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 The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]

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Veteran Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2013 8:45 pm

I thought of this, Black Butler gave me a tiny idea, somehow. owo I highly recommend the anime.. PLEASE READ THE RULES OR I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR APPLICATION. And sorry if it's kind of complex a little. ;A;

If anyone has a question please PM ME.



Compass Colors:


[u][b]Family Member; Applications =[/b][/u]

[b]Full Name [[ Must have Coldhart in it ]];[/b]
[b]Age [[ 13+ ]];[/b]
[b]Good or Evil;[/b]
[b]Compass Color;[/b]
[b]Likes and Dislikes;[/b]
[b]Additional Information;[/b]
[b]Appearance or Description;[/b]

[u][b]Butler or Maid; Applications =[/b][/u]

[b]Full Name;[/b]
[b]Age [[ 15+ ]];[/b]
[b]How you found out about the Coldhart gift/secret;[/b]
[b]Master [[ Ask someone if you don't have one, or ask me and I will assign you to one ]];
[b]Likes and Dislikes;[/b]
[b]Additional Information;[/b]
[b]Appearance or Description;[/b]


I'll be playing the female boss. ;A; If you want to be a male boss with an ace card PM me...

My Application;

Full Name; Evangeline Lottie Coldhart
Gender; Female
Age; 23
Good or Evil; Either one
Card; Joker
Compass Color; Platinum
Likes and Dislikes; She likes roses, the violin, calmness, nicknames, dark things and thick novels. She dislikes meddling and sneaky kids [[ Watches them too closely ]] , noise, overbright things, and people in general.
Personality; Cold, serious, and emotionless. She rarely smiles unless it's for something evil or something. Evangeline gets annoyed or angry easily and has this disliking for children or people in general. Though, Evangeline is quite lonely and boring.
Biography; Evangeline as a child never got out of the house, she always stayed home practicing her techniques with things, study, read and watch children play happily. It sickened her that she never got to do those things and was only locked up in her bedroom. Her mother wasn't as bright either, she always yelled and blamed things on her when it's half of her father's fault. Evangeline was home-schooled because her parents thought the children would 'infect' her or turn her into one of those kids who loved to prank and.. 'laugh'. Most people hate Evangeline, she doesn't mind but always have that sinking feeling in her chest.. Evangeline grew up and was still home-schooled, she started a job at fourteen. She was always busy with homework, studies and violin lessons. When her parents agreed that she could go outside freely due to her age Evangeline didn't anyway.. She knew people would avoid her, they already thought her as a 'demon' but that was the least of her worries. Evangeline always focused first on her studies and nothing more. And now she works as one of the head of the family, annoyed by the children, paying for expensive fees, dealing with troubles, fixing problems with their 'special' gifts and has no time for herself.
Additional Information;
Appearance or Description;




Last edited by Tranquility on Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:27 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2013 9:05 pm

Back through time

Full Name [[ Must have Coldhart in it ]]; Emilia "Emi" Coldhart
Gender; Female
Age [[ 13+ ]]; 19
Good or Evil; Half-and-half, due to her carelessly using her gift sometimes
Card; Spades
Compass Color; Silver
Likes and Dislikes; She likes to be alone, and explore the acres and acres of property surrounding the moor. She draws what she sees, which is the reason she's an excellent artist. She likes to listen to the sounds around her, too. She dislikes when she is surrounded by her siblings. She doesn't like being mixed in with the others.
Personality; She is always very content and happy and joyful on the inside. On the inside, she's an artistic person who loves who she is. On the outside, she just wears a dark, serious face, emotionless, blocking everything else out. But she's not meaning to do that.
Biography; Emilia always loved the outside world. As a child, she'd explore the property like she was in a jungle, or an enchanted forest. People always saw her as a sickly child who hates her life. After she heard that, she now tries to leep herself away from everyone else. Now, she shows a bit more emotion, and talks more. This has showed the Coldharts that she was just very upset for awhile.
Additional Information; N/A
Appearance or Description: Emilia is the average size for her age. She has shoulder-length brown hair, and blue eyes. She has fair skin amd rosy cheeks. Emilia always wears her signature emotion, emotionless. She sometimes wears a green cap on her head, and a necklace with a paintbrush on it.

