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 The Coldharts - RP [Remade]

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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 2:48 pm

Okay, we are officially starting. The applications are still open for the next couple days.

Let's try to keep this alive for a month at least.

Matt stared blankly out the open window of the parlor. The room smelled musty, as though it hadn't been dusted or cleaned in centuries. Truth be told it probably hadn't been. The house was almost 200 years old as it was. Even though Matt was only 14, he could remember times when it hadn't been built, and probably wouldn't be for another couple thousand years. He pulled his card out of his pocket. At first glance it appeared to be an ordinary playing card, a Jack of diamonds. Truth be told for most people it was. But for anyone within the Coldhart family, this was the most important artifact in existence. Not only did it grant them the ability of time travel, their very lives depended on it's safety. Matt groaned. It was a lot to handle, and often pretty risky, but it also proved a lot of fun.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 2:58 pm

Cecilla walked into the kitchen in a hurry. She just ate a sandwich full of hot peppers and to tell you, Cecilla didn't like it at all. Cecilla quickly opened the cubberts, taking out a tall glass. She grabbed the pitcher of water and poured some on the glass cup. Once it was full her hand shook as she carried the glass against her mouth. The water poured, cooling her mouth from all of the hot peppers. She held the glass cup, chugging the water until she was finished. Cecilla gave a sigh of relief and left the glass in the sink. After her hot pepper problem she walked towards the balcony full of flowers in pots; some were actually hanging from the mini ceiling above it. She leaned on the balcony's gate and looked out to the sky; staring at all of the fluffy clouds covering the giant ball of sun.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 3:07 pm

Matt left the parlor. The musty smell was starting to give him a headache, and there were probably better things to be doing. Sometimes he thought it might be nice to be able to travel into the future, attend his own funeral, maybe see what the others were like as old people. He laughed, then remembered that he was stuck with a diamond card for eternity. His parents both had diamonds, and you aren't allowed to pick your own. He wasn't "important" enough for any of the really good cards, which really sucked.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 3:38 pm

Bianca walked out of her bedroom and played with her hands for a bit. Her card, the Ace of Diamonds, was twinkling in her eye. Her hand reached for the card and she held it up so it was in front of her face. Turning it around a few times, she placed it back into her pocket and headed to the living room where she lit a few candles and sat down. It was a quiet day and she wanted to just sit and ignore everyone else just like she does everyday. She took out her card again and examined the color of the card. The colors became dull after years of usage and it looked very unappealing. But it was a magical card so she didn't really care.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 5:07 pm

Natalie paced around her room, her eyes furrowing as she thought. She barely avoided tripping over her long, dark blue-coloured dress, that had just been recently sewn for her by one of her personal stylists. However, Natalie was sewing her own collection, and needed a type of fabric people would die for. The kind that looked itchy and uncomfortable, but really felt soft and silky, and like your favourite pair of old, comfy track pants. But wear would she get such a fabric? It took her a while to realize she could travel into the future and retrieve this kind of fabric. Natalie smiled, prancing over to her sewing table and swiping her card of her desk; It was the Queen of Spades, one of the highest ranking cards. It was hard to break, so she didn't really care if she left it out into the open. Natalie snatched her matching blue shawl, and wrapped it around her body. Might be chilly in the future. She mumbled to herself.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 5:16 pm

Narcisa groaned as she slumped into her armchair. She massaged her temples and blinked her bleary eyes. She felt like she was hung over, but she couldn't have consumed that much alcohol... could she have? No matter what was the cause of it, Narcisa dragged herself to her bathroom's medicine cabinet and popped a few aspirin into her mouth.

who could have thought parties in the 50's were so... crazy? Slumping back in her arm chair she face palmed her ignorance and slid a card, a queen of hearts, into her pocket. She awkwardly stood up, holding her head, and walked to a large door in the corner of her room. Opening it revealed a large walk in closet filled to the brim with an assortment of clothing and shoes. She had to change into something more "age" appropriate- and she wasn't thinking about age as in physical maturity.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 5:32 pm

Victoria was the only one outside, like usual. She was sitting in the garden, and was poking a stick around in some mud. There wasn't that much to do here, besides watching the bees fly all over the flowers. Victoria put her hand in her jeans pocket to feel for her card- Jack of Hearts. She continued poking the mud until a worm crawled out. Victoria watched as it wrapped itself around the stick.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 5:47 pm

After changing into a tank top, old jeans, and some boots, Narcisa quietly left her room and headed towards the west parlor; smaller than the east parlor, but less dank and dreary. It also had more people going through it allowing Narcisa to catch up on family affairs and poke around in everyone's business. Knowledge is power, and by listening and learning she could keep information for her own personal use, and most of the time it served her well.To put it into context, she even went as far as blackmailing her own mother; mummy shouldn't have been so naive as to believe her own little girl didn't know what an affair was and who Jonathon was. Plus, it wasn't as if she felt the outcome could harm her.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 6:27 pm

