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 bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13

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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 4:55 pm

I couldn't believe it. I still cant
So here's what happened: We had just switched from reading to math class, getting ready to take our test. Everything was perfectly normal, and then our principal came on the loudspeaker saying we were having a "fire drill" (what a liar). Obviously this didn't make sense because whenever we have a fire drill, the fire alarm goes off. Not the intercom. So everyone lined up and we went outside like we always do... but this is the part where we all got confused: we walked over to the fire department and stayed there for an HOUR & A HALF. Waiting. Not even the teachers knew what was going on. When we got back at school, there were ambulances and police and fire trucks. That's when our teacher told us there was a bomb threat.
I was so scared but at the same time I don't think its real. Because, let's be honest: I don't think a kid would really know how to even make a bomb. But whoever did this, I hope they get caught. :c

Anywho. Another update about what's been happening in my life: We got a new girl named Megan. She's really pretty and nice and funny. :3 I'm hoping we can be friends but she's hanging out with another group of girls and ehh....well who needs friends, right?;-;
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Hero Fantagian

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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 4:56 pm

A bomb threat by a student?
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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 4:59 pm

Oh my god that sounds scary
Maybe the bomb was made by an adult but that sounds highly unlikely. More like a student, an older one?
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Hero Fantagian

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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 4:59 pm

A bomb threat!?

The high school in my area had a bomb threat TWICE.
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PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 5:20 pm

Yeah, by a student.
My school is K-6th grade, so they were 12 years old at the MOST.
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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 5:31 pm

that sounds kind of strange for a 6th grader (at least i think it was a 6th grader; a kindergartner probably doesn't even know what a bomb threat is) are you sure it wasn't an adult? did they say it was from a student, or that it might be from a student?
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Hero Fantagian

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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 5:32 pm

That must be scary. I'm glad you are safe.
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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 5:33 pm

hop wrote:
that sounds kind of strange for a 6th grader (at least i think it was a 6th grader; a kindergartner probably doesn't even know what a bomb threat is) are you sure it wasn't an adult? did they say it was from a student, or that it might be from a student?
Nobody knows who did it yet... :c
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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 6:58 pm

That bomb must be made by some humans who is angry to someone in that school.
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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 7:02 pm

that must be scary! i hope you guys will be safe!
and yeah, its rather odd for a 6th grader to be making a bomb threat.
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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 7:04 pm

No, we don't know if it was a 6th grader. For all we know so far, it could've been a kindergartener (not really; just making the point we have no clue right now.)
Anyways, thanks @Teacup and everyone else ;-;
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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 7:31 pm

If ANYONE would have hurt you,I would track them down.The sight wouldn't be pretty! c: but overall i'm glad your okay c;
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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeThu May 16, 2013 12:22 pm

Your principal kind of had to lie... "Hello yes, students, there is a bomb threat going on. May you all please leave in a calm and orderly fashion?" The bomber would know that they're onto him/her so then they would detonate the bomb right then.
And a kid is perfectly capable of constructing a bomb.
Well, I'm glad everyone is safe. Hopefully the situation was avoided altogether and no more threats are made.
And you can still be friends with here - she's new so she's joining a group to fit in. She might decide she doesn't like those people as friends and eventually go on to a have a different group of friends that might include you!
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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeThu May 16, 2013 12:42 pm

Wow, but it sounds kinda cheesy; I'm glad you're alright!
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Ultimate Fantagian

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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeThu May 16, 2013 2:47 pm

I am glad that nothing happened, and that you are safe. That must be scary to go through.
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Loyal Fantagian

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bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitimeThu May 16, 2013 3:29 pm


I'm glad you're safe. Whoever did that should be getting a press charge.
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PostSubject: Re: bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13   bomb threat at MY school. 5-15-13 Icon_minitime

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