talent, etc.

The man dressed up as a clown (well he looked normal but he had poofy pants, and some white powder and stuff. not really a clown because he had no afro, red nose, etc), and before the show he was walking around with a cat on his shoulder (he was not holding it, the cat was ON HIM!) and letting people pet it. The show started, and there was a fake house. There was a fake fire, so the man was riding on a mini car thing, with dogs dressed in fire men oufits. They did trick things to stop the fake fire. There were little doors that animals could go through, so the dogs saved the cats. Then there was a little trains, and there were rats, cats, dogs, ducks, etc that needed help getting on the train. The dog led them in the train door, it was so cute! Then there was a dog in the front with another guy, and they drove the train around. There were class scenes, foot ball scenes with parrots, and more! Then The man did juggling, and he stood on a latter BY HIMSELF. He was at the top, standing, and juggling around 5-10 objects. There was no one holding the latter, I was freaked out that he would fall. He did cool trick things, it was super cute!
There was one part where there were lots of cats. There were really long chairs. There was a giant poll they would have to climb to get on there. cats used bars and jumped, and more. There were some people who could do really cool flips, and they could do flips and stuff while jump roping. It was SO COOL.

There was russion circus music playing, and get what. The animals they used were from pounds. They saved millions of animals, and turned them into stars! I bought a dvd on how to teach your cat tricks, and the man signed it for me.

Afterwards, I ate at a diner that was awesome! But there were some waiters there that spoke no English...

If you want to know the name of the person if you are interested, just ask. I would say it but I don't know if it is advertising.

Oh, the cats, dogs, birds, etc were so smart! The only ones that messed up were the weiner dogs when they were jumping through things. That was so cute though!

Last edited by Squirtle on Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13]   Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13] Icon_minitimeSat Feb 16, 2013 3:52 pm

Wow that seems really fun!
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13]   Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13] Icon_minitimeSat Feb 16, 2013 3:59 pm

I'm glad you had fun at the pet show! The dogs sure sound cute ; w ;
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13]   Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13] Icon_minitimeSat Feb 16, 2013 4:00 pm

That's cool. Very Happy It sounded more like you went to a circus than a pet show....
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13]   Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13] Icon_minitimeSat Feb 16, 2013 4:14 pm

Twilight wrote:
That's cool. Very Happy It sounded more like you went to a circus than a pet show....

Yes, but it was not in a tent. Some of the jokes were really lame, but some were halarrious.
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PostSubject: Re: Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13]   Squirtle's day at the pet show [2/16/13] Icon_minitime

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