Victoria notices something moving near her sneaker. Looking closely, it was a little beetle. She picks up her foot and squashes it in the mud. Bugs. One of the things she cannot stand. Victoria continues poking the mud, bringing up some more worms. Okay. I think I bothered them enough. Victoria stands up and wipes some of the mud off of her jeans. She puts the stick down.
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
Officer Number Two

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 6:46 pm

Kristara strolled around the house, wondering around untill she found her room, opened her violin case and began to play. Soon bored, she flipped through her music books. Presto... Accolay....aha! She didn't know the name, but she liked this song a lot and began to strike her bow against the strings. However, she still became bored and looked out the window. " Nice day today, I should go outside." Kristara thought as she put her violin back in its case. She closed the door behind her and slid down the spiral staircase's railing and opened the door to the garden.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 10:17 pm

Bianca sneered at the painting of Mona Lisa on the wall. Once, she went back into the past and stole the Mona Lisa after Leonardo da Vinci finished it. She admired the painting and was in rage when she couldn't buy it since it was too overpriced. "Lucky there weren't and security cameras back then." Bianca said gleefully. She got up from her seat and walked outside to the garden to check up on her daisies she planted.
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 10:31 pm

Kristara saw the mess of dirt in the ground and the crushed beetle." Poor old thing," she thought as she scooped the dead beetle up with a trowel and buried it in her favorite patch of roses. Now someday the beetle would be part of the beautiful flowers. Kristara buried the worms back in the dirt and used the hose to wash off the beetle juice and humus. She turned it off and saw Bianca walk past her.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 9:25 am

Matt felt as though there wasn't much to do. He couldn't see any reason to explore another time period, as he was already having some issues with most of the authority figures from the 16th century forward. He walked outside to find Kristara burying dead insects in the roses. He rolled his eyes, not seeing why this was so important to her, but said nothing. Sometimes it seemed as though there wasn't a sane person left in the house, himself included.
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 9:58 am

Kristara sat and watched the bees go by. There was nothing to do, nothing to play, nothing. She looked at the bug's grave one last time, and got up from where she was sitting. She stared at the gardener, the roses, the daises, the hose, anything that might spark an adventure, but just saw a normal garden, and sighed. She started to walk across the garden back to the house when she slammed her face into the birdhouse. She fell to the ground, and saw the robin that was living there stare at her. "Sorry," she said getting up and stroking the frightened bird's head. She carefully walked over to the door, making sure not to bump into anything, and went inside.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 10:25 am

Victoria has walked into the house from the back door. Her clothes smelled of dirt from being around it for too long. Maybe she should change into comfy clothing. She took off her goggles and left them on the kitchen table. She went upstairs to he room and changed into her pajamas.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 12:27 pm

Matt stared at Kristara in bewilderment as she went back into the house. Everyone in the house was a bit loopy, but Kristara was positively cracked. The birdhouse was in plain sight. It was practically impossible to walk into it by accident. He didn't question it, but rather walked back into the house after giving Kristara time to turn a corner or walk out of sight.
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
Officer Number Two

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 1:01 pm

Kristara walked up the spiral staircase and opened the door to her room and flopped on to her bed. A cloud of dust arose and she sneezed. This had not been a very good twenty minutes, and she sat up, deciding that reading was the only thing she could do right now. Hopping off her bed, she looked at a bookshelf and sighed. The books were coated in dust and older than Kristara herself. She walked out of her room and started to explore the house, untill she found an attic. She opened the bulkhead door and the stairs folded out in front of her. She climbed them and entered a dark, dusty room filled with rats and spiders, books, chests, old toys, siilverware, a dollhouse, and many other useless things. Kristara flipped the light switch and watched the rats scatter. She found an unusually large trunk and opened it. Inside were family photos, old newspapers, books, jewlery and jewlery boxes, and lots of other trash. At the bottom was a small box. Kristara opened the box and found a key. "The key to the attic. Why hide it?" she thought as she stuffed the key in her pocket. She climbed down the stairs and closed the door, locking it behind her. The key probably was for keeping the jewelry safe. Kristara kept thinking about the key untill she randomly bumped into somebody.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 1:17 pm

Victoria was in her green pajamas. Her short hair was messy, but decided to leave it that way. She sits down on her bed and a cloud of dust came up, making her cough. Why doesn't anyone dust around here? Victoria stands back up and walks out of her room. There wasn't that much to do besides reading a book, but those look very old and dusty. Seriously, who doesn't dust in this house?
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 1:22 pm

