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 We've Got the Talent (RP)

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Officer Number Two
Cutie Patootie
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PostSubject: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 7:12 pm

The auditions were now open. "This way to your future!" Said Micheal at the crowd of people waiting in line for their chance to shine. The crowd cheered back. "The judges are waiting for you!"

First a teenager with colorful, rainbow hair and a pierced nose arrived on stage. "Welcome. What's your name, your age and your talent?" Asked Blake. "I'm Kiki. I'm 21. My talent is.. being a cartoon artist." Kiki said. "What are you going to draw?" Eric asked. "My dog, Fluffball." Kiki said. In a couple of seconds, Kiki did a horrible drawing of her dog. "Do you like it?" Kiki asked. "No. No. No. No." Were the answers of the judges. "I'm giving you a no." Said Sophia, kindly. "I think we all agree on no." Eric said. "It's a big.." Blake said. "NO!" The whole crew of judges yelled.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 7:52 pm

As Chloe walked on stage she saw millions of judgey people and the actual judges~ "Hello, whats your name and why are you here." The host said. "Hi-i I'm Chloe Breene and I'm a dancer." She said trying to find her confidence. "Well okay start!" The host said cheerfully. "I will be doing a song called please." Chloe said handing the CD with the music burned on it. They put it on and she got into postion.

The solo
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Cutie Patootie
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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 8:56 pm

Naomi walked up on stage and waved with her mic in hand. "Hello!" said the host. "Hi." Naomi said blushing. "Whats your name and what is your talent?" said a middle aged woman. "I'm Naomi Briggs and I'm a opera singer." Naomi blushed. They judges look confused. "How old are you?" said a man with red hair. "I'm 15." Naomi said. This always happened. "Okay well good luck." said the woman. "I don't need it." Naomi said and the crowd laughed. Naomi blushed and took center stage.
How she sounds not looks. looks is on the app:
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 9:24 pm

Blake clapped at Chloe and she got 2 yeses. Jean and Eric said no, but Sophia and Blake said yes. Then the crowd yelled - "Yes!" So Chloe was in. "Great job! You're in!" Micheal said as he escorted her offstage.

Jean was very surprised at Naomi and she got 4 big yeses. "You made it! Awesome!" Micheal said, smiling, as he escorted her offstage. "Neeeeexxxxttttt!!!"
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Officer Number Two
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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2013 10:02 pm

Taylor smiled when Micheal called her up, and she called Micheal up on stage. "Ok..." Michael said.  Taylor blew a large balloon, and held it with two hands in front of Michael. She flicked her wrists and the balloon flew up in the air. It floated down and she clapped it hard with her hands. Surprisingly, the balloon shrank down to a small bubble of air. She enclosed in her hand, and Michael was dumbfounded. "Wow, I thought..." suddenly, Taylor opened her arms out wide, and a swarm of butterflies flew out. "…thought that it was going to expode in my face." Michael frowned in a humilated sort of way, but the crowd and judges laughed. "Yes." all the judges said at the same time. Michael sighed and said, "Next."
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Cutie Patootie
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Cutie Patootie

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 9:56 am

Naomi could hardly breathe. "Ohmygawd. ohmygawd." She kept saying. "MOM!!! I DID IT!!!" She said into her phone. She heard he mom in the background crying and cheering. Her aunt had to take her due to her mom's cancer. So it was hard to do this without her mom.
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 10:13 am

Claire walked on the stage feeling nervous as Micheal called her name She Sang Hall of fame the script ft (sorry i could not find a vid)
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 10:24 am

Chloe walked off stage. She was a little sad that she only got half the judges. I mean they probably don't know how hard it is for a little girl like herself to do all of that. I mean she barely got in she is only 13. This was her long awaited birthday present she wanted since she was 8. She saw her mum and hugged her. "Mum!! I did it. I got 2 yeses then a yes from the crowd! The ones that didn't like me were probably to air headed to handle me." Chloe said. "I knew you could do it!! Also I have your music for next performance and I'm also going to call Abby." Her mum (Christie) said with pride. Abby was her dance coach and she was second best around her. Now she is first best. She popped on her head phones and listened to the song on her phone. I wanna be a Rockette She was surpised. She took a high title with this song and knew that she could use this. But maybe change the moves around to make it better.
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 11:09 am

Claire got 3 yes'es and walked off the stage in happy tears she got out her phone exitedlly and rang her mum She could just about speak MUM MUM!!! I GOT THROUGH!!!She tried to scream but it turned out as an awkward squeak because one day she lost her scream.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 11:23 am

Chloe looked around her mum was busy booking photo shoots and talking with Abby. Chloe was now in some pocket shorts and a front tie shirt with baby blue stripes. She changed in the little dressing room for anyone to use. She didn't want to be running around in her performance clothes all day. She saw a girl hanging up her phone crying happy tears. Chloe walked up to her. "Hi I'm Chloe. Did you get in to? I'm a dancer. What do you do?" Sh asked with new found confidence.
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 11:29 am

Hi I'm Claire I sing.She smiled Yes i did get through I'm rubish at dancing.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 11:42 am

"I'm bad at anything other than dancing." chloe said. "What are you going to sing next? I'm dancing to a song called I wanna be a rockette. My mom changed the moves around and I have to master my aeriall." Chloe said. She did an aerial and showed her it.

Aerial (if you were wondering):
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 12:16 pm

Oh cool! I'm singing Katy perry roar.Is being a rockette like doing gymnastics and dancing mixed together?
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 12:54 pm

@PurpleBook - please use " " when your character is speaking because you're confusing me.