Last edited by Madoka on Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2013 9:17 pm

Madoka wrote:
Back through time

Full Name [[ Must have Coldhart in it ]]; Emilia "Emi" Coldhart
Gender; Female
Age [[ 13+ ]]; 19
Good or Evil; Half-and-half, due to her carelessly using her gift sometimes
Card; Spades
Compass Color; Silver
Likes and Dislikes; She likes to be alone, and explore the acres and acres of property surrounding the moor. She draws what she sees, which is the reason she's an excellent artist. She likes to listen to the sounds around her, too. She dislikes when she is surrounded by her siblings. She doesn't like being mixed in with the others.
Personality; She is always very content and happy and joyful on the inside. On the inside, she's an artistic person who loves who she is. On the outside, she just wears a dark, serious face, emotionless, blocking everything else out. But she's not meaning to do that.
Biography; Emilia always loved the outside world. As a child, she'd explore the property like she was in a jungle, or an enchanted forest. People always saw her as a sickly child who hates her life. After she heard that, she now tries to leep herself away from everyone else. Now, she shows a bit more emotion, and talks more. This has showed the Coldharts that she was just very upset for awhile.
Additional Information; ((there is no Appearance section))

;A; I put on the appearance section, forgot, sorry. And your character seems very interesting. o 7 o ~
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Legendary Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 7:18 am

Back through time

Family Member; Applications

Full Name [[ Must have Coldhart in it ]];
Sadie Coldhart
Gender; Female (It's okay if I play a character of the opposite gender, right?)
Age [[ 13+ ]]; 15
Good or Evil; Good.
Card; Heart
Compass Color; Silver (If my app is "good enough", I'd like gold though.)
Likes and Dislikes; While she has no strong likes or dislikes, she has a peculiar fondness for pine trees. She also enjoys juggling large, pointy objects. She doesn't like long conversations,telephones or small dogs.
Personality; At first glance, Sadie might seem a bit insane. She has a short attention span, and isn't very friendly. She tries not to be straight up rude, though.
Biography; Sadie was always a rather odd sort of kid. She would laugh when nothing was amusing or say things that were offensive or rude without reason. Because of this, she is often looked down upon. Using her compass and card, she travels back in time frequently, preferring to spend most of her time in the 17th century.
Appearance or Description:
Warning large:

Last edited by Pippin on Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 12:48 pm

Back through time.
Family Member; Applications =

Full Name;
Evelyn Morris Coldhart
Gender; Female
Age; 64 (Is that allowed?)
Good or Evil; Well... cough cough on the surface good, but she may have a dark secret or two...
Card; Red ace
Compass Color; Platinum
Likes and Dislikes; Evlyn hates when people call her old; even though she calls herself old all the time. She likes getting revenge, and telling people about the things she would do when she was younger. Petty or rude people get under her skin, even though she can be petty, rude, shallow, and cold hearted herself. She says she likes tea and quiet, as well as times when she can show off her vast knowledge of everything everyone hates.
Personality; If someone will listen, she will talk. She has many untrue notions about herself; like being quiet, being kind to everyone, and being good with children. It is clear she is none of those things. She is very smart, but she feels like no one ever listens to her because of her age and gender. Evelyn has many secrets, but hides them by pretending to be someone else.
Biography; Evelyn was raised by the maids and butlers of the house. Her parents were never around, but she didn't mind. Her compass was constantly being downgraded ofor naughty behavior, and for a while she gave up time traveling all together. When she got older she married someone from the outside world. He was a soldier, and a few years after the wedding she became pregnant. It was a miscarriage, and they were both heartbroken. A year later her husband died in the army, and Evelyn tried to go back in time to save him, but she realized he wasn't being careful because he didn't love her anymore. She gave up on love, and instead tried to solve other people's problems with time travel. She tries to do good, but sometimes that gets boring...
Additional Information; her husbands last name was Morris, and when he died she changed her middle name to Morris so would always remember him.
Appearance or Description; I'll post a picture later, but for now Evelyn is very small with short silver hair, and shocking blue eyes. She is still athletic, and still tries to work out.

