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 Gone [[ RP - APP ]]

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Gone [[ RP - APP ]]   Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 5:46 pm

We don't have MUCH adventure role plays so why not make one? Hope we can get enough people to get it active and all. :) But this isn't just a normal adventure, it includes fantasy.



Form -

[b]Main Weapon:[/b]
[b]Special Skills?:[/b]
[b]Additional Information:[/b]


Anyway, hope this gets active!~

Application under co...
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Gone [[ RP - APP ]]   Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 8:52 pm

Name:Layla Hopkins
Age: 17
Main Weapon:Duel Swords
Special Skills?: Can turn invisible for five minutes and can talk in multiple languages
Personality: Layla is a smart, yet cruel girl. She's a fan of Edgar Allen Poe and writes poetry. She's a loner and doesn't speak much. She's a bit of a daydreamer and believes in aliens. Very cold and hostile, yet will be a little caring when you get to know her.
Biography: Due to her parents dying at such a young age, she had many stepparents. Even though every stepparents treated her with love, they couldn't handle her darkness and sent her back to the orphanage. She later escaped and started to live on her own. She often was called crazy because she believed in paranormal activity, but doesn't listen to them. She finally found the scientist who told her about Aerissa and she finally knew where she belonged.
Additional Information:She has two different eye colors due to contacts.

Last edited by Starberri on Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Gone [[ RP - APP ]]   Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Icon_minitimeThu Feb 28, 2013 9:02 pm

Name: Laila "Lai" Thompson
Age: 17
Main Weapon: Bow and arrow that can change into a staff
Special Skills?: Well, she is tri-langual. Japanese, Spanish, and English. She can also hunt and fight well. She's a genius with computers. And she's a ["Witch Hunter"]
(It's obviously Puella Magi).
Personality: Mysterious, willing to take risks, always fights back, easily ticked off, never stands down. She can be very serious at times, and makes events feel intensive.
Biography:She's different. She isn't really human anymore, well, not exactly. When she hit the age of 14, she found out her family was a line of witch hunters. So well, she was born with hunting and fighting abilities (Puella Magi o3o). But since the family creature was killed, she is the last family heir that hunts witches besides her sister.
Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Twin210
Additional Information: She is Sai's twin sister.

Name: Sairia "Sai" Thompson
Main Weapon: Staff that turns into a bow and arrow.
Special Skills?: Well, she is tri-langual. Japanese, Spanish, and English. She can also hunt and fight well. She's a genius with computers. And she's a ["Witch Hunter"]
(It's obviously Puella Magi).
Personality: Mysterious, willing to take risks, always fights back, easily ticked off, never stands down. She can be very serious at times, and makes events feel intensive.
Biography: She's different. She isn't really human anymore, well, not exactly. When she hit the age of 14, she found out her family was a line of witch hunters. So well, she was born with hunting and fighting abilities (Puella Magi o3o). But since the family creature was killed, she is the last family heir that hunts witches besides her sister.
Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Twin110
Additional Information: She is Lai's twin sister.

Last edited by Kriem on Fri Mar 08, 2013 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Gone [[ RP - APP ]]   Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 12:04 am

Name: Rose
Main Weapon: Glass sword
Special Skills?: Good at a little bit of everything, I guess
Personality:She's very calm, collected, and doesn't shows much emotion. She never panics, even if others are. Always on top of things and seeming to know more than the rest, Rose seems to be the "perfect" one. But it's not that easy for her. One thing that worries her, a lot, is who she is, where she came from, etc. She wishes she could communicate with the others, but it's hard for her.
Biography:She doesn't remember anything about her life, but she is actually one of the time shards that the mythical creatures transformed to "hide", in a manner of speaking. She was dropped on Earth and always seemed to be drawn to Aerissa, like she never fit in on Earth.
Additional Information:She's one of the shards of time
Is it ok to be a time shard in human form?
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Gone [[ RP - APP ]]   Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 12:06 am

CottonCandy wrote:
Name: Rose
Main Weapon: Glass sword
Special Skills?: Good at a little bit of everything, I guess
Personality:She's very calm, collected, and doesn't shows much emotion. She never panics, even if others are. Always on top of things and seeming to know more than the rest, Rose seems to be the "perfect" one. But it's not that easy for her. One thing that worries her, a lot, is who she is, where she came from, etc. She wishes she could communicate with the others, but it's hard for her.
Biography:She doesn't remember anything about her life, but she is actually one of the time shards that the mythical creatures transformed to "hide", in a manner of speaking. She was dropped on Earth and always seemed to be drawn to Aerissa, like she never fit in on Earth.
Additional Information:She's one of the shards of time
Is it ok to be a time shard in human form?

Sure, it is a fantasy. c: Oh, and everyone is accepted! A- okay! ^^
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Gone [[ RP - APP ]]   Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 10:06 am

Sounds like an interesting roleplay!