@Everybody - don't control the judges or the amount of yeses!!
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 2:52 pm

"Acutally Rockettes are show dancers like kick high kick low.... stuff like that." Chloe said showing her a high kick in the air then doing jazz hands. "Something like that its like a 1960's number." Chloe added.
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Cutie Patootie
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Cutie Patootie

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 3:04 pm

Naomi got out of her gown and into a new outfit so it was easier to walk. "Auntie Dede? Do you think my make up maches this outfit?" Naomi asked fiddling with her hair. "Hey just call me Dede I'm only like 4 years older you." Dede said. Yes her mom aunt is a lot of years younger. Dede was adopted at age 11 from Sweden. "I know.." Naomi said. Dede had blonder hair and pale skin with bright blue eyes. Much different from Naomi with hazel eyes and cocoa skin. Naomi's family is originally from Peru. "Here let me just-" Dede said grabbing some eye liner. "There!" Dede yelled. "Now you look like a star...." Dede said with starry eyes.
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 3:19 pm

(also when i speak ill put it in ital or "'s) Cool! i gotta get changed and see if my next performance clothes fit me and i will practice in them see you later!
Claire went in the toilets and got changed into her next performence clothes she had white shorts with a
neon orange top that looked like a school top  but it was sleevles and she had a orange neon jacket over her that was see through and had purple high heels she met her mum outside the toilets and put her other clothes in the bag she asked her mum what do you think?  She answererd back You look perfect!

Last edited by PurpleBook on Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 3:40 pm

"Okay!" Chloe said and ran back over to her dressing room that you get when you get in. she put on some practice clothes and started practicing. "1234 1234 123 1234 1234 1234 12 12 123 and aerial!" She whispered as she did her moves. When she was done she skyped her friend Kendall. "Hi Kendall! I got in! I'm also doing my winning routine of I wanna be a rockette!" Chloe greeted. "Wow, that's awesome. I watched the whole thing on TV with the girls over at Brook's house. The judges didn't know what they were thinking. Just 2 yeses and a crowd. Those other 2 were blind...." Kendall said. Then Chloe heard Kendall's mom Jill call her down for dinner. "Hey, congrats! Anyways a girls gotta eat. Bye." Then Kendall turned off her computer. Chloe was hungry herself. She saw a purple mini fridge and saw a container of salad and some ice tea. There was a not that said Hello! You got in! Here is a dinner provided by us!! written in purple. She grabbed a plastic fork and a bendy straw and digged in to her food. "Mmmm..." Chloe said in delight.
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 3:54 pm

Emma realized she had a dressing room she felt a bit silly forgetting that she did have one she went into her dancing room and took out her iphone and played the song and practiced it
As she held the phone in her hand as if it was ringing (katy perry roar the song)
Then she pretended she walked to the microphone as the music came on.
She sang the song and didn't fall over as she put on her lipstick and eyeshadow she was so excited she started to be excited "So excited! Welcome to the stage Emma!" She sat in her chair and updated her status on a website.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 4:38 pm

As Chloe finished practicing her mum brought in her costume to wear for the dance. It was dark blue with some sparkles on it. "Mum, I love it!" Chloe yelled as she plopped on the couch. "Be careful~ I don't want you to ruin it!" Her mum shakley said. "Yea, me touching it is going to ruin it. Touch touch touch!" Chloe said playfully. Then she hung it up on in the little closet. "Oh, I brought you a ice cream sam witch." Her mum said handing it to Chloe. "Mmmm..." Chloe said eating it. "Okay so I have to do some paper work about info about you so I will be doing it on this couch so go over to that big mirror thing desk..." Christie said. "Okay!" Said Chloe. Chloe was posting pics of her on instagram and snaping her friends.
The Costume :
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 4:45 pm

Emma heard the door knock on her dressing room "come in!" It was Emma's mum "Hello Emma i made you a pot noodle ! because you have done great on the auditions!" Emma eat her pot noodle "Emma please don't make a mess on your clothes it costs a load of money because its good quality " Emma agreed with her Mum she was going to get a job and she was in middle of collage but she could become a singer if she did.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 5:00 pm

{{Sorry Im Late!"

Bianca stared into her dressing room's mirror, sighing as she rubbed her fingers down her body, the silky fabric of her blue figure skating suit. "This is it." she sighed to herself, adjusting the sparkly diamond crown that circled around her silky, black sock bun. She heard her name, and quickly sputtered on stage. She was in her skate, but they were like regular shoes to her. She wished she could walk around in them like regular shoes. She couldn't, though. Too dangerous. As she entered the stage, cheers became slightly louder and she was grinning from ear to ear. She stared into the eyes of the judges, smiling sweetly. When it was time to perform, she strut to a mini ice skate that was set up. Then, her act began.

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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 5:07 pm

As her mum left she sat on the couch and started practicing the song so she could be absolutely perfect and get another 3 yeses.Emma thought "I wonder what that girl will be doing she's way more pretty than me Smile"
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 5:16 pm

"Up down spin cross Aerial! I did it!!" Chloe said practicing her routine. It was perfect. She new that she was going to get 4 yeses and a crowd. "I love this routine..." Chloe said to herself.
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Cutie Patootie
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PostSubject: Re: We've Got the Talent (RP)   We've Got the Talent (RP) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2013 7:52 pm

Naomi was practicing. "Ahhhhhh ah ahhhh ahh ah ah aaah aaaahhh!" She sang and practiced until she needed water. "Dede Can you get me the Snapple?" Naomi asked. "Yeah" Dede replied handing her a Snapple and taking one for herself. "You know Dede I think I got a good chance of winning." Naomi smiled. "Me to Naomi. Lets just hope." Dede smiled back.
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