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 Last day of school (6/27/2013)

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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Last day of school (6/27/2013)   Last day of school (6/27/2013) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 7:07 pm

And I just graduated this year from elementary.
In case people might not know, here where I live Vancouver, BC (Canada), elementary school is Kindergarten- Grade 7 and High school is Grade 8-12.
Anyways, today was the last day of school for me and they handed out honor certificates and awards at the last assembly of the school year. I got a service medal and a honor certificate(for having a B average cause A average gets medals). SO the grade 7's sang our grad song most of the girls cried, I almost did but it didn't give a crap after and we slacked off for the rest of the day.
Half an hour before school ended, we got our report cards and I got Straight B's and 1 A (only A was in art) which was really surprising because I usually get a c- or c+ in gym/P.E .
When it was time to go home all of the grade 7's gave each other tackles, glomps and hugs. We went to every teacher's classroom and gave them a hug before leaving lol i got the secretary's email address because she was retiring and  going to Australia.
Overall it was a good day and I'll miss all of my friends who will go to another high schools. Uhh I'll get back to school in Sept.

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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Last day of school (6/27/2013)   Last day of school (6/27/2013) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 7:35 pm

Sounds fun. My school's KG-8th. I'm going to 7th. Ha, sounds a lot more fun than my day; I got body slammed. ( While playing the HG Games. It still hurt though. I landed on a rough patch of grass. .-.)
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Last day of school (6/27/2013)
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