Name: Rioichi [pronounced as: REE-oh-each-EE]
Age: 14
Main Weapon: Bow and arrow
Special Skills?: Rioichi is a great climber and can hide in tight spaces really well.
Personality: Rioichi is a smart girl. She would rather do things on her own. She is very strong, since she trains and practices with her bow and arrow a lot.
Biography: Rioichi comes from a family of world-class thieves. She's known all over for her thieving skills. However, her family was "robbed" and 'stole' all of the things they stole. Her family has giving up on the stealing tradition, but Rioichi still has her thieving spirit.
Image//Description: At a first glance, people will take Rioichi as a weakling because of her height. She's 4'8"
Additional Information:
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Gone [[ RP - APP ]]   Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 6:06 pm

Woo fantasy!!!! All that abracadabra and sterf ;0

Name: Star
Age: 17
Main Weapon: She dual wields a dagger and a sword. She has an affinity for the sword though.
Special Skills?: Fire/light magic and healing magic. She has much to learn though so don't expect much of her. She also is a bit of an acrobat and is very astute and analytical when called for.
Personality: Firey and childish, many people would never guess Star (Real name not shared) is a smart logical girl who has an aptitude with sword an ship and magic. She has a habit with getting into deep trouble and into situations where she has to be saved, by don't mistake that for her being a damsel in distress. Star can make quick decisions and find solutions not seen by many. She's not really responsible and a bit of a good at times, but people can ell she's a dependable, loyal, optimistic friend.
Biography Star has always gotten into sticky situations where others have had to help her out. While a great swordsman, she still can't seem to help t. Many people assume it's a pixie curse, but who can tell? As a young girl Star has been secret. Nowadays she goes by the nickname star due to her greats skills and affinity for fire/light magic. Only a year ago she saved the butterfly pixie Asari and they've been working together ever since. She loves Asari like a, literally, little sister. She has worked her own style of dual Wieldig a dagger and sword to perfection and reserves her weak magic for life or death situations.
Star is someone to trust and if you find her stuck in a hole or cornered by thugs it be a good idea to help her, she'll be a loyal friend to as long as need ( or want!) her.
It should also be known that she was on the first voyage to this strange world with her scientist parents(both deceased. Cause of death unknown). That's the only reason why she is more adapted to this world, even if she hadn't gone ten miles past the scientists outpost and town.
Additional Information: Supposedly, she is cursed. All allies should be aware that she may cause and equal amount of trouble as help. Her healing magic may be weak, but it's extraordinary useful. Don't ask her why, but she has against anything br a short skirt and bloomers. People assume it is due to her acrobats and felxibiity-dependent combat style where maunuvering in anything but a short skirt would inhibit her abilities. Others say she's just crying for attention from the wrong crowd due to the curse clouning her judgement.

Name: Asari Papillion
Age: unknown
Main Weapon: a small curved dagger
Special Skills?: As a butterfly pixie Asari has he inherent ability to fly. She also posses knowledge in water- type and illusion-type magic..
Personality: she inherently shy towards strangers and humans in general. She's very calm and compassionate to those she loves and brings her friends to an unready tranquil state. She is responsible and respects those who are above her and fights only when needed.
Biography: Asari is a young butterfly pixie who has become Star's traveling companion. She enjoys helping her new friend and loves to chater with he water nymphs unseen by Star. She hasn't shared much about her with date but his little pixie has made it known that she loves peanut butter.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Gone [[ RP - APP ]]   Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 01, 2013 10:53 pm

Everyone's accepted! If you haven't read the rules, please read them. u.u I may start the role play tomorrow! ^^ ~
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dewey decimal system
Expert Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: Gone [[ RP - APP ]]   Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 6:56 pm

(Can I be a creature? Just wondering... If not sorry for bothering o: )
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Gone [[ RP - APP ]]   Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 7:18 pm

Insanity. ♥ wrote:
(Can I be a creature? Just wondering... If not sorry for bothering o: )

Sure! If you want to. c:
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dewey decimal system
Expert Fantagian
dewey decimal system

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PostSubject: Re: Gone [[ RP - APP ]]   Gone [[ RP - APP ]] Icon_minitimeWed Mar 06, 2013 7:39 pm

Abracadabra! I'm a wizard.
Name: Valentina (prefers Val) Heart
Age: Uh... let's just say she's REALLY old. But looks like a teen.
Main Weapon: Honestly, she doesn't necessarily need one, but she always carries a pocket knife with her just incase.
Special Skills?: She's a swift (a creature I created in my mind), so she has almost all powers that deal with shadows, night, and death. Pretty much, all black magic. She also has really good senses like hearing and seeing, and she's very fast.
Personality: Later
Biography: All swifts are descendants of Hades. He created them from shadows to be in his army when the Greek gods/goddesses fought in wars. But, many of the swifts escaped from the underworld and lived their lives the way they wanted after escaping. Valentina first went to live at Aerissa, then explored lots of other lands and planets, too. One day, she was just hanging around when she discovered a crystal, and kept it from that day on. Nobody knows she has it, though, and she doesn't want to give it up.
Image//Description: A shadow. That's what swifts are... well, in their normal form. When she's in her human form, this.
Gone [[ RP - APP ]] A11
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