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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 11:54 am

Sorry if this is in the wrong section.

To be honest, there are way too many posting games. I know I shouldn't expect much more as this forum is filled with 9-12 year olds, but still. (Not that all 9-12 year olds can only stay entertained with posting games and such) It'd be nice to have more general discussion topics. I don't really want to put all of my posts into posting games.
Uh, that's it really. I just needed to get my point across.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 11:59 am

Yeah but we do have other discussions than posting games... you just need to find the right topic and we can post a lot. if you post something about art we can totally talk and talk. We have lots of discussions... Just ignore the posting games then.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 12:02 pm

If you want there to be more general discussion topics, go for it and make some yourself.  
No offense, but keep in mind that the state of the forum (meaning the active topics and whatnot) does rely on what the users post and uh, you are a user, so...
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Regular Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 12:08 pm

~Homolust~ wrote:
If you want there to be more general discussion topics, go for it and make some yourself.  
No offense, but keep in mind that the state of the forum (meaning the active topics and whatnot) does rely on what the users post and uh, you are a user, so...
I agree 100%
If you want more discussions topics then make them.
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 12:12 pm

Crona- I know I sound rude, but most of the active ones are somewhat stupid. Note most.

Homolust- That is true, but I don't want to spam out the general discussion section with my topics. Another issue that you should consider is that there's only so many topic ideas someone could come up with that won't die out quickly.
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 12:14 pm

the posting games are just popular for some reason. SOME discussion become popular but then theres no need to talk about it anymore and everyone forgets the topic.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 12:16 pm

Caeo wrote:
Crona- I know I sound rude, but most of the active ones are somewhat stupid. Note most.

Homolust- That is true, but I don't want to spam out the general discussion section with my topics. Another issue that you should consider is that there's only so many topic ideas someone could come up with that won't die out quickly.
I really hope this doesn't sounds rude. If you think some of the topics we talk about are stupid, why don't you make some good topics? Again I am not trying to sound rude.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 12:19 pm

I don't even usually play posting games anymore...sometimes I do when I am bored, but yeah..also I agree with everyone else about the making topics by yourself. If you want them, make thm. Also the active ones aren't stupid to me.. ( well besides those ff mod/ president/ruler of the world ones... I don't even know how THOSEcarent locked..
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 12:20 pm

Caeo wrote:
Crona- I know I sound rude, but most of the active ones are somewhat stupid. Note most.

Homolust- That is true, but I don't want to spam out the general discussion section with my topics. Another issue that you should consider is that there's only so many topic ideas someone could come up with that won't die out quickly.
This is true for the most part, however, don't expect change if you don't at least try to contribute in some way or another.
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 12:30 pm

Crona- Isn't that for the most part what Homolust just said?

Homolust- I'm obviously going to contribute to it. Although, I'm not planning on making 10 topics or so just to get everybody in on it.
Another thing, this is not related to the subject, but can I call you something other than Homolust?
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 12:34 pm

Caeo wrote:
Homolust- I'm obviously going to contribute to it. Although, I'm not planning on making 10 topics or so just to get everybody in on it.
Another thing, this is not related to the subject, but can I call you something other than Homolust?
I never said to make 10 topics, nor did I mean to suggest you should, so my apologies if it looked like that was what I was trying to say!
And, while I don't see what's so wrong with 'Homolust', I usually go by Cas on the forum.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 12:39 pm

Sorry about budging in (and sounding rude Oops), but some of you expect Caeo to start posting most/all of the off-topic posts if he wants the forum to post in something other than posting games? I agree that he'll have to contribute a bit if he wants to see change, but you guys will need to help out too.

Anyways yeah I agree we have too many game topics,,,I kinda miss when I first joined and there wasn't too many posting games oh

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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 12:43 pm

Homolust/Cas- I didn't literally mean 10 or so topics. Either way, I'd have to make a few topics in order to get things going. Sorry about the misunderstanding.
Sorry by the way, I just thought Homolust sounded a bit silly. I can just call you Homolust if you'd like though. I have no issue with it.

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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 2:09 pm

In the forum's defense some of the users are now in school and with school comes clubs, sports, band, homework, heck even driving and college classes so really we don't all have the time to check and post in other sections besides the posting games section because that requires little to no focus and discussion. That's probably why there is an overabundance of posting games because, simply put, some of us no longer have time to contribute to other sections of the forum.

Now this can obviously be easily remedied, and if you really want to kick it off you can go ahead and try to nudge us all into posting in other topics by beginning to post in them yourself and asking other people through messages what they might want to discuss.

