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 Hoping 7/25/13

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Hoping 7/25/13   Hoping 7/25/13 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 1:25 am

So i think i forgot to tell you guys about this. My cousin benjamin has been having trouble with his pancreas. This has happened since last year. Last year around this time my cousin had a bad stomach ache for a couple days. Well my aunt (You could say? I never see her anymore she divorced my uncle) took him to the hospital. Yeah it was bad the doctors put him on a diet and said that it shouldnt happen again. Well it happened again in about may. They have been testing him and they found out he has pancreatits. They also said it was inhearited. So one of our family has it in their blood. It could be my aunts or my uncles. If it is my uncle's my whole family will have to get tested. I'm not hoping for either very much but i'm really concerned if it is in my family because my kids could end up having it. I'm really just hoping that my cousin is alright.
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Roc Hijohshiki
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Roc Hijohshiki

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PostSubject: Re: Hoping 7/25/13   Hoping 7/25/13 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 2:58 am

I wish your cousin recovers from pancreatits soon! I hope the pancreatits doesn't get worse.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Hoping 7/25/13   Hoping 7/25/13 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 3:39 am

I hope he feels better soon, and that you're family doesn't get it!
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PostSubject: Re: Hoping 7/25/13   Hoping 7/25/13 Icon_minitime

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