Hope dat is good! I might make another app as a boy though if that is ok.

Last edited by Lenka on Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Legendary Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 1:19 pm

When will we start?
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Veteran Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 1:31 pm

Pippin wrote:
When will we start?

One or two more applications. ^u^ And please use the whole application, you missed the biography. ಥ n ಥ
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Legendary Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 1:36 pm

Tranquility wrote:
Pippin wrote:
When will we start?

One or two more applications. ^u^ And please use the whole application, you missed the biography. ಥ n ಥ


I suck at biographies, but I hope it's okay.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 5:43 pm

Am I allowed to make two?
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 6:00 pm

Lenka wrote:
Am I allowed to make two?

Sure you can but two is the only application limit for now.
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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 7:42 pm

~.*Back Through Time~.*
Family Member; Applications =

Full Name [[ Must have Coldhart in it ]]; Judith (Judi) Coldhart
Gender; Female.
Age [[ 13+ ]]; 21
Good or Evil; Evil.
Card; Heart. She goes to the past to mess it up. Wishes she had an ace to ruin the future as well...*evil grin*
Compass Color; Silver :c (platinum?teheeee)
Likes and Dislikes; Likes darkness, death, metal/rock/screamo music, being evil, causing mischief, lying, being alone, watching others in pain... etc. c;
Dislikes anything good like sunshine, candy, little kids, pop music, the 'popular' crowd at school, her family (most of them), bright colors, dresses, joy, fun, etc...
Personality; Judith is a girl who used to be bright, happy, intelligent, and friendly. But one day, a group of kids were bullying her, and after school they beat her up. She was in the hospital for a long time, fighting to stay alive. Then it was as if a miracle had happened one day... she turned to religion and prayed. She fell asleep, and when she woke up, she was told it was okay to go home. Though, after that, she became totally different. Judith became bitter. She rarely even talks to anybody, and when she does, it's mostly just to insult them. Deep down, she really has a soft spot, but never shows it to anybody. Only animals... she loves all kinds of animals.
Biography; Pretty normal life, except for the 'accident'... often, kids at school were jealous of her for being rich but she actually hates it. She spends most of her time in the past, causing destruction and enjoying it when her goody-two-shoe siblings have to go take care of it.
Appearance or Description;
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Veteran Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 8:07 pm

Back Through Time

Full Name Silver Coldhart
Gender; Female
Age ; 15
Good or Evil; good
Card; hearts
Compass Color; Silver (If my app is good enough maybe gold?)
Likes and Dislikes; Her favorite color is silver, partially because that is her name. Her favorite food is spaghetti and meatballs. She really hates peanut butter. She loves night but hates morning,when she has to get tutored. Her favorite animals is tigers. Her least favorite animals is rhinos. She likes dog and cats, she had always wanted one but they won't let her.
Personality; She is sweet hearted, get her mad and people swear her hair gets red. She is usually a quiet child. She isn't a very loud person, if the room is quiet enough you might be able to hear her.
Biography; She was the child who would play with her toys quietly in the corner. She didn't like interacting with other people. She grew up learning how to be nice and kind and stuff like that. She liked being alone and perhaps reading. She wasn't the person to throw a party or anything. She was that kid who never got invited to do anything, no friends no nothing. Give her something to do and she will do it really fast and efficiently. She wouldn't like raising her hand when her and the other children in her family were getting tutored. She would have to be called on in order for her to speak. Even though you could barely hear her. The maids tried to get help to maybe make her speak louder but she doesn't. She likes thinking to herself. When she time travels she gets the courage to explore the world and actually speak. She likes to sing to herself when she is bored with her toys. She has a quiet singing voice like her speaking voice.
Additional Information;
Appearance or Description; She had light silver hair (therefore that's how she got her name) her outfit is usually pretty formal but no dresses. Her shoes are brown. Her eyes are blue and her ears and nice and round.

