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 World War Z - Roleplay Apps

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Amour Allure
Senior Fantagian
Amour Allure

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World War Z - Roleplay Apps Empty
PostSubject: World War Z - Roleplay Apps   World War Z - Roleplay Apps Icon_minitimeWed Jul 10, 2013 7:08 pm

So,instead of having the ordinary junk (heh just kidding) I wanted to base this RP on a movie that came out.It is,indeed a great and phenomenal movie.

Instead of putting the storyline etc in a spoiler i'm just going to put out here.

Storyline ;
You wake up,and its an ordinary weekend.Wake up, eat breakfast , a normal day any teen can ask for.But what happens when an unexpected apocalypse happens all around the world. You and your family get picked up the next morning and get sent to a boat in the middle of the ocean.

You think your safe,but your not.You OR your family cannot stay on the boat if you are not doing anything essential or useful. So,you go out to the Army and try to find a cure and to find out what those man eating things are.

Extra Info MUST READ ;
Okay,so while you wait for the Helicopter to pick you guys up and bring you to your destination.

Obviously, you'll need to defend yourselves before it happens.
Basically,it is a tip to board up windows lock all doors and make sure no infected gets in before the Helicopter comes.So,you'll need to survive 24 hours before Help comes and saves you.

Simple,Ordinary rules.
No Mary-Sues
Cursing must be limited
No controlling characters
Arguing wont be tolerated
You'll put the world WORLD WAR at the end of your app so I know you read this.

Age (Must be older than 18);
Sexuality & Birthday;
Likes and Dislikes;
Strengths and Weaknesses;

About Locations ;
All Locations will be Located in New York.
-Brooklyn - Low Class
-Manhattan - High Class
-Bronx - Middle Class
-Queens - Low Class
-Long Island - High Class

I'll post my app later.

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