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 5,000,000 stars for this

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Loyal Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2013 7:36 pm

So i just came to trade n sell and i saw this


Am i just like 0.o

For this hair? uhh

Last edited by O.O on Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Legendary Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2013 7:43 pm

Well I'd give that much for it.....

Jk Jk Jk Jk Jk Jk

Yeah...that is too overpriced..waaaaaayyyyyy tooooo overpriced
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Veteran Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2013 7:50 pm

That is way too much for that item.

That is just horrible
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Dedicated Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2013 7:55 pm

I've seen it for 2mill, 1 mill, 3 mill.
No way.
GL, buddy.
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Veteran Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2013 8:14 pm

Wow. Ripoff..

Whoever sold that is lucky..
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Expert Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeTue Sep 03, 2013 8:18 pm

lucky duck. Lol

The person that bought it finds it for 2,000 stars:
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Expert Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2013 1:13 pm

Is that hair some kind of rare or something? ive never saw it >.<
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Expert Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2013 1:16 pm

That's to overpriced that's just tight selling stuff for that price they would like sell noob hair for 100000000 stars.
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New Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2013 1:43 pm

There's a bunch, a whole bunch, of stuff like that for the boys too.
Overpriced items and almost nobody even bothers to buy.
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Hero Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2013 1:56 pm

That is very unreasonable, for that item, anyway. This may be surprising, but fantagians actually do have that amount of stars; that's how they buy betas. Anyways, people are just hoping some poor soul will actually buy their item. The most I've sold an item for is 11,000 eCoins.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2013 2:01 pm

angellina wrote:
That is very unreasonable, for that item, anyway. This may be surprising, but fantagians actually do have that amount of stars; that's how they buy betas. Anyways, people are just hoping some poor soul will actually buy their item. The most I've sold an item for is 11,000 eCoins.

The most I sold an item for was 13,000 ecoins.

Someone bought an item for 360,000 ecoins and another item was sold for 250,000 stars. I think that people are using generators to get overpriced items.
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Regular Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2013 3:07 pm

I bet a hacker did it :/
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2013 3:15 pm

Pookie-Chan wrote:
I bet a hacker did it :/
They do it all the time. They find the latest working hack and download it.
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Junior Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeSun Sep 08, 2013 6:18 am

To be honest, I have actually got 600 mil stars from selling overpriced items.
It has been going on for a lot of days, people started buying items for max price, (9,999,999 stars). Most of us are thinking it's admins who are buying these items, but generators would be possible I guess.
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Officer Number Two
Loyal Fantagian
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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeSun Sep 08, 2013 8:54 am

Who would buy that? It was free on fantage...

I sold my cat costume for 40,000 stars, because I had one extra Mwahahahahha
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Dedicated Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeWed Sep 11, 2013 4:16 pm

Mystic wrote:
To be honest, I have actually got 600 mil stars from selling overpriced items.
It has been going on for a lot of days, people started buying items for max price, (9,999,999 stars). Most of us are thinking it's admins who are buying these items, but generators would be possible I guess.
Well, its ok to have millions of stars because

1.) they are free

2.) fantage doesn't care because of #1

But, if someone had millions of ecoins, the mods would ban the person who had the ecoins on the spot. It's only about money.
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Junior Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2013 5:58 am

Gabriella wrote:
Mystic wrote:
To be honest, I have actually got 600 mil stars from selling overpriced items.
It has been going on for a lot of days, people started buying items for max price, (9,999,999 stars). Most of us are thinking it's admins who are buying these items, but generators would be possible I guess.
Well, its ok to have millions of stars because

1.) they are free

2.) fantage doesn't care because of #1

But, if someone had millions of ecoins, the mods would ban the person who had the ecoins on the spot. It's only about money.
but actually people do have million of coins nowadays.. irdk how they did it
someone's idfone:
a lot of 'good' items sells for about 400-500k coins nowadays, so its not really that surprising
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Hero Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2013 6:54 am

Mystic wrote:
To be honest, I have actually got 600 mil stars from selling overpriced items.
It has been going on for a lot of days, people started buying items for max price, (9,999,999 stars). Most of us are thinking it's admins who are buying these items, but generators would be possible I guess.
Exactly...I sold a beta hair for 9,999,9999 stars. and someone bought it in less than fifteen minutes. I also sold that rainbow board for 180,000 stars. TBH, You could always trade for an item if no one's selling it for a reasonable price..
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Dedicated Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2013 4:53 pm

Mystic wrote:
Gabriella wrote:
Mystic wrote:
To be honest, I have actually got 600 mil stars from selling overpriced items.
It has been going on for a lot of days, people started buying items for max price, (9,999,999 stars). Most of us are thinking it's admins who are buying these items, but generators would be possible I guess.
Well, its ok to have millions of stars because

1.) they are free

2.) fantage doesn't care because of #1

But, if someone had millions of ecoins, the mods would ban the person who had the ecoins on the spot. It's only about money.
but actually people do have million of coins nowadays.. irdk how they did it
someone's idfone:
a lot of 'good' items sells for about 400-500k coins nowadays, so its not really that surprising
WOW. I didn't know that. Shocked
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Dedicated Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2013 4:56 pm

pfff... That person who sold that must be darn lucky...
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Expert Fantagian

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2013 4:57 pm

i need that many stars.

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5,000,000 stars for this Empty
PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2013 7:04 pm

I bought a hover board for 3 million stars . Id probaly buy something for 10000000000 stars lol.
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PostSubject: Re: 5,000,000 stars for this   5,000,000 stars for this Icon_minitime

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