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 Life [[RP - APPS]]

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3 posters
Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2013 10:10 pm

In this RP you play the game of life. You make a character and live until your time runs out.
-You can have as much characters as you want.
-Romance is allowed, but it has to be appropriate.
-It has to be realistic. No magic is allowed. Only type of magic is those 'magicians' do, like card tricks and stuff.
-You can only live in the locations below, but you can create locations too! PM me them/it and I might approve it and add it to the list!
-Remember to keep it appropriate. So, if you want to have children, nothing 'sexy' please. So, if your character is pregnant, you can just say she's pregnant and when she gives birth just say she's taken to the hospital and then comes back with a baby girl/boy.
-In this RP, time goes by fast. So, in about 4-8 or more pages its a year. Months and weeks will be told by me in the start of some posts with a bold, dark blue color.
-Put "Licky's" (Without the quotation marks.) In the "Anything else to say:" Part of the APP or you won't be able to RP.

Location List:
-Survivor City (City on Island)
-Leenday City (City)
-Carelyn Island (Island)
-Greentown (Rich Town)
-Coralisle (Tropical Island)
-Rustical (Town)

Phew.. That took a while..


Name: Naomi
Age: 0 (Starting as a newborn.)
Gender: Female
Personality: Later.
Death Date [OPTIONAL] (When he/she will die): N/A
Birth Date [OPTIONAL] (When he/she was born): 3rd January
Location (Where you live): Greentown
Short Biography (What has happened in her/his life until the RP starts):
Picture/Description (As a baby):
Picture/Description (As a toddler):
Picture/Description (As a kid):
Picture/Description (As a teenager):
Picture/Description [OPTIONAL] (As a adult):
Picture/Description [OPTIONAL] (As a elder): Searching.
Anything Else To Say: Licky's

Name: Samantha-Jayne
Age: 0 (Starting as a newborn.)
Gender: Female
Personality: Later.
Death Date [OPTIONAL] (When he/she will die): At age 15, drowned in river during camping trip.
Birth Date [OPTIONAL] (When he/she was born): 17th October
Location (Where you live): Leenday City
Short Biography (What has happened in her/his life until the RP starts): N/A

Picture/Description (As a baby):
Picture/Description (As a toddler):
Picture/Description (As a kid):
Picture/Description (As a teenager):
Picture/Description [OPTIONAL] (As a adult):
Picture/Description [OPTIONAL] (As a elder):
Anything Else To Say:

Please join!

Last edited by Ribbon on Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Beauty Guru
Junior Fantagian

Posts : 70
Join date : 2013-06-09
Age : 21
Location : I put my hand gently into the calm water. It seemed as if it was healing me. Everyone saw me. I took my hand out of the water and I knew at that very moment, I was the son of Posideon.

Life [[RP - APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2013 1:23 am

Please reserve me a spot on Rustical.  I want to start the roleplay on High School of the Dead and Cursed Charm before I start this.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2013 1:28 am

Name: Alison Michell
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Personality: A peppy, smart girl with no athletic abilities, Alison is a sweetie. She enjoys culinary work and is always positive. She enjoys helping other people, but hates it when people try to boss her around. She's always doing something and never gets bored.  
Death Date [OPTIONAL] (When he/she will die): October 28th
Birth Date [OPTIONAL] (When he/she was born): November 7th
Location (Where you live): Leenday City
Short Biography (What has happened in her/his life until the RP starts): Later
Picture/Description (As a baby):
Picture/Description (As a toddler):
Picture/Description (As a kid):
Picture/Description (As a teenager):
Picture/Description [OPTIONAL] (As a adult):
Picture/Description [OPTIONAL] (As a elder):
Anything Else To Say: Licky's

Last edited by Kozakura on Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Join date : 2011-08-27
Age : 21
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PostSubject: Re: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2013 9:55 pm

Kozakura wrote:
Name: Alison Michell
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Personality: Later
Death Date [OPTIONAL] (When he/she will die): October 28th
Birth Date [OPTIONAL] (When he/she was born): November 7th
Location (Where you live): Leenday City
Short Biography (What has happened in her/his life until the RP starts): Later
Picture/Description (As a baby):
Picture/Description (As a toddler):
Picture/Description (As a kid):
Picture/Description (As a teenager):
Picture/Description [OPTIONAL] (As a adult):Later
Picture/Description [OPTIONAL] (As a elder): Later
Anything Else To Say: Licky's
okay. accepted! anyone else wants to join?
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Beauty Guru
Junior Fantagian

Posts : 70
Join date : 2013-06-09
Age : 21
Location : I put my hand gently into the calm water. It seemed as if it was healing me. Everyone saw me. I took my hand out of the water and I knew at that very moment, I was the son of Posideon.

