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 "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]

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Hero Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 2:25 pm

I'm not in a good mood, and I haven't been all day.

I'm not gonna mention names, but this person is annoying me. She won't leave me alone! For example, both of us are in chorus. She stands next to me when we sing. When she is coming up the risers to stand next to me, I hear her say "I wanna stand next to my best friend Heather!" Uhh... since when was I your friend!? I never labeled you as a 'friend'. I labeled you as 'freakishly annoying!'

ANYWAY~! I sit near her in Period 8 [Social studies]. She would ask me questions that has nothing to do with what we are learning about. She would ask me questions like, "Where do you buy your clothes?" "Do you have any siblings?" "What kind of music do you like to listen to?"

URGGHH! I wanna throw something at her head! She's really annoying me... and I don't know what to do! Don't say something like, "Just ignore her! She'll leave you alone!" No. Just...just no. That's not gonna work. This has been going on for awhile, and ignoring her just won't work!
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Hero Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 2:35 pm

Maybe you can try to scare her away? Like, do something that freaks her out or something that she doesn't like. Ask her what she hates/dislikes, then do it.
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Legendary Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 2:41 pm

. Find out something she hates and make it your new fandom.

. Tell her you have a contagious disease and that it's not safe for her to stand next to you.

. Avoid her entirely.

. Throw something at her head (Okay, don't do this.)
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Hero Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 2:44 pm

Pippin wrote:
. Find out something she hates and make it your new fandom.

. Tell her you have a contagious disease and that it's not safe for her to stand next to you.

. Avoid her entirely.

. Throw something at her head (Okay, don't do this.)

I threw my pencil case at this annoying girls head. She never talked to me again xD
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Veteran Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 3:10 pm

Make her watch 'A Serbian Film'.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 3:11 pm

I think she just wants to know more about you, friend-wise.
At least the girl doesn't hate you. Who knows? Just reply to her questions, she's probably just curious. Be nice. If I knew somebody like that, I would befriend them because, when in your life are you going to find somebody that actually wants to be friends with you?
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 3:32 pm

Pastel Is right.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 4:44 pm

@Mami Thank you!
Anyway, I hope you read this Finnian.
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Veteran Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 5:29 pm

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Lord Voldemort
Veteran Fantagian
Lord Voldemort

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PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 5:35 pm

Guys, she already fixed the problem. She threw a pencil case at the girls head.

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Hero Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 5:37 pm

Joy wrote:
Guys, she already fixed the problem. She threw a pencil case at the girls head.

Um, you don't know that.
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Veteran Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 5:40 pm

Pastel wrote:
Joy wrote:
Guys, she already fixed the problem. She threw a pencil case at the girls head.

Um, you don't know that.

This topic was written by Finnian, and PASTEL said she threw a pencil case at a girls head. Different people -_-
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Hero Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 5:44 pm

Joy wrote:
Guys, she already fixed the problem. She threw a pencil case at the girls head.

Actually it was ME who threw a pencil case at a girl's head when someone was bothering me. xD
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Lord Voldemort
Veteran Fantagian
Lord Voldemort

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 5:46 pm

Mami wrote:
Joy wrote:
Guys, she already fixed the problem. She threw a pencil case at the girls head.

Actually it was ME who threw a pencil case at a girl's head when someone was bothering me. xD

Sorry. I don't look at the usernames. I just read what's there.
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Hero Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 5:49 pm

Joy wrote:
Mami wrote:
Joy wrote:
Guys, she already fixed the problem. She threw a pencil case at the girls head.

Actually it was ME who threw a pencil case at a girl's head when someone was bothering me. xD

Sorry. I don't look at the usernames. I just read what's there.

Oh its fine~
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Veteran Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 5:58 pm

hey no that's not okay to label them as "freakishly annoying"
sure they may be annoying, but no.
did you even take the chance to answer their questions and attempt to see what they like? perhaps you have similiar interests and actually would make good friends! and another thing is that you could be a huge inspiration for her. it sounds stupid but it can happen.
but if you're 101% sure that you have NOTHING in common and never will and will make awful friends and that she'll always be annoying, just talk to her in private. say something along the lines of "hey, i'm really sorry but you're bothering me during class time and it annoys me a ton. could you please stop?".
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Veteran Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:24 am

Flower wrote:
Pippin wrote:
. Find out something she hates and make it your new fandom.

. Tell her you have a contagious disease and that it's not safe for her to stand next to you.

. Avoid her entirely.

. Throw something at her head (Okay, don't do this.)

I threw my pencil case at this annoying girls head. She never talked to me again xD

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:34 am

I know how you feel. All these stupid popular girls do the same exact thing with me. They're always surrounding me, asking me if I'm they're best friend and what I do on the weekends, and if I'm going to their party of whatever. They're obviously faking it and when ever I tell them to stop acting, they get even more corny. Heck they once made ANIMAL noises "just for me" and asked if I LIKED them.

I think you should just ask her to leave you alone.

Last edited by Witch on Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:36 am

Sebastian wrote:
Flower wrote:
Pippin wrote:
. Find out something she hates and make it your new fandom.

. Tell her you have a contagious disease and that it's not safe for her to stand next to you.

. Avoid her entirely.

. Throw something at her head (Okay, don't do this.)