Last edited by Crona on Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 8:23 pm

Crona wrote:
Card; red

For the card it is random if you're not an ace or jack. Please put on if it's a clover, spades or heart. Sorry. ;A;
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Veteran Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 8:27 pm

Tranquility wrote:
Crona wrote:
Card; red

For the card it is random if you're not an ace or jack. Please put on if it's a clover, spades or heart. Sorry. ;A;

Oh sorry about that I was a little confused
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 8:29 pm

Crona wrote:
Tranquility wrote:
Crona wrote:
Card; red

For the card it is random if you're not an ace or jack. Please put on if it's a clover, spades or heart. Sorry. ;A;

Oh sorry about that I was a little confused

It's okay! ^u^
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Legendary Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 6:12 am

Can we start now? I think 6 APPs is enough.

((I just noticed something. Crona's character and mine are the same age and related. Does that make us twins or something?))

((Also, I'm kind of confused as to how Compasses work. Are they like the Soul Gems in PMMM, kind of tied to you in a way? So when they get damaged, you are injured or die? And what is the significance of the different colours? Are platinum Compasses harder to break than bronze ones?))
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Hero Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 2:43 pm

Family Member

Back through time... Again and again ;D

Full Name; Aurora Evangeline Ursa Coldhart
Gender; female
Age; 18
Good or Evil; good <3
Card; Joker
Compass Color; silver
Likes and Dislikes; Aurora has taken a liking to stars and smooth jazz. She loves fantasy novels, peppermint candies, warm milk before bed, white roses, purple morning glories, and spending time napping on a hammock. Aurora doesn't like artificial lighting (light bulb light) and pop music. She just can't stand chocolate, nonfiction books, being sick, being inside for days on end, and she absolutely hates heights.
Personality; Aurora is normally fun loving and sincere. She likes to help people and her view on the world is a little naive. She tries to keep optimistic and loves reading and writing. Sadly, she's a bit of a hothead which can mask her sweet nature and ruin her reputation for being nice. Aurora usually keeps to her self, much more interested in the mysteries of her aura and the afterlife rather than who's with who and what that one girl is wearing. Overall Aurora is very spiritual and she'll spit fire if you try telling her anything different
Biography; Aurora is Evageline's cousin and has always been around the Coldhart mansion since she was young with her mother who had recently divorced her "idiot" husband. Since then, Aurora has proven she is a Coldhart and tries to avoid this side of her. When she was young she thought it was cool, but by age 16 she ran away to travel the world under the impression she must find inner leave and all that "hoopla" her mother calls it.
Aurora is now the type of girl who would probably goes up to discover she has supernatural abilities like being a medium or someone who can see your aura. In recent years, she has become obsessed with crystal healing, natural medicines, chakra opening and chi channeling, the afterlife, and God. She was never really interested in her family's gift for time travel and has instead neglected that part of her life to find inner peace and discover her true self.
She usually travels to "spiritual" places and the world and because she's broke she finds alternate methods of travel and lodging. Recently, she's returned home broke and satisfied with her travels. While she's well learned in her spiritual beliefs, she has much to learn about her family and the gift of time.
Additional Information; She almost always wears an amethyst necklace around her neck. She also does have some spiritual abilities, it's believed that this is because she travels to the far future where someone has taught her to open herself.

