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 Spring Break! [3/15/13]

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Do you have a spring break?
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Roc Hijohshiki
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Roc Hijohshiki

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PostSubject: Spring Break! [3/15/13]   Spring Break! [3/15/13] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 8:12 pm

Hello peeps!

Today is the start of... SPRING BREAK (for my school)! It's going to last for one week. After that, I'll have two more days of no school (holiday for Monday, and teacher DLWOP). Then, I'll have to go to school on Wednesday and Thursday because Friday is Good Friday.

Let me tell you what happened today:
In science, I had to do a project called Mr. ___'s Best Dance Crew (the ___ is my teacher's last name). I had to dance with a group of four girls. Don't worry, everything went smooth. My group's name was Vocaloid (me and my friends thought of that). Let me tell you how my project went. My group was the second of the last to show our dance moves to the whole class. I wasn't that nervous, even when the teacher had to record us on camera (so he can grade on our dance moves). He told us that we danced as smooth as butter (it was a compliment). In English, I had to do this activity to learn how blind person feels like (because the character I was reading about is blind). It was so fun! In P.E, I got to play Mario Kart Wii (because my P.E teacher has video game consoles in his classroom. Literally.) I kept on being in first place! Woohoo! In Math, I got to play math bingo. The object of the game is to first solve whatever math problem you were given. Once you got your answer, find it on the bingo card. When you have a bingo, your teacher will check your bingo card if you got the correct answers. When it was lunch time, me and my friends got invited to do an Easter egg hunt in the library! ai only got two eggs because the people were really fast. At least i got a white chocolate bunny to munch onto. In History, I got to read about this story about Meng Jieng Nyu. It was sad though... Then, I got to play this game on the computer called akinator, the web genius. It's about a genie who tries to guess what character you're thinking about. Lastly, in Media, my teacher used to do basketball, so I got to watch him play basketball with the other teachers against the other students. Me and my friends cheered on the teachers because my teacher was on that team. Unfortunately, the teachers lost by two points. That's okay though, it was just a game.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Spring Break! [3/15/13]   Spring Break! [3/15/13] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 8:17 pm

Holy crap, your day sounds interesting.

This is how my day went: teacher wasn't here so we split up into different classes and were bored to death there because we weren't with friends and we had nothing to do.

Math work.

Spanish substitute and english grammar work (in preparation for the big test at the end of the year I don't know what your state calls it). At least when we finished the worksheet we got to do whatever.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Spring Break! [3/15/13]   Spring Break! [3/15/13] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 8:30 pm

WHAT! I ALREADY HAD MY SPRNG BREAK! I have to go back to school on monday!
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Spring Break! [3/15/13]   Spring Break! [3/15/13] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 8:42 pm

Perfection wrote:
WHAT! I ALREADY HAD MY SPRNG BREAK! I have to go back to school on monday!

I'm having my spring break next week. It's starting when there's no school on Friday and ends when it's the 1st on April (convenient!).
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Rookie Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Spring Break! [3/15/13]   Spring Break! [3/15/13] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 8:46 pm

I dont have spring break until 2 weeks I have a state test so yah I have to do the state test before I get spring break
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Spring Break! [3/15/13]   Spring Break! [3/15/13] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 8:52 pm

I'm glad you had a fun day, I hope your spring break is pleasant.
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PostSubject: Re: Spring Break! [3/15/13]   Spring Break! [3/15/13] Icon_minitime

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