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 iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?!

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iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Empty
PostSubject: iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?!   iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2013 5:27 pm

I'm so bored, and I'm looking for a few games to download on my iPod. I don't care if they're free or not.
I DON'T want Fruit Ninja, Cut the Rope, Angry Birds, Candy Crush Saga, Temple Run, Where's my Water, Draw Something, or any of those popular gaming apps that everyone already knows about.
Anyways, yeah. Thanks. XD
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Ultimate Fantagian

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iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?!   iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2013 5:32 pm

You should try out Plants vs Zombies. Its pretty awesome. It cost about 99 cents for me.
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Veteran Fantagian

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iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?!   iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2013 5:40 pm

Okay I have a lot of good games.
Lego Harry potter years 1-4
Lego Harry potter years 5-7
Scribblenauts: Remix (if you liked the ds version please consider this)
Virtual villagers 3-5 (all very good and very enjoyable there is free version and paid versions)
Virtual families 1-2 (both very fun and it is never the same gets boring after you upgrade all your stuff)
Pixel people (Make your own outer space city really fun and addicting.)
Dragonvale (if you like dragons you will love this game you get to breed dragons and build a dragon city)
Little kingdom (you grow a little kingdom but you build underground)
Rayman run (You get to complete levels while rayman runs around collecting coins. It is very fun.)
Tiny tower (You build a tower and you get to make it bigger and bigger.)
Plants vs. Zombies (Plants defend you house from zombies that are trying to eat your brains.)
Peggle (You clear dots on a board with a ball you try to get all the orange dots it is really fun and hard.)
Hot donut (you are a donut and you can fly and it is really fun)
Doctor who (you are the doctor fighting against aliens and stuff it is hard trust me)

I really love all these games and I think you might enjoy some of them.
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iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?!   iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2013 5:47 pm

i don't have much but like moka said, pixel people is a good one (its literally so addicting omg). uh lets see, tiny tower and pocket planes? i wouldn't say they're addicting, but my interest in them lasted a decent amount of time.
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Veteran Fantagian

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iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?!   iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2013 5:57 pm

Ice cream jump ((i think it's called??)) it's free and it's seriously addictive

virtual families ((.99 im pretty sure,))

stack the states ((.99 cents)) a fun trivia game revolving around learning more about USA

nekoZushi or Sushi cat ((free)) it's all in japanese and literally not a game, i only bought it because the intro of singing and flying sushi cats

techno kitten ((free or .99)) you need this app to be happy

these games are more little-kiddish, but my friends little siblings LOVE them:
Toca Boca Hair Salon 2 (1-2 dollars??) i cute hair styling game
scoops ((um i don't remember))
toca tailer ((.99)) i cute little dressup game where you can design your own clothes
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Dedicated Fantagian

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iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?!   iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 25, 2013 5:59 pm

I'm a rpg and ccg freak for ios or andriod games so I'll give you a list of them that I think is good.
-Ayakashi Ghost Guild ( free ccg game but you can by in game currency with real $$. Recently the events have been more cash-oriented but still fun to play)
-Valkyrie crusade (free ccg game but you can by in game currency with real $$. Has moe girls.)
-Zenonia series (rpg game, fun to past the time with but the bosses are sometimes overleveled)
+more but all in other languages

And most of the stuff moka said. Plants vs zombies is really fun.
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iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?!   iPod/Phone/Pad or Android Games?! Icon_minitime

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