Last edited by Relora on Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lord Voldemort
Veteran Fantagian
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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 4:28 pm

Back through time

Family Member; Applications

Full Name [[ Must have Coldhart in it ]];
Sam Coldhart
Gender; Male
Age [[ 13+ ]]; 15
Good or Evil; Good.
Card; Heart
Compass Color; Silver (If my app is "good enough", I'd like gold though.)
Likes and Dislikes; Doesn't have strong likes and dislikes. Appreciates honesty,and walks away from long conversations.
Personality; When you look at him, Sam seems to be a really shy, odd guy. He pays attention to everything, and loves taking notes on everything. He is a very good artist, but he's a bit of a loner. Likes to be friendly. But always seems rude.
Biography; Sam is an awkward guy, always running away from people, to isolate himself - people looked upon him like he was some kind of monster, always thinking he was pathetic.. Although he is very smart, he always seems off, saying things at wrong times. He has a passion for art and music, but never has his times to shine. Wears green contact lenses that make his eyes seem really pretty (circle lenses) although they are also prescription. (to help him see) his natural eye color is a light brown. Has a crush on Sadie. Using his compass and card, he uses his card and compass for the greater good, healing people.

Once you get to know him, he becomes very open and kind, sharing his feelings. He likes to bring up conversation if he has a deep relationship/trust in a person.

Appearance or Description:

Last edited by Joy on Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 4:33 pm

Everyone's accepted. c:

And Pippin, it's sort of like a soul gem... Without your compass you CANNOT time travel, the rest of the info about the compass is somewhere in the about section...
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 5:22 pm

Pippin wrote:
Can we start now? I think 6 APPs is enough.

((I just noticed something. Crona's character and mine are the same age and related. Does that make us twins or something?))

((Also, I'm kind of confused as to how Compasses work. Are they like the Soul Gems in PMMM, kind of tied to you in a way? So when they get damaged, you are injured or die? And what is the significance of the different colours? Are platinum Compasses harder to break than bronze ones?))

Oh I didn't even realize my charecter and yours was the same age, do you mind if we are the same age? I don't care really but I will change my age of you wanT

Can we start?!

Last edited by Crona on Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lord Voldemort
Veteran Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 5:55 pm

Can we please start?
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 6:13 pm

Family Member; Applications =

Back through time
Full Name; Jubilee Coldhart
Gender; Female
Age; 14
Good or Evil; Good
Compass Color; Sliver
Likes and Dislikes; Jubilee has a strong passion for anime and manga. She likes anything that has to do with the Japanese Culture.
Personality; Jubilee is a hyperactive girl. She always has a lot of energy and is up for anything. She gets excited easily and catches on quickly when learning new things.
Biography; Jubilee used to be a run-down young girl, always trying to seek for attention. As she grew older, she realized that life is not getting all the attention. She decided to try out manga and anime. At age 6, Jubilee became interested in the Japanese culture. [I suck at biographies]
Additional Information;
Appearance or Description;
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 6:44 am

Crona wrote:
Pippin wrote:
Can we start now? I think 6 APPs is enough.

((I just noticed something. Crona's character and mine are the same age and related. Does that make us twins or something?))

((Also, I'm kind of confused as to how Compasses work. Are they like the Soul Gems in PMMM, kind of tied to you in a way? So when they get damaged, you are injured or die? And what is the significance of the different colours? Are platinum Compasses harder to break than bronze ones?))

Oh I didn't even realize my charecter and yours was the same age, do you mind if we are the same age? I don't care really but I will change my age of you wanT

Can we start?!

I don't mind at all. If anything, it's kind of cool.
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Hero Fantagian

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 7:22 am

Oh noodles... were we supposed to say in our app if we wanted a better card/compass? Because I want a joker card if my apps good enough... I want the silver compass though, it limits what a joker card does in comparison to what I could do with a gold or platinum c:

so err.. if my apps is good enough, may I have a joker card?

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The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 2:41 pm

Relora wrote:
Oh noodles... were we supposed to say in our app if we wanted a better card/compass? Because I want a joker card if my apps good enough... I want the silver compass though, it limits what a joker card does in comparison to what I could do with a gold or platinum c:

so err.. if my apps is good enough, may I have a joker card?


Hurhur, your application seems really nice and detailed.. You can have a Joker card. ;u; Join Evangeline as they save people from the time dimensions. OTL
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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]]   The Coldharts [[ RP - APPLICATIONS ]] Icon_minitime

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