I threw my pencil case at this annoying girls head. She never talked to me again xD


yeah its not cool to hurt people. its not a "good job" thats actually pretty sad.

anyway, i know what it feels like because i have a little sister who asks me 20 million questions and a friend who is always teasing me. when it comes to someone who asks a lot of things, its just because theyre curious and they want to know more about a certain topic or about you! she might want to be your friend. the only way to get her to ease it down a bit is answer some of her questions and say "can you please stop asking so many questions? im getting a bit of a headache and its bothering me." it might sound rude, tbh, but its literally the only option. dont hit her, tell her to shut up, etc. thats just another way to ruin a great opportunity. but if someones teasing you, you should tell them to leave you alone or go away. honestly adults wouldnt understand and wouldnt help for shiyat in a situation like that. if they keep bothering you just go somewhere else.
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Veteran Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:38 am

Witch wrote:
I know how you feel. All these popular girls do the same exact thing with me. They're always surrounding me, asking me if I'm they're best friend and what I do on the weekends, and if I'm going to their party of whatever. They're obviously faking it and when ever I tell them to stop acting, they get even more corny.

I think you should just ask her to leave you alone.

Yeah, super true. They are doing that just to look kind at others and you will be the one who will look back at others then they will started to make some scenes that its your fault and then blah blah started to hate by everyone
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Hero Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:39 am

Taost wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Flower wrote:
Pippin wrote:
. Find out something she hates and make it your new fandom.

. Tell her you have a contagious disease and that it's not safe for her to stand next to you.

. Avoid her entirely.

. Throw something at her head (Okay, don't do this.)

I threw my pencil case at this annoying girls head. She never talked to me again xD


yeah its not cool to hurt people. its not a "good job" thats actually pretty sad.

anyway, i know what it feels like because i have a little sister who asks me 20 million questions and a friend who is always teasing me. when it comes to someone who asks a lot of things, its just because theyre curious and they want to know more about a certain topic or about you! she might want to be your friend. the only way to get her to ease it down a bit is answer some of her questions and say "can you please stop asking so many questions? im getting a bit of a headache and its bothering me." it might sound rude, tbh, but its literally the only option. dont hit her, tell her to shut up, etc. thats just another way to ruin a great opportunity. but if someones teasing you, you should tell them to leave you alone or go away. honestly adults wouldnt understand and wouldnt help for shiyat in a situation like that. if they keep bothering you just go somewhere else.

it was just a joke. She actually laughed then threw it back at my head. It was pretty funny for both of us.
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Veteran Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:41 am

Flower wrote:
Taost wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Flower wrote:
Pippin wrote:
. Find out something she hates and make it your new fandom.

. Tell her you have a contagious disease and that it's not safe for her to stand next to you.

. Avoid her entirely.

. Throw something at her head (Okay, don't do this.)

I threw my pencil case at this annoying girls head. She never talked to me again xD


yeah its not cool to hurt people. its not a "good job" thats actually pretty sad.

anyway, i know what it feels like because i have a little sister who asks me 20 million questions and a friend who is always teasing me. when it comes to someone who asks a lot of things, its just because theyre curious and they want to know more about a certain topic or about you! she might want to be your friend. the only way to get her to ease it down a bit is answer some of her questions and say "can you please stop asking so many questions? im getting a bit of a headache and its bothering me." it might sound rude, tbh, but its literally the only option. dont hit her, tell her to shut up, etc. thats just another way to ruin a great opportunity. but if someones teasing you, you should tell them to leave you alone or go away. honestly adults wouldnt understand and wouldnt help for shiyat in a situation like that. if they keep bothering you just go somewhere else.

it was just a joke. She actually laughed then threw it back at my head. It was pretty funny for both of us.

Hahaha. lol.. Yah i know its just a joke and toast started to say its bad. and yeh yeh.

Well, Does it hurt? hahaha. Because when I'm going to throw an eraser to my classmate and she/he throws it back at me I dodges it. and the erasers went into the window. hahah lol
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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:43 am

@Sebastian God, I hate it when they try to make everyone hate a certain person. But in this case, I think their goal is to annoy the heck out of me
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Hero Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:44 am

Sebastian wrote:
Flower wrote:
Taost wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Flower wrote:
Pippin wrote:
. Find out something she hates and make it your new fandom.

. Tell her you have a contagious disease and that it's not safe for her to stand next to you.

. Avoid her entirely.

. Throw something at her head (Okay, don't do this.)

I threw my pencil case at this annoying girls head. She never talked to me again xD


yeah its not cool to hurt people. its not a "good job" thats actually pretty sad.

anyway, i know what it feels like because i have a little sister who asks me 20 million questions and a friend who is always teasing me. when it comes to someone who asks a lot of things, its just because theyre curious and they want to know more about a certain topic or about you! she might want to be your friend. the only way to get her to ease it down a bit is answer some of her questions and say "can you please stop asking so many questions? im getting a bit of a headache and its bothering me." it might sound rude, tbh, but its literally the only option. dont hit her, tell her to shut up, etc. thats just another way to ruin a great opportunity. but if someones teasing you, you should tell them to leave you alone or go away. honestly adults wouldnt understand and wouldnt help for shiyat in a situation like that. if they keep bothering you just go somewhere else.

it was just a joke. She actually laughed then threw it back at my head. It was pretty funny for both of us.

Hahaha. lol.. Yah i know its just a joke and toast started to say its bad. and yeh yeh.

Well, Does it hurt? hahaha. Because when I'm going to throw an eraser to my classmate and she/he throws it back at me I dodges it. and the erasers went into the window. hahah lol

Nope it didn't hurt! The pencil case only had a few pencils in it.
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Veteran Fantagian

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"Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:47 am

Witch wrote:
@Sebastian God, I hate it when they try to make everyone hate a certain person. But in this case, I think their goal is to annoy the heck out of me

Yeah, I also hate it. Its making me mad even though It's not me they are having fun. Nah! I know that. Its still the same. Making you annoy and then you will be mad at them and they will still do the same looking the good one at others and you will be the bad one at others. Thats why I always hate popular girls at school. >.<
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PostSubject: Re: "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13]   "Just leave me alone!" [4/25/13] Icon_minitime

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