Natalie travelled to the future; Into about 3096. She wandered around, fascinated by the change of technology. She felt slightly embarrassed by her 1900s dress, and found herself fashioning her shawl around her neck, like a scarf. All I have to do is find some fabric, and I'm out of here. She said, gritting her teeth and fighting to ignore the dirty and weird looks these people were giving her. By the time she rushed into the fabric shop, she was panting. She walked up the clerk's desk, immediately speaking to the lady working there. " Do you have any fabric that looks expensive but feels like pyjamas? And water proof?" She spit out, inhaling deeply. The green-haired lady looked up, the gold designs around her eyes standing out as she pushed her green bangs back. " A-OKAY! Follow me!" She skipped down the aisles, her pencil skirt sticking to her legs. She rustled around, then showed Natalie a piece of plain fabric.
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 2:24 pm

Kristara carefully walked around the person and conitued walking untill she found her room. Opening her sock drawer, she found her card; the jack of hearts. Staring at it, she put it back an sat on her bed. "Life is boring..." she thought.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 4:44 pm

As she walked to the parlor, Narcisa couldn't help but take a route that passed by most of her relatives bedrooms. As she passed by Kristara's room. While Narcisa was for the most part apathetic, she wasn't cold hearted like a certain family member was. Now too long ago she remembered Kristara losing a friend due to her negligence of using her card. Regrettable, but it served as a lesson for the younger coldharts. She wasn't sure what she was listening for, perhaps the sound of a violin? She knew Kristara played that violin to keep her mind off the pain a lot of the time.
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 5:08 pm

Kristara thought about her old friend for a moment. She couldn't help but remember the event exactly, the horrible car accident. It was an ordinary day, her siblings getting ready for school. Kristara's friend was going to be driven to school with her. "Back then school was actually fun," Kristara thought. She vividly remembered forgeting her homework, and using her card to get it. When she teleported back into the car, she clumsily fell; and pushed her friend as she was walking across the street, straight into the path of a truck. Kristara knew that she was kept secret from her friend, so this was a big surprise for..."I can't even remember her name." she thought. Then, a horrid idea came to her mind: did someone push her? Kristara shook her head.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 6:04 pm

Matt, at this point, was so bored he actually almost felt like starting a fight just to keep himself entertained for a few hours. Maybe travel back a couple centuries so he could have more leeway over what he could legally do when. He felt strange, remembering the times when you could get hanged for stealing a pocket handkerchief. When torture was commonplace and the plague spread like wildfire through the streets of England. He laughed, wondering what it would be like to travel back so far in time that there would be no Earth at all. He'd never done it. No one had. It would be like suicide, no way to travel back before you were sucked off into space. Matt then snapped back into reality, strolling back into his room for a book.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 6:25 pm

The girl beamed as she pushed her green hair out of her blue eyes, itching the side of her head where her gold face tattoos were. She scurried over to a tall arrangement of fabrics; All in different designs and colours. There was a neon collection, animal print collection, sparkly collection, and solid colours collection. "They're the latest fabric! I just got a new shipment yesterday, so you're lucky! If you were a few days late they'd be long god until mid November! It's so popular all around Europe these years!" Natalie felt slightly confused, then remember she was in the year 3039. She didn't specify a certain place to travel to; only what she wanted. The girl's vibrate blue lips turned up into a smile, as she presented Natalie the fabrics with her hands held out, as if show-casing them. " Pick any you want!" She smiled.

"Of course I will.." Natalie mumbled, running her fingers through the fabric. It looked like ordinary fabrics; put it was smooth and silky on the outside, the inside patted with soft cushioning made for extra comfort; like a pillow. Natalie stood there for a while, thinking. Finally, she lifted her head up. " I'll take the whole neon collection," She said, crossing her arms as she got her Queen of Spades card ready. The girl looked surprised, her light brown eyebrows raising in surprise. " Er, I don't mean to sound rude, but these sell at $100 dollars a piece..So your grand total would be.." The girl trailed off, mumbling numbers and ticking fingers off. Finally, she shrugged. " $5000 dollars. I don't know if you would have the kind of money- Before the girl could finish, Natalie fished out her leather wallet, slamming 500 hundred bills into the clerks hand; Some fell to the ground, some flying around before the wind became dull and they formed small piles on the ground, too. Taking her fabric, Natalie left an astonished girl behind, taking one last glance at the clerk staring at the ground, starting to gather the bills before pulling out her cards and transporting back to the present year. { 2006.}
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
Officer Number Two

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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 6:53 pm

Kristara knew this wasn't true. "Or is it?" she thought. Sighing, she looked around and saw a small sliver of a pant leg in the doorway. It was quite obvious it was Narcisa; she always seemed to poke around in Kristara's buisiness. Feeling self-conscious, she didn't pick up her violin, even though she desperately needed something to do. Opening the door to the balcony, she saw the pond below her. It was at least 7 feet deep, and very wide. Kristara smiled. She was truely insane. She climbed the fence on the balcony, and jumped.
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PostSubject: Re: The Coldharts - RP [Remade]   The Coldharts - RP [Remade] Icon_minitime

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