Life [[RP - APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2013 11:38 pm

Name: Saphire Lee
Age: 0 (Starting as a newborn.)
Gender: Female
Personality: Later.
Death Date [OPTIONAL] (When he/she will die): 9th December
Birth Date [OPTIONAL] (When he/she was born): 12th May
Location (Where you live): Rustical
Short Biography (What has happened in her/his life until the RP starts): Newborn; She will be born on May 12th.  On the first day she got home, she played and played in her nursery all day and loved to draw and color.  Toddler; She is a playful child and always wanted to go to her friend's houses.  She was very social, creative, and kind.  Kid; She went to school and always came home with a good note.  She was very smart and good at drawing.  Teen; She got her first boyfriend at 15 and was always helping around the house to help out her mother she also became a cheerleader. Adult; She married her first boyfriend and had 2 wonderful babies.  The first one was named Micheal and the second one was named Callie.  She also dyed her hair brown.  Elder; She dies when she is 81 and left her whole house to her grandchildren.  She has completed everything on her list of things to do in life like get married, have children, just make a family you know.
Picture/Description (As a baby): 

Picture/Description (As a toddler): 

Picture/Description (As a kid): 

Picture/Description (As a teenager): 

Picture/Description [OPTIONAL] (As a adult): 

Picture/Description [OPTIONAL] (As a elder): 

Anything Else To Say: Licky's

Whew... Rolling Eyes

Last edited by Beauty Guru on Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:15 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Join date : 2011-08-27
Age : 21
Location : District 12

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PostSubject: Re: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2013 11:19 am

Beauty Guru, yours will be accepted later. You're missing something.
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Beauty Guru
Junior Fantagian

Posts : 70
Join date : 2013-06-09
Age : 21
Location : I put my hand gently into the calm water. It seemed as if it was healing me. Everyone saw me. I took my hand out of the water and I knew at that very moment, I was the son of Posideon.

Life [[RP - APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2013 12:03 pm

I think I edited it. Check again.  Thanks!
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2013 12:09 pm

@Beauty Guru you're stilll missing it. Look at the rules: 

-You can have as much characters as you want.
-Romance is allowed, but it has to be appropriate.
-It has to be realistic. No magic is allowed. Only type of magic is those 'magicians' do, like card tricks and stuff.
-You can only live in the locations below, but you can create locations too! PM me them/it and I might approve it and add it to the list!
-Remember to keep it appropriate.
-In this RP, time goes by fast. So, in about 4-8 or more pages its a year. Months and weeks will be told by me in the start of some posts with a bold, dark blue color.
-Put "Licky's" (Without the quotation marks.) In the "Anything else to say:" Part of the APP or you won't be able to RP
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Beauty Guru
Junior Fantagian

Posts : 70
Join date : 2013-06-09
Age : 21
Location : I put my hand gently into the calm water. It seemed as if it was healing me. Everyone saw me. I took my hand out of the water and I knew at that very moment, I was the son of Posideon.

Life [[RP - APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2013 12:14 pm

Oh, I'm terribly sorry!  Haha, I was too excited to put the confirmation.  I thought I was missing the elder description.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2013 12:18 pm

Okay then, now you're accepted!
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Beauty Guru
Junior Fantagian

Posts : 70
Join date : 2013-06-09
Age : 21
Location : I put my hand gently into the calm water. It seemed as if it was healing me. Everyone saw me. I took my hand out of the water and I knew at that very moment, I was the son of Posideon.

Life [[RP - APPS]] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2013 12:20 pm

Thank you!
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PostSubject: Re: Life [[RP - APPS]]   Life [[RP - APPS]] Icon_minitime

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