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 I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13)

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PostSubject: I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13)   I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 6:30 pm

So a few days ago I went to the mall (and it was my first time omg I had to see EVERYTHING<3) and I don't know why I didn't post this earlier but whatever. Anyways. We came to the DVD/CD/Movies, Music & More Store (not the real name but what I'm calling it okay it's catchy) and there was SO MUCH JAPANESE STUFF. I'm talking all-out. You guys would have went mad! So they also had MLP snapbacks, t-shirts, and posters too! *fangirl squeal* Also adventure time stuff! (plus angry birds, domo, hello kitty... it was HEAVEN.) But back to the Japanese stuff. Pocky, ramune, and anime everywhere! I totally wasn't expecting it but yeah. Then we went to the bookstore and I got my first manga (Maximum Ride asdfghjkl; finished it in a day)! Such a memorable day... *tear falls*
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13)   I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 6:33 pm

Lucky! Can you tell me the name so I can see if they have the store near where I live? I wnat to go there so bad...By the way what is Maximum Rude about?
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PostSubject: Re: I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13)   I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 6:34 pm

OMIGOSH that sounds awesome. My friend went to a store called Hot Topic and she told me she'd seen a "miki miki doll or whatever" I showed her a picture of Hatsune Miku and she was like "OMIGOSH DATS HERRR." I hope you bought yourself pocky!<3
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PostSubject: Re: I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13)   I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 6:36 pm

That sounds really cool!

Hatsune Miku wrote:
Lucky! Can you tell me the name so I can see if they have the store near where I live? I wnat to go there so bad...By the way what is Maximum Rude about?

A kid in my class presented a project about Maximum Ride and he said something about people doing experiments to make people have angel/bird's wings. Then this winged girl tried to escape or something... something like that. I've been meaning to read it.

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dewey decimal system
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PostSubject: Re: I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13)   I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 6:44 pm

Hatsune Miku wrote:
Lucky! Can you tell me the name so I can see if they have the store near where I live? I wnat to go there so bad...By the way what is Maximum Rude about?
The bookstore? It's called BAM. (Books A Million Cx great name huh?) And its about these kids who escaped from a science lab, they have bird's DNA and wings. They're constantly on the run from evil wolf-men called Erasers who were sent from the lab, because the scientists want to bring the kids back. It's really good, and I think theres someone else on here who's read it; Candlelit? I think. Anyways yeah =3= and @Lenka I WANTED TO. It was chocolate! But... I didn't *cries*
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I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13)   I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 6:52 pm

Ah that sounds great C:
I'm glad you had fun. And they had MLP stuff? WANT. Ahah it sounds really cool.
If only they had those cute pictures of RD kissing Fluttershy...
I read the Maximum Ride manga, its at my school, but I only read books 1-3 QQ
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PostSubject: Re: I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13)   I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 8:02 pm

Candlelit wrote:
If only they had those cute pictures of RD kissing Fluttershy...
what is WRONG with you its fluttershy/rarity not rainbow dash/fluttershy SMH

but that sounds fun!! here in mexico theres none of that, i wish there was ;;
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PostSubject: Re: I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13)   I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13) Icon_minitimeTue Apr 16, 2013 7:06 pm

Im so jealous >:/ I barely go anywhere additonal [I just usually go to School.]
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PostSubject: Re: I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13)   I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13) Icon_minitimeWed Apr 17, 2013 5:17 am

Hatsune Miku wrote:
...By the way what is Maximum Rude about?

It's a book written by a guy who knows nothing about science.

Giving someone "2%" bird DNA will not give them wings. And even if it could, they would be FAR too heavy to fly with them. And what about their shoulders? They'd have to have, like, four sets or something. Having wings is like having another set of arms.

On top of that, the series itself sucks. Angel is freaking creepy, Fang is an annoying jerk, and I'm not even going to go into the lab. Why the heck would someone call a lab where they make weird mutant superheroes a "school"? What are they learning? The plot is stupid, and you get really annoyed with the whole ZOMG I FUND MY REEL PARENTZZZ thing they keep pulling out for more "drama".

I don't recommend it myself.
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13)   I couldnt believe this (uh 4-4-'13) Icon_minitimeWed Apr 17, 2013 10:25 am

Oh my gosh really? that sounds good.Angry Birds i always play that game!
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