I do agree with you however, with school, band and a couple clubs eating up my time it's not something I can very well help out with and I know a few others who are in the same boat :/
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 2:30 pm

There was a point in my forum life when I hated posting games... but now I'm like why would you hate them?? If you feel that way just make more discussion topics!! It's really not that hard...
Also, like Relora said, the forum will be becoming less active as school starts. The forum will just be a place to relax and play games and casually RP, NOT a place to have a bunch of heated debates

YOU JUST JOINED LITERALLY TODAY,,,,, How many important discussion topics have you been in? How many RPs have you made/been in? Yes ok, I'll give you points for starting this discussion topic, but RELly. I'm not saying you have to go and make like 134,487,874 topics right now, but maybe I would respect your opinion more if you were actually on here for more than a day. A lot of us active users have been on this forum for months,years, so we kind of have a little more knowledge of how this forum works, the people on this forum, what this forum is really about, etc. Also, this is your first day, and you're already bashing us "10-12 yr olds"
((it's actually more like 9-16 yr olds  fyi ))

ahhh ok soz that was probably rude. i know I wouldn't say any of this stuff if this was real life... ummm.... also your avatar freaks me out
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 2:34 pm

Lenka wrote:
There was a point in my forum life when I hated posting games... but now I'm like why would you hate them?? If you feel that way just make more discussion topics!! It's really not that hard...
Also, like Relora said, the forum will be becoming less active as school starts. The forum will just be a place to relax and play games and casually RP, NOT a place to have a bunch of heated debates

YOU JUST JOINED LITERALLY TODAY,,,,, How many important discussion topics have you been in? How many RPs have you made/been in? Yes ok, I'll give you points for starting this discussion topic, but RELly. I'm not saying you have to go and make like 134,487,874 topics right now, but maybe I would respect your opinion more if you were actually on here for more than a day. A lot of us active users have been on this forum for months,years, so we kind of have a little more knowledge of how this forum works, the people on this forum, what this forum is really about, etc. Also, this is your first day, and you're already bashing us "10-12 yr olds"
((it's actually more like 9-16 yr olds  fyi ))

ahhh ok soz that was probably rude. i know I wouldn't say any of this stuff if this was real life... ummm.... also your avatar freaks me out
I never been in RP o.o

i been on here for so long and i never been in a RP
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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 2:36 pm

um well like everyone else said, you could try to make more discussion topics?? or you could maybe just not post on the posting games if they bother you??
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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 2:42 pm

zachary ur my idol

there's like 1947141981.928 posting games, and i don't really want my posts to be full of them? i'd like to post on discussion topics and maybe debates, but there's a few things that really catch my interest and i would make the topics myself, but i'm not a person so full of ideas //gets shot. not that i don't mind the posting games? i think it's nice to have them once in a while. but to the point where the forum is pretty much just posting games? i prefer not to have it like that.
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 2:46 pm

Lenka, calm down please. I never said I hated them, they can actually be fun. I just stated that there is too many of them. I never intended to bash anyone at all, let alone an age group in particular. Nor did I ever say that being 9-12 years of age was a bad thing. Some users who are in that age group here are actually quite mature. I have just noticed more users who are around that age who post in the topics more often than other users. (That's why I have stated 9-12 year olds instead of a larger age range, my apologies.)
I understand that I'm a noob and I probably shouldn't of made this topic until later on, but really. Most of the topics are getting spammed out by game topics. I want to put my posts into something other than just posting games. I don't mind having a few posting games floating around here and there, in fact I wouldn't mind in posting in a few of them.

Sorry about all of this, by the way. I didn't intend for this topic to go downhill like this, and i definitely didn't intend to be rude in any way. I understand that I have been on a couple occasions on accident.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 3:00 pm

Soz soz soz I totes freaked out. Your response was polite and mature, far better than what I deserved.
I misunderstood, and I shouldn't have over-reacted. In a way I kind of agree with you (aaa now I sound like an idiot and a hypocrite!!) there are a lot of posting games, and some of them are stupid... but they are also fun a light-hearted. I think this forum is a good balance.

diddly-doo um sorry... I hope you have a great forum experience, and I hope you stay for a long time and have fun!
and your avatar still creeps me out ono
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 3:15 pm

hi um i think that there are a lot of posting games because to START with there re hardly any reel topics??? like yeah people should make discussion topics if they think there's too many posting games but you can't keep a discussion topic going on for like 20 pages -unless it's like the cookie clicker one or something.. O.O} but um yeah and also i think a lot of people post on posting games because you don't have to put a lot of thought into what you're saying.
{{sorry for the HORRIBLE spelling i'm jus treallly lazy...}}
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 3:24 pm

are we seriously arguing over posting games
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 3:25 pm

kids these days
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 3:44 pm

Link so old
he doesn't understand./QQ

well, when i came back, i noticed there were like no topics whatsoever other than rp's and posting games
i personally don't want to join rp's because they don't interest me, so it's mostly posting games
so yea, i agree that we should have more discussion topics and stuff

also, about school
a topic is a topic - it'll stay open for a long while. it doesn't take long to post 1 comment on a topic. you don't need to stay on forever waiting for people to reply or something. i don't get how schoolwork etc takes away time to post. i've been in school for a couple of weeks myself and i don't have any problems.. i mean, you don't have to post if you feel like doing homework or something. ;p
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2013 3:51 pm

Cefie wrote:
Link so old
he doesn't understand./QQ

well, when i came back, i noticed there were like no topics whatsoever other than rp's and posting games
i personally don't want to join rp's because they don't interest me, so it's mostly posting games
so yea, i agree that we should have more discussion topics and stuff

also, about school
a topic is a topic - it'll stay open for a long while. it doesn't take long to post 1 comment on a topic. you don't need to stay on forever waiting for people to reply or something. i don't get how schoolwork etc takes away time to post. i've been in school for a couple of weeks myself and i don't have any problems.. i mean, you don't have to post if you feel like doing homework or something. ;p
wenever it comes to my topic's no one replys and i get fustrated and maybe delete the post o.o
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PostSubject: Re: About posting games   About posting games Icon_minitime

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